Spatial Analysis of US Census Data in R

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This workshop will introduce participants to tools for spatial data analysis and GIS in R with applied examples using US Census data. Participants will learn how to perform common GIS tasks in R and make both static and interactive maps with Census data. The workshop will cover R’s sf package for spatial data; the tigris and tidycensus packages for Census geographic data; and mapping with tools like ggplot2, Leaflet, and Mapbox. No prior experience with R’s spatial tools is required for this workshop - the only requirement is a curiosity about maps and spatial data!
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Thank you for delivering this information. I am just starting out and your layout and delivery is exceptional. My challenge will be to translate how this would work for the UK.


This is really quite epic content! I started my GIS learning in Alteryx, then ESRI ArcGIS, and now R. I can't fathom how much potential this has to simplify many of the top challenges effecting society today. There are not many things that don't benefit from better population insights.


Excellent presentation on tidyverse, SF, and tmap and mapview


This was a fantastic walkthrough. Great job.


Hi John - great video. Is there a DC version for this code at ward level. dc_tracts <- tracts(state = "DC", ward = "7") is such a function possible since DC doesnt have counties?


That was wonderful. Thank you for sharing such a valuable knowledge.
I have a question : if we want to plot the disease data year wise with single legend then how we can plot ??
Best regards
