Closed set||Closed set in topology||Every Subset of Discrete topological space is closed||Topology

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In this lecture students learn about
* How to define topology closed set
*Closed set definition
* theorem of closed set
*Every Subset of Discrete topological space is closed.
All Mathematics Book link
Topology playlist
Lecture 01 Topology
Lecture 02(Topology Best Books)
Lecture 03(Definition of topology)
Lecture 04(Topology problems)
Lecture# 05(Sierpinski Topology)
(Sierpinski space)
Lecture#06 (Let T be topology on a set X Consisting of Four Sets)
Lecture#07 (How to find topology on set)
Lecture#11 (Indiscrete and discrete topology)
Lecture:12 open set closed set open topology closed topology
Lecture:13 Comparable topology
Lecture:14 union and intersection of topology
Lecture: 15 (Show THAT Intersection of two topology is also topology)
Lecture: 16 (Show that Intersection of n topology is topology)
Lecture: 17 (Show that any number of topology is topology)
Lecture: 18 (Collection of all subsets of X whose complements are finite is topology)
Lecture:19 (Show An={n,n+1..} Form Topology on N)
Lecture:20 Topology of finite set
Lecture: 21 Show that union of topology need not topology
Lecture :22 (Open set, Theorem of open set, topology theorem )
Lecture: 23 (Open set theorem )
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In this lecture students learn about
* How to define topology closed set
*Closed set definition
* theorem of closed set
*Every Subset of Discrete topological space is closed.
All Mathematics Book link
Topology playlist
Lecture 01 Topology
Lecture 02(Topology Best Books)
Lecture 03(Definition of topology)
Lecture 04(Topology problems)
Lecture# 05(Sierpinski Topology)
(Sierpinski space)
Lecture#06 (Let T be topology on a set X Consisting of Four Sets)
Lecture#07 (How to find topology on set)
Lecture#11 (Indiscrete and discrete topology)
Lecture:12 open set closed set open topology closed topology
Lecture:13 Comparable topology
Lecture:14 union and intersection of topology
Lecture: 15 (Show THAT Intersection of two topology is also topology)
Lecture: 16 (Show that Intersection of n topology is topology)
Lecture: 17 (Show that any number of topology is topology)
Lecture: 18 (Collection of all subsets of X whose complements are finite is topology)
Lecture:19 (Show An={n,n+1..} Form Topology on N)
Lecture:20 Topology of finite set
Lecture: 21 Show that union of topology need not topology
Lecture :22 (Open set, Theorem of open set, topology theorem )
Lecture: 23 (Open set theorem )
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