My Dog WON'T EAT Their Food 🐶 What to Do About It

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I saw a video of the woman with the perfect answer that I tried, and it worked better than I expected when I had this problem. I took the big pepper shaker, which was closed, and took lots of action as I shook it over her dish as she was observing before I could present it to her a second time. The woman in the video took a bottle of oil and other similar items and pretended to put something in the dog food dish. My dog couldn't wait and flew to get to her dish before I could put it in its spot; the woman in the video and her dog couldn't wait to eat either. The illusion of sharing yours into the bowl proves more important than the same old kibble minus the extra attention to visual details that "can't be denied."


Struggle to get my Yorkie small dog to eat food and never out of a bowl, only from carpet. Have a small bit of an offcut to feed her on to save main carpet. Also when she is not really interested in food, a favourite toy elephant, I rub over the food and say the softie elephant is gobbling the food, which encourages my dog to eat the food. Grrrreat video, thanks


I added freeze dried beef liver bites into my dog’s regular feed and now he’s a happy fella.


Ever since we changed her food to another brand, she has been starving herself and only eat treats and drink water. She won't touch her food no matter what brand, she really loved her old food. (When i found a lil bit of her old food in a bag, she ate it all up and was literally screaming. The old food no longer exists in my country and the order from another country won't come) What do i do


My dog stopped eating his food but has no trouble eating his treats. Food hasn't changed no other symptoms? He takes a mouthful when you put fresh down and then hes done. Got a brand new bag, same thing.


im 5 days after my dog not eating. Buttery chicken just cooked worked and then that didn't either. Fresh cooked roast supermarket chicken nope. Nothing. Then I remembered. Oh yeah. I know something they just can't refuse.

CAT FOOD. Bought a small jelly cat food. He ate it like in a second. YEAH BABY. Cat food. its irresistible to them


Well if my dog doesn't eat I add a bit of warm water to his kibble, or mix in a bit of some wet dog food.


I went to yt last month and searched for several videos like this one because i didn't know what to do to make my dog eat. She was very lazy to eat and picky. Then last last week i petted my dog and figured out she was almost skin and bones after not eating for almost 5 days. So I tried making some mediumto feed her and until I dicovered force feeding, with syringe. Small dogs like fine food, they are lazy to chew so syringe was the best way. And good news, it worked, my dog eats very well now with syringe and even eats foods that she didn't liked before.


Its so funny that we talk about "dogs not wanting to eat their food" lol. I mean mine is also doing it and I find it so stupid, they are little spoiled kiddos isnt it? In the nature they would be looking for crumbles.


For the past 2-3 weeks, my 2-year-old collie has been refusing most of her meals--even lean steak and chicken. She's on quality food--Blue Buffalo. I also cook meals for my dogs. I took her to the vet. He ran some tests but kind of blew it off, saying it's probably due to her hormones as a few weeks ago, she was in heat. So I'm waiting to find out the lab results. The same thing happened with my St. Bernard when she was about two. He downplayed her lack of an appetite as well, saying it was from the summer heat. A week later, she vomited a whole kitchen sponge--the type with the scouring pad on one side. It had apparently been in her stomach for a while. So I'm worried that maybe my collie swallowed something. He didn't x-ray her, and I wish he had.


Boil hamburger and use that broth… marinate your dog food, Carote vegetables etc.
Mix it when it’s nice and warm… thank me later


My dog who has always been extremely food motivated and couldn’t inhale his food fast enough or enough of it no matter what brand it is has suddenly started refusing to eat for as long as 3 days in a row. Until I guess he’s decided he’s hungry enough. I got a puppy and recently the puppy has reached full maturity. I’ve also been going through bit of a depression. Idk what his issue is. I know he’s not sick as he’s still eager to play and I know it’s not his teeth. Idk why he’s started being so stubborn in this way. It’s really making my depression worse. I refuse to coddle him when he doesn’t eat as I know if I do he’ll continue to do it. I also refuse to add water or chicken broth to it as im not going to risk him still refusing to eat it and then giving the food new potential to spoil now. I’m on a fixed income. I can’t waste any food. It’s literally driving me insane. All I can do is lock him in a room with his food until he decides to eat. Idc if it means isolating him 3 days in a row. He ain’t more stubborn than me. As long as I know it’s not health related I’m going to break him of this terrible habit. Stresses me out all the more. Some best friend. Can’t you see how upset this makes me. Just eat ur food! He goes on a nice long walk at least once a week and it let outside frequently. He’s a lazy breed of dog. I used to always feed him first and then my puppy. Then he’s began waiting until my new dog started eating before he himself would eat. Now he’s refusing to eat at all. The new dog is barely a third of his size and doesn’t appear to display any dominance over him.


My 12 yr old dog begs all day for treats. He won't eat unless he gets a treat first then he begs for treat again after he eat a little. He just started this maybe 3 months ago. What do you suggest I do?


I'm tired of videos lecturing about nutrients. I just want my dog to eat anything. Vet he is healthy. Hopefully I will find a video that ge6s straight to the point.


Is it a bad sign if it 8-week-old pup is not eating soft canned food? While the siblings are eating just fine.


Lately my dog been having problems with having food. He just don't wanna eat but always wants to go out. Before he used to have food before I take him out for a walk but now he just want to stay out and don't wanna have food. He eats food way past his time now. I took him to the vet but they didn't say anything concerning abt it. Should I be worried?


We just got a dog for the adoption center. she will not eat her food. I had to give her a egg because she need something to eat. How do i fix this


So I gave him the food portion on the back of the package, but he still refuses to eat it, my vet told me if the doesn’t eat his dry food have him miss a meal, I have changed his dry food 3 times one being good & second one being £50 a bag & the third same as the first but different brand & flavor.


my dog love his food for two month. One morning he wake up and decide not to eat it anymore. I had to put some dry beef liver on top, just two piece and he would finish his bowl of same kibble again.


I adopted a dog that never ate dog food in his life and will not touch it and I don't know what to do do you have any advice
