What are blackouts? Causes and symptoms explained

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Leading London-based physician Dr Maskhur Khan explains what blackouts are and the difference between neurological blackouts and blackouts caused by syncope.

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i just had a blackout and it felt like a teleported lol


Thank you. My sister passed out a few minutes ago all of a sudden so we were concerned for her. I think it might have been that she was in the heat. I hope it's not anything bad. My parents are soon gonna be taking her to the hospital to check up. Pray for us whoever is reading this.


Not sure if what I experienced was this but I was watching tv one night and decided to brush my teeth but the entire time my vision was fading in and out until I couldn't see anything anymore. My body and head kept falling but I still tried my best to use the wall and mirror as support. I literally rolled my body on the side of the wall and crawled my way up the stairs. I could barely feel and hear my surroundings but I still fought it because I didn't want to pass out on a floor and bang my head. I almost couldn't get up from crawling and I barely twisted the door knob and instantly collapsed on the bed. Took me 3-5 minutes to be okay again. Idk how I even did that lol. I know my vision fades for like 10-20 seconds sometimes when I stand up but this was the worst I've had.


I get blackout on a daily basis atleast once a day


so today i had a college exercise exam and i pushed myself to the absolute limit and beyond for this pre-exam and i overworked to the point where afterward i couldn’t see, i could barely stand, i had very little cognitive ability and i had gone limp for a second or 2. you know when you stand up too fast and you get dizzy and your vision goes all weird yea that was me for about 10 min straight and i literally couldn’t do anything really after that for about 30 min. i am on a research spree to figure out exactly why and what even happened. if anyone is wondering what exactly i did, i did a 500 meter sprint, 30 push-ups, 10 burpies, 40 sit-ups, and 30 1 second squats. a probably big factor in this is that i hadn’t had water since about 20 hours prior.


what if your eyes just go back for a second? it happens all the dang time to me at least once a month an I have no idea what it is


I had blackouts since kindergarten I’m in grade 6


After i stop watching or focusing on my phone when i get up i always gets blackout


I blacked out in my bathroom and my head hit the floor like a brick! I came to convulsing then i was too weak to get i was stiuck in there for an hour cause i shut the door and couldnt reach the handle i was freaking out!! When i stood up i couldn't walk that was 2 days ago and i dtill feel weird relly clumsy idk??


a few days ago i got lightheaded and blacked out my brother next to me said i started shaking and i fell to the ground until i came to i couldn’t feel my body or see i could only hear and then i could see and i stood up. what happened to me i wonder ?


this literally happened to me but in my mock exam 😅 everyone saw me but i was sat down when it happened thank fully


When you start blacking out....then asap you should exhale all your breath and hold breath for a few seconds until it becomes normal


Oftenly like on daily basis i have blackouts for several seconds that is for 30 to 45 seconds. At this moment i can't see anything nor i can stand properly moreover i hear a constant beep sound until i gain my conscious. I've told my parents they told it's normal but i don't think so it is. Can you help plz🙏🏻


What happens to me when I get a blackout
Is this..

Everything is black and theres my worst fear (like the Ocean) and i get pushed into it
And I can't breathe, even in the real world
And after 5 minutes, I wake up and it ended up being an hour of me unconscious
I never tell what happens to me when I get a blackout
Im not sure if it's a blackout or something else..


bruh idk how to explain this i was in another room studying with my sister than i blacked out for a second and woke up on my sofa and i was in my living room and i asked my sister how i needed up here she said that i was speaking an american accent and asked her if i could get a tangerine.

i seriously don't know what happened there.


I think i blacked out for 5 seconds i was watching a tv show on my ipad then i got up went to the bathroom and then i felt dizzy and saw these black lines swerling across my eyes and my head was sore during it too idk tho if it was a blackout or not im only 13 :v


It happened to me right now I was on my iPad and when I was going to the kitchen I suddenly couldn't see anything and suddenly my body started to feel heavy and I thought I was going to fall and I held something to prevent falling but I was awake the entire time I need an explanation


Thank you this is my first time on this channel oftentimes more than one time more than two times I just feel like I'm getting a little bit weak I start your glory suddenly if I don't sit on the filter to going I will if I sit I will take my time and recover by sweating and thirsty dehydration after can I get sweaty then I start come back to my senses if not if I stand up I will fell to the ground banging my head on the ground don't even knowing it's often time someone tell me I was just would like to know what can cause all of this


I always have blackouts and I just had one and my mom says it's Norma l


sometimes when i get really anxious everything gets really heavy and then really suddenly (like a blink) it’s like 15-20 minutes later? is this normal?
