I’m bad at coding…. (my software engineering journey)

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🤓[BECOME A SOFTWARE ENGINEER]🤓 - NO coding experience needed!


📒 [ZERO TO MASTERY] 📒 -- this is great to level up your skills!



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Girl I so needed this. I'm a fresh CS grad and I have been dealing with imposter syndrome to the max. I feel like I don't know anything and everyone around me knows everything. You inspired me and I just applied to the target TLP :) growth mindset from now on.


Thank you! I failed my interview with Facebook.. I was asked a suuuper freaking easy question, I know the algorithm to be used, but I did not continue thru. In the middle of the interview, I started to struggle and I felt like I went back to zero - I suddenly don't know how to iterate an array, etc.. I wanted to cry in the middle of the interview.. What I hated is that in my mock interview with them, I was super confident, but the actual interview threw me off. I am now preparing for another FAANG interview which is 2 mos from now.


I just failed a bunch of onsite interviews recently, have more coming. Its very exhausting and demoralizing when you don't get an offer. But I've come to realize that its totally ok. I just need to be consistent in studying and improving. The learning never stops even at the higher levels. I've failed 6 out of 8 onsites so far in my entire career. I'm sure I'll fail more, but at least I get to try and try again. You really just need to pass a few. Failures are the seeds of future success, cultivate them.


I am an engineer with 20+ of years of IT experience and have seen tons of these kind of videos but I learned something new from your video. You are very fortunate to be associated with a company like Target in the beginning of your career where they provided you an opportunity to learn and grow as part of 1 year TLP program like you mentioned AND NOT HAVING THE PRESSURE OF PROVING YOUR TALENT /DELIVERING IMMEDIATE RESULTS TO THE COMPANY. I wish I had that kind of opportunity early on...Thanks for sharing your experience.


Just starting my programming journey and it does look extremely overwhelming so I appreciate the words of encouragement!


Two very useful books,
"Design patterns, elements of reusable object-oriented software" aka "the gang of four" as well as "Clean code" by Robert Martin aka "uncle bob". Very useful when transitioning from programming for school and programming for a company


Thanks for this video. I’m about to turn 38, have a degree in biology that hasn’t gotten me very far and I’m ready to make a big career move with going back to school for cs. Programming looks overwhelming and scary and I tend to run away from things when I’m not immediately good at them and I need to really change my mindset in order to succeed and just have a more financially stable life. Definitely a small sigh of relief after watching this video having zero experience coding and having a panic attack wondering if I’m about to do something very stupid and shouldn’t even bother. Your journey is inspiring and you’re right, if you can do it, I can do it too.


This video has changed my perspective forever.I really had a fixed mindset towards coding ...Being a microbilogy graduate, it wasnt easy, but i am now employed as a frontend dev.we never stop growing and learning


I am currently a sophomore in college and I am barely getting by with coding classes. I have been getting second thoughts and been getting really down on myself thinking this is not for me because of the difficulty. Your story inspires me to keep going and push my self out of my comfort zone and pursue this life I am willing to give up for. If you ever read this just know you could have just changed someones life and their mindset.


I’m on a break from my dev class RIGHT NOW and I’m overwhelmed and feeling super low.

I don’t know how you popped up but this came at the perfect time! Thank you for reminding me that it will get better. 🙏🏽😍


I graduated 2 weeks ago, and coding is not easy but if you have the mindset, everything will be ok, always remember your WHY, that how I keep myself motivated. great video Pooja, keep it up


I really needed to hear this, I always put pressure on myself for learning everything and I blame myself a lot for not knowing everything and I always tell myself that "I am not good at coding, I feel stupid and I am not doing my best" and I get so depressed after failing in an interview. I am in this non stop cycle of torturing myself since I decided to learn coding and get a good job 😭😥.thanks for telling us it is gonna get better❤


This is so good! Thank you for normalizing the anxiety of coding in front of others & having such a well put together video!


just finished my first year of comp sci and imposter syndrome definitely stopped me from enjoying or being passionate about what I was learning. This video has changed my perspective so much!!
Gonna go into 2nd with a completely different mindset now! Thanks


I’m on the same boat. I’m on my senior year of college for computer science and I still haven’t applied to internships because I feel like I’m not good enough and it makes me scared that I won’t know a lot of stuff. Sometimes I feel like I chose the wrong career. One thing I wish professors did at my school, Cal Poly Pomona, was how to code as a group. I wish they structured at least one assignment and taught us how to divide the work and how each person in the group should approach their task. But at least in my school they seem to just have you figure it out and it can get difficult if nobody in the group knows how to work as a group.


I'm studying for a cyber security degree I definitely put pressure on myself to know everything and suffer from imposter syndrome! Was nice to hear your journey


You should talk more about how you learnt data structures and algorithms. How was your study and revision plans looked like.


Coding is not hard, mastering coding it's hard. But really master almost anything is hard because it requires both knowledge and experience. To master something, we have to enjoy the journey, I think that is the secret really.


Thank you for this. I’m currently going back to class next month after being away for almost a year. I’m currently going for a bachelors of science in information technology with a focus on cyber security. I’m about 61 credits in and am trying really hard to practice coding on my own time. It’s intimidating for sure but after being on and off school for so long, I’m motivated more then ever to finally finish this degree and keep learning new things and hopefully land a job in cyber security.


I started my first SWE internship about a month ago, and I'm in the thick of it feeling like I really know NOTHING. I did not retain enough information from school and am floundering right now on even the basics. So this video is exactly what I need at the exact right time. It's a wake-up call to refocus on learning and growing !!
