One year of turning the world inside out | JR

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Being able to inspire thousands of people from all parts of the world to take time out of their lives, rally people together and participate in such a labor-intensive (gluing hundreds of life-size posters to walls?) and sometimes life-threatening (on the boarder in Juarez, Mexico?!) project is undeniably remarkable and absolutely beautiful. Thank you, JR, for your unique artistic expression and persistence of vision...and for showing us that we all have more in common than we may think.


I thought this was pretty interesting. Giving people a quick and easy way to print large pictures is pretty cool, but having it become this widespread is amazing. Giving people a voice, however small, is a noble act.


I love that no matter if a video has less than 3/4 likes, then negative comments about the video will be the top comments.


I think there was a littler mistake bcuz he said Iran and the map was on Saudi Arabia


Actually not for enjoying creating but actually more to express the feelings inside them and remove the emotions and passion inside them. Usually artists enjoy this process. The point is to create there feelings.


The point of this video is that if many people work together than they can make change, the pictures are there for everyone to see and show the cause that being fought for


You miss the point of the video, he is not saying that giving people large pictures and so on, is this great thing that can save the world, but that something so simple as a picture can have such a widespread impact.

Summary should read: "Something as simple as a picture can have such an effect, so of course art can change lives and the world".

And about what he is doing, I would pay him, I would pay anyone who is trying to make the lives of pople better.


Lots of haters hating on a social art project that is defined by the user. If the user wants to make a political statement or just encourage a sense of community what's the problem. Not everything has to be a Monet created without any degree of social statement. Art as an opening to a wider discourse has a valid and long history.
I think this project is interesting and relates to the modern world.
What I don't understand is why Justin Timberlake had to use a fake accent in his presentation.


exactly. Everything has its price. I was not there to see how strong it was but I take JR's word for it and no matter what's the source the paper came from.


For now this is how I would define my defination of Art. I will be as clear as possible. Since I am obviously confusing people. Actions work better than words for me at times.

"The Artist aims to 'create' a piece that fills thea self with love from their own original perspective through their own intuition of their own emotions and love, via creativity, vision and imagination. Art should fill people with feelings & emotions of the artists creation, but not be the aim of their creation".


Some people have said they felt like a totally different person... not like they was refreshed or had a life changing awakening that it made them feel different. That is why people who have operations where body parts are changed that there is lot of people saying that they have different memories and things like this. The heart is where the emotions first hit usually you feel it round this area and get butterflies. The heart is not just a pump.


No Banksy is on a completely different level. He creates art first in my view... he creates a picture then you work out what it means from your perspective. It's brilliant because it can be taken in so many different directions. Sticking a few posters on a wall is just like putting adverts up. My point is it's not really clear what JR is trying to do with the faces which makes it: "Guerrilla Activism".


It depends with activism. A lot of activism comes out of anger and fear. Sometimes it comes out of ego too. But some activism comes from the heart. But the thing with activism is that it's a cause. A cause usually has another side to it... Where as art can contradict it's self look evil and still be art and people don't mind because it's art, it's not meant to imply it is right. The thing with activism is it's usually about winning or being right in some way that sometimes people forget to care.


I think everyone is a artist. So as a artist... I decide that art has no use. It's to make people feel or not feel, to have there own point of view... and to show there own creative feelings on paper. It's to be what ever you want it to be... a blank canvas can go in any direction. A blank canvas is art... unraveling it's self. Art is about showing feelings. But as I said there is no wrong answer in art. ;-) No contradictions.

Facebook? when I look at someone I see I have a lot in common!


People in Ferguson need this project and paste the police stations full with it


I just want to clear up I am talking about art as in the person who is creating the art... or looking at art... not as in practicing a skill. As in the art of photography. That's just refining skill.

I am on about art is not a object... "art is the ability to create feelings through creativity and imagination", that to me is the definition of art. Art is not about ethics or a message... it can raise ethical questions, and be seen as wrong. But then it has created feelings of contempt.


We probable agree on a lot of things. A piece of art should make you feel emotions, if it doesn't make you feel emotions, then it is not art. And if you create a picture without emotions then it is not really art to you it's just a drawing.


Basically art is more than just a photo or a picture, or sculpture or even the creation of many tools. In one line, Art is emotions expressing themselves. Art comes out of love of emotion or the heart. A artists job is to capture them. Leonard di vinci new what art was.


a few years ago this project took place in my country Jordan .. I had no idea what was that .. but now I finally understand


Love his ideas, love his project, love his faith in humanity, love his faith in peace. JR I LOVE YOU !
