Getting To Know GEMINI MOON Ep.18

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Getting to know Gemini Moon , both positive and negative traits. Empowering someone with Gemini Moon to be the best version of themselves; while giving insight into communicating with the Gemini Moon person in your life.
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You’re so good at explaining the concepts


“Strummin my pain with his fingers...singin my life with his words... killing me softly....” 😂


I've never felt so seen in my life. (Virgo sun + Gemini moon)


“You will have to land on a pile of CACA.


Scorpio sun, Gemini moon, Aries Rising.. sometimes I feel crazy 😂
*my mind goes 1000 miles per hour and sometimes my mouth can’t catch up lol*
I get super anxious that I tend to drown out my thoughts with music or videos


Hi I'm a gemini moon. Actually im not manipulating nor superficial.. Im about truth. I'm a caring and loving person, highly intuitive, intellectual, friendly but i cant stomach drama. Im also soft hearted for those i care for.i can be a shoulder to cry on when needed. I have a hard time crying( unless its something extremely painful. . That's what sets me apart from most sun Leo's( which i am). Small groups of friends are good for me, I'm naturally humanitarian. I get logical at times, i love to joke, listen to music and do art. I can't stomach fakeness or liars and people who pry into my personal life and try and cause me heartache and pain. Judgementalness is not good around me. As far as love i like to get to know a potential partner and grow with them. Im not into flings or one night stands. I love to bond with a partner on all levels spiritually, emotionally, physically, intellectually and sexually( love making). Im not into fabercation, manipulation or anything that involves taking advantage of others. That gets me sore. I also love to inspire others to become their best self. Im not always understood but its ok. I appreciate those who do understand or try to understand me. Im big on sekf love and self care. I am very protective ( in a healthy way) of those i care for, i can be straight forward when nessacery and i do it out of love. I am excepting of people for who they are and i dont judge people. Im open minded and im very loyal. I will also give truthful guidance when asked or when nessacery. Im independent but of course i desire true love. Im not into conflicts or energy vampires. I love positivity. I am a great listener and im nurturing. I also never give up on those i care for. I like to be loved for who i am. I am a forgiving, loving and trustworthy person. I dont people please. What you see is what you get with me.


Aries sun gemini moon. Thanks for the helpful info!


My mom always says I'm like a record that won't shut up.

I always talk and the majority of people ignore me when I'm talking(at times).

Jim Carrey, Hugh Jackman, Zachary Levi and Jennifer Garner have Gemini moon.


Me and my bf are both Gemini moons. He's a Libra sun and I'm a Leo. I have never loved anyone else so much


Sagittarius sun gemini moon and Virgo rising...wheww


For a while I thought I had multiple personality disorder until I found out I was a Gemini moon smh


Libra sun, Gemini moon 🌙. Very true. Thank you for sharing this information 🙏 😊


nice video. im a Taurus sun with a Gemini moon, so i do have a lot of grounding energy within myself. i like fire signs as partners, but earth could be ok too.
I really like what you said about seeing us as we are in the present moment. i am always changing and practice having a beginners mind (one of my favorite books is Zen Mind Beginners Mind by Shunriyu Suzuki). This means that i can separate past knowledge from the present and allow things to unfold as they do without trying to change or influence them based on my judgements. I can suspend my judgement until i have more information. That is the best way to receive us as well, do not be dependent on past information to assume what our next actions will be or how we will feel. i am constantly taking into consideration the current circumstances which is constantly fluctuating.


Gemini sun ☀️, Gemini moon 🌙, Rising Capricorn ♑️ and Gemini Saturn 🪐


cancer sun, gemini moon, sagittarius rising

I’m an interesting person😂


Your videos are always helpful ❤❤
My crush is gemini moon. So watching it


Sun-Pieces, Moon-Gemini and rising-Libra


Sun- Aries, Moon- Gemini, rising-Leo and my boyfriend is Sun-Aries, rising Sagittarius. It gets crazy here 😂😂


I have a Gemini moon, I can find fun easily every second but, because of my strong link with the Scorpio energy in my astrolabe, I feel that I'm a weird mix in which I'm much more Scorpio than Gemini, as a result, I adore dark jokes, sarcasm, and making fun of all kinds of dirty secrets hidden behind...I can be sweet, but can also be icy, I can be stubborn, but can also change my mind in one second~ i can be very dreamy but also can be very realistic~ and I always make self talk since I can feel another me inside my mind, another dark type who questions everything in a negative way.. she is another me who not always shows up but she is, sometimes it can be a little difficult for me to make a!


I don't have lot emotions(virgo sun+Gemini moon)But i love emotional people.
