Are You Realistic with Your Dating?

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A Special Discussion on Jewish Relationships for Singles and Young Adults with Rabbi Yisroel Bernath

Topic: Are You Realistic with Your Dating?

Sometimes, people are realistic about the other person but not realistic about themselves and their own faults. It’s not uncommon for me to see a list a mile long of what s/he wants in a future mate. Sometimes, s/he doesn’t have many of those qualities in him or herself. S/he is looking for someone out of her league. It’s actually the primary reason I had you make that list early on. Getting real with yourself is the most important element of pre-dating. It’s nice to have a long list of what you are looking for, but are you the complement of that person that you are looking for? I mean, simply, can you maintain a relationship with the person you are looking for? Can you be the other half of that relationship? I am not talking about can you “go out” with that person, but can you be married to that person? These are questions that you need to ask yourself.

People who fail to see clearly usually fall into three traps. Rabbi Bernath will talk about this and so much more....

Are you in a relationship, looking to get into a relationship or wondering why you can’t find that special someone? It’s a fascinating blend of modern psychology and ancient Jewish wisdom. You will learn practical tips to getting into and maintaining your relationship. It’s fun, inspiring and a TAD bit controversial.

About Rabbi Yisroel Bernath

Rabbi Yisroel Bernath - dubbed as "The Love Rabbi" is featured in the Award Winning documentary "Kosher Love". He has made over 50 successful matches. His expertise covers the entire spectrum of the Jewish community, from the secular to the religious. Rabbi Bernath is very passionate about building the Jewish community.

He has successfully helped hundreds of singles break through the "singles wall". His caring yet firm style has given singles the hope and clarity they need to navigate dating and long-term relationships.

Rabbi Bernath writes "The Love Rabbi" column in the Canadian Jewish News.

Watch Kosher Love here

Press about Rabbi Yisroel Bernath's Matchmaking

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