South Africa: Twenty Years After Apartheid - Panel I - Contemporary Social Movements

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The Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College is pleased to announce an exciting two-day conference marking the 20th anniversary of South Africa’s negotiated revolution to end apartheid, and taking stock of the achievements and failings of South Africa in respecting and promoting human rights, both domestically and internationally.

Day 1 – September 18, 2014

Welcoming Remarks

Jennifer J. Raab, President of Hunter College

Introductory Remarks

David Dinkins, Former Mayor of New York City (1990-1993)

Panel I – Contemporary Social Movements
Introduction: Larry Shore, Professor of Film & Media Studies, Hunter College

Moderator: Ida Susser, Professor of Anthropology, Hunter College

Patrick Bond, Director of the Centre for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu Natal
Kate Doyle Griffiths-Dingani, PhD Candidate in Anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center
Suren Pillay, Associate Professor and Senior Researcher at the Centre for Humanities Research, University of the Western Cape
Nomazamo Zondo, Attorney, Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI)
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