Tutorial: How To Enable and Customize GDPR Consent Message / Notice in AdSense - Works for WordPress

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In this video, I'll show you how to enable and configure a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) user consent message that will show to all visitors from the EU and UK, using the built-in Google AdSense messaging tool.

This tool is free to use if you have an approved AdSense account, and have the ad placement code (usually in the form of "Auto Ads") enabled for your site.

What is a GDPR message / notice?

A GDPR message or consent notice gives visitors to your website the ability to select their preferences and provide their consent for the use of cookies or other local storage where legally required - and for the collection, sharing, and use of personal data for ads personalization.



It is your responsibility to make sure that the GDPR messages meet your specific legal requirements. This video is not legal advice, and Wiyre is not responsible for any violations to the GDPR regulations if you've configured your message incorrectly.
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Hi, thanks for this tutorial. I have a question: Why is it not showing my site when I go to ads? But it is connected to my site. I would appreciate it if you could answer. Thanks!


I discovered that if user is not consent..ads don’t show up!


Thank you for this, but I am totally confused; Google say 'Store and/or access information on a device' must be consented to to serve BOTH personalized and non-personalized ads: Fine. It's off by default so no ads should show technically according to Google = no revenue. Regardless, I setup the message - click [Manage Options] and allow 'Store and/or access information on a device' then click [Confirm Choices]. Then go back and check my choice, and find 'Store and/or access information on device' is back to default OFF!! To make things triple confusing - my site is still SHOWING ADS when 'Store and/or access information on device' is OFF!!? What is going on?


I am not seeing these options under Messages tab. It always points me to "Ads" section to turno on message there. But, there points me to Google Ad Manager to publish the message,


Does anyone know is it possible to use this consent for Google Analytics too?


In Adsense my GDPR is turned off and it says I have to manage GDPR in ad manager but is already turned on in ad manager, but it is not working on my website, I just seem to be going around in a circle, note I am in the UK


Very helpful video, in the world of technicalities, where you just cant setup things without watching several videos each time you try to set-up an adsense account!


Great stuff but one thing I can't find any information about whatsoever; you add a custom consent to your message, say the example you gave "improve product design" or whatever - how do you know whether the user has consented or not? Is there a JS API or cookie or any other way you can actually check on your site?


I have done all this and I have ads working on the site but the GDPR message never pops up. Any ideas?


Hello! Thank you for this video. For me it still does not work. I did add a gdpr message, I did connect my site to Adsense by using the script, I did add some ad units but it never worked. It has passed like a week and still nothing. I reviewed every tutorial made by google thinking I missed something and didn't add a script / tag or something but found nothing. Do I have to add some html for this purpose? I have no idea how I can make it work.


i keep getting this error on the home dashboard "Get privacy ready
Make sure you're complying with privacy regulations like GDPR and CPRA before you start showing ads to your users"


Great video. Im not a technical person so I want to know how this would work if we create ads and want to tie them to cookies from our website. How does this AdSense setup talk to our ad setup? I'm just trying to figure out where this information is stored/not stored for our use?


What happen if I do not activate this, am I will got pinalty if I am get a lot of EU and UK traffic?


Thank you! Do you know why a user needs to click TWO times on "Consent" to close the box? After the first click to lines appear and you need to click one more time! Thx!


hello, pl tell me, how to enable privacy and messaging button and optimization button in google AdSense?


Best video I have seen on this subject, question, does this replace the need to have a GDPR plugin on Wordpress?


How to check does GDPR works in our website outside of EU and UK?Thank you.


We've detected an issue on your IAB TC string on one or more of your sites or apps. These errors may affect your ability to serve ads to European users. A detailed report is available for you on the EU user consent page. Error 3.3 (The TC string last updated date was more than 13 months ago.) (CMP should delete the old TC string and reobtain consent.)

I don't know where to go to delete the old TC string and reobtain consent.

Anyone can help me please?


my privacy and messaging is disabled on left side. what can be done here?


how can i make use of the temple I downloaded?
