AQUARIUS SUN WITH GEMINI MOON: The High Strung Intellectual

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Hello everyone, if you're a returning viewer or current subscriber, thanks for your ongoing support! If you're new to my channel, welcome!

In this video I go over Aquarius Sun with Gemini Moon, and what that looks like as a pair. Far too often people talk about sun and moon signs separately, and not what they are like as a pairing interacting with each. And so that's what I aim to do with these videos.
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I need new information to learn every single day. If I haven't learned something new for the day, it feels wasted. My earthy Taurus husband does see me flit around from one subject to the next and he has a tough time keeping up. I do well with Gemini's because we can read each other without speaking often. I'm an Aquarius sun, Libra moon, and Gemini rising and I think that's why my mind never shuts down. Even in my sleep I'm working on solving issues or I wake up with an understanding finally of something that was difficult for me to understand. Usually physics related. I'll wake up with the answers and be mind blown over something and have no one to share it with. My husband has zero interest in anything I'm interested in. Not many do. He's a good guy, though. We've managed for almost 30 yrs together. It hasn't always been easy, but he's a super faithful family guy that loves to cook for me, and I love to eat lol. We are the rare Aquarius/Taurus couple that has stuck together.


Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon and Virgo ascendant. Knowledge, being unique and relationships are everything for me. I love to lay the road with my knowledge for others.❤


Omg im really shocked that you know everything like im an Aquarius sun and gemini moon and every single thing you said is true like i love everything new i do get bored by people a lot and i love freedom and no one can say anything about it.. etc …. You really impressed me 💞


I’m an Aquarius sun🌞 with a Gemini moon🌛, and have been surprised at how some of the descriptions online really do sound like me! Now all I need is someone to analyze what this sun moon combination looks like with a Venus in Pisces(that’s me). From what I can tell, these signs are somewhat at odds with each other. It might also explain that while I definitely have a very intellectual and cerebral side, I also don’t relate to the description of this combo as being unemotional🤔.


1:40pm pst. Thank you for this information


Really excellent analysis,
Sometimes we will state unique opinions or facts just to learn what reaction we will get. It’s light hearted and fun, and makes for an interesting spectacle. It’s hard to get to know the real us, because we are so playful. At heart, we just want to help society by bringing in new information and new ideas that nobody else thought about. And we’re not afraid to take the stance or hold the opinion just because it’s not popular, because we know it’s beneficial.
Aquarius ☀️ 9th house Gemini 🌙 Gemini ⬆️ Capricorn 💗


Subscribed.. And love and light your way❤🔥


My boyfriend & one of my best friends are this placement. I am a Taurus sun & Virgo moon. When you mentioned Earth signs getting frustrated with the somewhat “inconsistency” of this pairing, I felt that so strongly! This makes perfect sense & you explained everything so well. Thank you for being on YouTube ❤️


Thanks this helped me understand myself. Felt like you described me better than I could.


Oh wow! You hit the nail right on the head!❤❤❤


Thank you for this video. I am ♒️☀️♊️🌙♒️⬆️♓️💓 in my 1st house. I feel like my gem moon as well as my Venus give me a duality to see both sides of EVERY situation I come across. I also notice that I feel it very intensely, especially if it’s personal. My husband who is also ♒️☀️♎️🌙♓️⬆️ says I’m a walking contradiction. I can be overly compassionate, yet I am able to drop them - like a hot potato when needed. I love to learn about ALL things, yet have a hard time really delving deep. Squirrel! Lol 💓💓💓 thank you, Lauree!


There’s a hypersensitivity with this placement. Anything that gets repeated, sets off alarms that let us know how much someone doesn’t think for themselves and where


Aquarius sun, Gemini moon, Sag asc.... basically I want to lead everyone in 50 directions at once! 😂😂😂😅


Your very much talking about me love to learn and love new experiences not superficial love nature and animals. Have good morals and good valus am sincere but will not settle for less am wanting to be me and love to learn but have a heart of Gold and highly spiritual


Yes been told am different then most female's


hello, are you still doing the birthchart win?


June 10th 1976 10:58pm... what does that mean for me.. cuz everything Gemini sounds like myself


What you said around 7:30 boggled my brain dude coz I've seen a bunch of your videos and you seem to really know what you're talking about and have good insight into what makes a sign tick yunno that's why I was so surprised to hear you saying that aquarius essentially is trying to be weirder than they really are coz man if that's what you think then you clearly don't understand aquarius at all we are not only the sign of rebellion intelligence humanitarian and yes unique we are also the sign of AUTHENTICITY!! More than any other sign aquarius wears their heart (mind) on their sleeve and had literally zero ability or desire to be fake or put on airs. It's not in the cards, this is their lifetime to be unapologetically themselves to the fullest, that's why they incarnated here to begin with. Idk, really kinda just threw me for a loop and I'm gonna keep subscribed to your videos and still think you're so knowledgeable on these subjects, but for right now in gonna find another vid to watch lol. Still mad love tho, truly ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Gemini sun pisces moon Aquarius ascendant


Hello i am Aquarius sun gemini moon and gemini rising can you please read mine 😅