Glitchtale Gaster vs. X Gaster (The Real Result)

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Even if GT couldn’t negate buttons, it is stated that overwrite cant modify things or codes that are EXTREMELY glitched, and we are talking about glitchtale, this timeline is modified and glitched way too much (Resetting too much caused things to go wrong), making overwrite useless. This also goes for any type of error sans, they are simply too glitched for the overwrite to work.


Alright, I'll set this straight for people who talk about GT Gaster's ability to block out "buttons". First off, he was seen to be able to do that after being returned from the Void and put together into his restored form in "Your Best Friend", as evidenced by Sans literally saying, and I quote, "g, make sure that button is blocked".
Hitherto, Chara also could not even present the option to ERASE the timeline either, so long as Gaster was not harmed, which he was to rescue Sans, and Frisk, from a fatal strike.
So here we have it that Gaster is capable of locking out RESET, CONTINUE and LOAD at will, without much force expenditure, if any at all.
Furthermore, without the ability to OVERWRITE his opponent, XGaster will not remain standing for too long. Glitchtale Gaster bests him in most aspects, and if you want to talk Void Gaster, then he doesn't even stand a chance. OVERWRITE is a SOUL trait not an ultimate weapon, even if it does seem that way sometimes. You would do well to be aware of its limitations.


Ahh, now I get it, I never noticed that GT Gaster was able to negate button abilities, so I would always say that X Gaster would win cuz GT Gaster doesn't have his full power. Thanks for opening my eyes fam 👍👍👍

Edit: Ok, now am confused asf on who's winning 😂😂


Feats for both

Xgaster has been seen to be able to kill 1000 average people

Gt Gaster has been shown to be able to kill bete noire, and do damage equivalent to sans special attack (or considerable more which makes him city level or higher)

XGaster has been to shown to be overwhelmed by the Xtale cast, had his arm cut off by mettaton, and was severely damaged in his fight against Xundyne and Xchara (also the iconic punch)

Gt Gaster can tank hits that do dmg, tank a building falling on top of him, and his hands can tank sans special attack. He can also survive his own attacks.

XGaster can augment reality and manipulate it in his favor, he can also exchange souls with humans.

GT Gaster can negate buttons and awaken power from alternate timelines.


XGaster has none lol.

Gt Gaster has none lol.


Fun fact:Gt GASTER can hop between timelines


Hi, I'm a GT fan and lore enthusiast here. Current Gaster has nothing related to "game-like" abilities anymore.
In episode 2, Gaster stopped the reset button because, 1. The "game" was glitched and 2.The gaster in that episode has been heavily altered by the void (For example, the purple hand that mirrored attacks is different from the original purple hand in season 2 episode 7, right? Because the void replace his missing purple hand with whatever. In short, void gaster is quite different from og gaster)
Now that, we established Void-gaster deviates from what Gaster actually is, and his influence over the "game" was because of the glitch and the void.
Gaster in later episodes is the og one and has no more relation to the void, the glitch is also gone later as the "game" state over the world disappears after Frisk (the player) was erased [ the "game" is a state placed over the GT world (which is why there's a prequel, the world always existed) after Gaster's experiment with DT in the core, in which he felt and melt. The "game" phenomenon later created Frisk as the player]
Thus, current GT Gaster has nothing related to game-like features. So, he can't do anything against Xgaster's overwrite.


I believe Xtale for a few reasons. First, while Glitchtale Gaster can negate buttons such as the "Reset" button, we do not know if it is possible for him to do the same with the Overwrite button, as it comes from a completely different universe. Second, even without the Overwrite button he has access to his 10 most powerful creations from Xtale, which he can summon them all at the same time while also seeing through all of their eyes. From the Cross and Dream vs Killer and Nightmare we see XGaster take over Cross's body and sorta empower him right before fighting killer, so perhaps he even has the ability to boost the abilities of 10 creations. I mean, in the latest video we saw him summon this monstrous looking version of Asriel in order to punish Adult Chara, which would be some pretty big evidence for him being ability to boost the abilities of his creations. Another thing, while he may not be able to affect the whole timeline since Glitchtale may have too many glitches in its universes code, he can still affect himself and his creations, as they aren't part of that coding. Which means he can instantly heal, teleport, create things, etc, as those wouldn't be a part of the code.


On one hand, Gaster seems to have only been able to negate buttons with void bullshit, which he no longer has.

...on the other hand, Overwrite still won't work because the Glitchtale timeline is bugged out the ass and thus Overwrite-proof.


plus it's true because XGaster wouldn't be able to use the overwrite button in Glitchtale due to its unstability in the timeline. Plus X-Gasters pretty much useless without that button


Yall gotta understand glitchtale... plz... I mean I watched both of them YESTERDAY. . . *(AGAIN)* and ...
Glitchtale universe is just messed up. There is nothing but CONTINUE not even SAVE works, and frisk doesn't even exist, frisk is the player, and the player is replaced by CHARA, meaning there is NO WRITTEN DATA ITS ALL MESSED UP GLITCHED CODE. So how do you OVERWRITE something that you cant even write?
Oh yeah, another thing! Gaster and Chara has been shown to ignore buttons. So even if OVERWRITE could work, it wouldn't even write nothing.
(OVERWRITE is supposed to I think be used for what someone wants, I mean overwrite, erasing something and then re-writing it the way you want it.)
Oh yeah. Good luck trying to reset the timeline! You might end up with non-existent frisk in a void!


after dark x sweater weather mashup


In 1v1:Glitchtale universe

Xgaster uses overwrite





Day 9 of requesting: Bill Cipher vs Error 404... Also fax.


Ok gt gaster's stats are 66, 666atk, def and 666, 666 hp this is when he had 50% of his power or monotone gaster.his small single dt hand is equal to two normal gaster blaster . Even after he got out of the void he still had his reset button nullifier as seen in ep5 of s1 and also sans in ep4 of 1 sans quotes this 'keep the button blocked G' his purple chroma hands original power is a long spike which can go through shield and do everlasting damage(or damage which is harder to heal) and his special attack monotone which is a multiplier to attack(said by Cami in the amino) monotone multiplies his next attack by 7 times.
Duality gaster:
This is gaster after sans dies he gains a 1.5 time or 2 times multiplier (whether you choose the statement made by Cami in her 350k sub special) his bid duality hand is equal to 7 small hands and he has two big hands which means his attack multiplier would be either 14 or 28 (with red chroma) there is one confirmation about the blaster being made of a wall of gaster blaster and gaster blastermination (sans's special attack) which is a wall of gaster blaster which contains 120 big gaster blasters so let's just make it just equal to 60 blasters because so it wouldn't be to high .
Next polychromatism or poly gaster:
He is 1.5 times duality gaster.
He now has another small 7 hands and now can apply his chrom to his blaster(as seen in animosity where the finale hit all the hands and blaster turn red) so that would make its multiplier be 81(without red chroma) and with red chroma 162 and if papyrus where to die he would be able to use it safely. Also this is not his true full power as this is a less straining version of poly. There are other feats of his like escaping the void which is where the game files exists Glitchtale.


Even if we ignore X-Gasters Overwrite ability (There have been some good arguments on both sides.) X-Gaster still has one ability that is actually very strong, which he uses on several occasions in X-Tale. The ability in question is his floating hands with spikes, which he shows he can use even without Overwrite in Timeline 10. This may not be Overwrite levels of strength, but he basically has the powers of GT-Gasters purple hands, so he is not ENTIRELY defenseless. On top of this, according to one pro GT-Gaster persons argument, GT-Gaster can only cover buttons when he isnt hurt (The person argues this because he couldn't cover the erase button for this reason, as he was severely wounded). I feel like this fight depends on certain variables that are hard, if not impossible, to fully predict as we don't see if GT-Gaster still has any void powers after s1, if GT-Gaster could cover a button up from another game/ buttons other than reset, or if Overwrite could even affect Glitchtale characters, as one person here points out that Overwrite cant be used on things that are too glitched.


Glitchtale is my favourite story au, it was the first I saw and gt Gaster it’s just SO BROKEN (rlly strong)


Bro really gave speed to the guy who almost never moves his legs on a battle.


Actually, Gasters ability to negate the buttons was due to his void magic, notice how In also S1, gaster had void tentacles that physically covered those buttons, once Gaster was fully brought back from the void(Not ep 2, ep 4), things like void tentacles and such were removed from his magic arsenal, otherwise he would’ve used them in S2, but he has not, you could argue that Gaster simply thought he wouldn’t need them, but that wouldn’t be the case, there were a handful of times it could’ve been useful, so why hasn’t he you ask? Because he cannot access the void anymore, therefore, he cannot use things from the void like void magic.


Alcohol: Yep GT Gaster just said brutality to Betty right antivirus?
Antivirus: mhm.


I love how everyone is saying that GT Gaster can't negate buttons outside the void when he literally blocked the reset button to chara when he had frisk soul and control over the timeline in season 1.
