What Happens When You Faint?

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Why do we faint? Because sometimes, your nervous system just doesn’t know what to do with itself.

Hosted by: Hank Green
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On fainting, you black out and appear at the Pokemon Center.


I Fainted today. (which is why I'm watching this video) and it was the 1st time I ever had. I'm not sure if this happens to everyone but every thing started to sound like I was in a tunnel and there was a sorta black liquid filling up from the bottom to the top of my eyes. After I woke up I couldn't really remember what had happened and it felt like I was up and fine 10 seconds ago. When I woke up it didn't really sound like I was in a tunnel it sounded more like a hissing noise but that dispersed in about 10 minutes. Just wanted to share my experience.


"You regain consciousness, open your eyes and try to figure out what the heck just happened."
And also how many bruises you managed to acquire


It's honesty so embarrassing when you faint in public. But when your around people you know they always think your joking when your not. Then it's even more embarrassing!


I am an experienced fainter, so can offer a couple of tips. If you feel like you are going to faint, sit down and TELL SOMEONE WHAT IS HAPPENING. Do it quickly. Don't try to fight the unconsciousness, because that could make it happen faster. If you have time, ask for water and something with sugar in it, like a candy bar. Sometimes people pass out from dehydration, but even if that isn't the case, water will feel good and refreshing if you sweated a lot. The sugar will help you regain energy.
I used to have a pilonidal cyst, which is a cyst formed right by your tailbone. It kept messing with my vagal nerve, and I would pass out every time I was in pain from it. After it was removed, there are still times that if I hit it just right or get hypertensive, I could still pass out. I've gotten used to it, but I know it can still be a scary feeling. I still am not used to the vulnerability I feel right afterward. Anyway, just keep those tips in mind and hopefully it wont be so scary the next time for you.


i love fainting because i can escape reality in long dreams that only last for 1 real second


I don't faint, but when I'm really nervous or anxious I fart a lot. I guess my brain knows I'm not great at fighting or running so that's it's "Plan C".


Fainting sucks soooo much. Especially those who are like me and don't feel dizzy before fainting. We just wake up staring into somebody's concerned face wondering what just happened.


I fainted on Feb 20, 2016 twice. I was in American Cultures, watching a video on an expedition across North America(I forget the correct title of the expedition, though it wasn't the L&C one, since they only explored the Louisiana Purchase land, not the entire US). Anyways, members of the expedition got attacked by a bear, and after, they zoomed in on one of them getting their head sewn back together. That's when I felt like I was going to throwup. I thought about asking to go to the bathroom, in case I did, though, I felt dizzy, and just couldn't stand even if I wanted to. Then everything felt like it was in a tunnel and I felt short of breath. Finally, the room slowly got dark. I took a deep breath, and that's when I fainted. I started gaining consciousness, and thought I was still in my bed. I remembered being in class, but thought it was a dream. Since I thought I was still in bed, I panicked at not hearing my alarm, and thought I missed school. Imagine my surprise when I darted awake, and looked around at my shocked classmates and teacher.
TLDR, I saw blood and fainted, everyone was scared, and fainting feels like death. Not fun.


I fainted in my P.E. lessons after climbing 200 steps within a minute or two. I was taking a rest and trying to regulate my breathing. I even felt fine and cheered for my other classmates who were still doing it. Just then I started hearing 'wheee----' in my ears until I couldn't hear anything. I started to see black dots and they become bigger, then idk what happened. I guess I fainted. When I woke up, I was in a wheelchair with the school doctor XD I had a terrible headache after that which lasts for a day.


Well, we now know what Pokemon experience.


I had experienced fainting. But I was conscious. I felt my eyes getting dark like slowly losing sight. I went dizzy. I felt that my skin is getting cold, even my sweat is cold. I then closed my eyes and sat on a chair. I can feel all my body parts but my body doesn't respond at all. I was consciously unconscious for about 1 minute if I'm not mistaken. Then afterwards I gain back my sight. then I felt like my blood was rushing all over my internal organs it made my skin crawl. It was a really horrible experience! I was so helpless !


why do we feel like we have a lump in our throat when we feel sad


Fainting is scary unless you're a goat, then it's hilarious and adorable.


I never have actually fainted, but many times I have felt like I was about to faint. Its so scary omg. For me, (idk if this was fainting) I was outside playing in the snow and my mom made me all bundled up, and while I was outside, I had this sudden feeling like I need to get inside and sit. So I did and I told my mom I feel like I'm gonna puke. She was helping me get the layers of clothing off and asking me if I was okay. And lemme tell you everything sounded like I was in a tunnel or something. When I felt better, my mom told me how my lips like lost color and I was really pale. sorry for the long comment but it's so scary feeling like you're gonna faint


when i stood up one i blacked out i stood up so fast


In biology class In high school the teacher and I started talking about how to stop blood flow after an improvised amputation. I mentioned I had recently read that a hot pan fryer would do the trick. THUNK

My classmate passed out. I still really feel bad about that. Sorry Lauren.


I was 17 when I fainted for the first time (I'm 20 now) and I remember it was a very weird experience to say the least. I told my mom that I wasn't feeling well but she wouldn't believe me and she told me "just wash your face with some water you'll feel better" so as I was walking towards the bathroom, i started feeling dizzy and very light headed. I actually reached the bathroom but as soon as I was going to turn on (is that what it's called) the fosset, everything I was seeing turned blurry and the sunlight was hurting my eyes and head and then it was at this point that I fainted I guess. but the weird part is that I could hear my mom (screaming my name) and my grandma trying to calm her down (while I was unconscious) but I couldn't respond, it was like I was numb. and then my grandma "sprayed" some holy water on my face (she's VERY religious) and then I woke up and I tried to get up but my legs wouldn't obey. so my mom and grandma had to help me up and get me to the living room.
so for a first time, it was pretty...I don't know shocking I guess


wow, didn't know it would be Singapore, because my country is really small lol


An episode about headrushes? What are they and why do we get them?
