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When a person gets a concussion they injure their brain, and you can’t injure your brain without injuring your neck, they are connected! Scottie “took a header” over the handles of his mountain bike. He was left with chronic headaches, neck pain, fatigue, brain fog, and loss of balance: all classic signs of post-concussion syndrome. Now after a few months of gentle upper cervical chiropractic care he is back to bike riding, working and being able to be present with his family.

The post-concussion syndrome (PCS) is a common sequelae of traumatic brain injury (TBI), the most common symptoms include headache, dizziness, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and cognitive impairment among others. Loss of consciousness does not have to occur for PCS to develop, and it is estimated that anywhere from 30-80% of mTBI or TBI patients develop PCS symptoms.

Find out if Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care is right for you by calling our Portsmouth New Hampshire office 603-380-9184.

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March 2018 I had a blow to the head. Till now 2020. I had MRI x rays emg CT scans. Skull, brain, neck & spine. All came out clear. I went to a chiropractor but it felt like it was getting worst.
Symptoms: balance problems. Ringing in the ears, whoosing. Slightly blurred vision. Weak tingling pain in both my legs. I had. Emg but can out normal on both my legs. I had the elpy manuvour. No dizzeness that way. Buring in my spine and pressure in my neck like I'm being choked and bottom back skull. I do pee alot but that might be from my kidney stone unsure. I need help its taking over my life. :( pain and tingling in both arms. There neroulogist Said all is clear and told me good luck and that was it.😟😥 I think I made it worst by sleeping on the hard floor. It made the middle of my spine muscle tightned and it feels like someone is pushing me all the time.


How long does it take to get ur sharpness & personality back after getting treatment? I feel dumber and I feel like a different person after the concussion.


Do it really help ? I have been suffering from post concussion syndrome for 8 months now I have head pressure headaches all the time and sensativity to light and sound can you help me?
