What if the Soviet Union won the Cold War?

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What if the soviet union won the cold war? How would our everyday lives, the economy and so much more change?
This video was heavily inspired by Possible History’s video on what if the soviet union won the cold war and the scenario written by Serov.

Music used:
LEMMiNO - Aloft (BGM)
CC BY-SA 4.0

LEMMiNO - Siberian (BGM)
CC BY-SA 4.0

"Music: Black Mirror by Soundridemusic"
"Music: Tension Mode by Soundridemusic"
"Music: Private Investigation by Soundridemusic"
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As an author of the scenario, and a member of PH discord, I am honored that my scenarios are influencing others, but

You really just copied a video of PH, please. From the timeline, chain of leaders and down to the phrases. It is not an original scenario, this is just a copy, albeit with somewhat better audio and visuals, but that's it.


When you consider that the USSR originated from a feudal country with 90% illiteracy and almost no industrialization (literacy and industrialization are key to having socialism), and had an entire capitalist world hostile to it, undermining it in every way, it’s truly amazing what the Soviet Union accomplished, and that they did as well as they did, especially considering that they were invaded multiple times, and had ~50 million people killed by the fascists of Germany.

They went from being an illiterate feudal backwater place with a largely agrarian economy, emerging from a famine that took place right before the revolution, to a global super power on the cutting edge of science, medicine, space exploration, education, and modern infrastructure.

Honestly, the video has a great ending, but the run the USSR had was largely successful, and far more successful than anyone would have imagined in 1917.


The Russians were always too suspecious about developing the Internet, however, in Chile, under socialist Allende, project Cybersyn was developed, which was an early version of the Internet but when Allende was over thrown, the military government quickly stopped any further development or use of using the computer transmition system


Make a video about, the third reich not losing the war. Also, American collapse.


7:59 as a Vietnamese, I love this part where USA lose to Vietnam War.😁


You are so underrated I love your Visual style ❤️❤️


I'm one hour late.... Eh I was able to watch another video from you.


Soviets was ahead of Americans in space rocketry excluding only moon landing. And the problem was that when Korolev died, his successor, Chelomei, pushed for his own bloated rocket design, instead of using Korolev's "bigger R7" one.
Also, Von Braun designed a new rocket for every new task, when Soviets already had R7 for everything.


I love this video, what really surprised me was your use of the Siberian Lemmino song at 8:48, ive never seen any other youtubers use it lol


2:35 fun fact - there were. They just didn't last long enough.
Look up Spartacist uprising and Hungarian Soviet Republic


yo bro, now that is one good video. Excellent editing, visuals and sound.
But I've some criticisms:

The narration- its decent at best as sometimes the words (which I'm presuming an AI is saying) is really chopped up, I hate it when creators do this. Just use your own voice bro, just gives it that human feeling that no AI can replicate.

The Script- now, I appreciate the fact that you've credited Possible History and Serov, but bro I'm fully on Serov's side here.
You've just taken his script, massively trimmed the already trimmed script from PH's video(which might I add already lost a couple of major incidents from the original script) to the point that it feels like you yourself dont thoroughly understand the events in question and haven't researched them.
Now Serov's script I greatly adore is a wonderfully written script with a lot of detail in it. But you've just taken that script, done no research of yourself, and have just copy-pasted it on to your video with flashier editing-which is just PLAGIARISM.

Here's a list of things you should have included that were crucial in my opinion:
1)The Iranian Communist takeover
2)The joint invasion of Pakistan
3)Communist victory in Taiwan
4)Togliatti's victory in the 48 election's
5)Safe passage for the Czechoslovak Legion
and rest I can't think of the top of my head

And bro, the whole point of alternate history is to teach others about what happened in our history and how it could have been different. Now, I like the fact that you've compressed PH's 30 minute long video down to a well edited 10 minute one, but just as I said, it has lost much crucial detail.
When I first clicked on the video, and heard it was inspired off PH's video, I was like sweet, this must be a better version of that video, that goes into a lot more detail(which was my maint complaint for that video-that it could have gone to a bit more detail). But as soon as I saw how long this video was, I knew this was gonna be like every other "what if the soviets won the cw" video- which do not go into as much detail as PH or just dont do any pre ww2 alt hist.
But you my friend have thoroughly dissapointed me man. Just because you've better editing and presentation skills doesn't mean you can go around steal other people's scripts and "make it better". That just shows the fact that you have put no effort into the actual History bit of the alternate history. You've just shown off your editing skills. So I advice you to take some time and actually research the history of the Cold War and the Soviet Union.


the only democratic country in the world left britain would be truly alone now


I love how the premise of this scenario is just someone going to Lenin and being like "trust Stalin bro" and he actually does


Fascinating but certainly frightening for any American contemplate


Rly good video and production
Hopefully the voice is real


this is almost word for word bar for bar a copy of an already made scenario with better visuals


The Russian empire messed up by invading Afghanistan


bro nobody won the cold war
it went cold 😂


what happend if germany won ww1 or ww2 can you make it pls i liked and sub


I really don't agree on stalin trotzky was far better than him and would made the ussr better and i don't think stalin purge would be smaller if he was the successor
