Proving the Unprovable: Kurt Gödel's Paradox

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Title: Proving the Unprovable: Kurt Gödel’s Paradox
Subject: MAT 202 Set Theory - BSM BA 2B

Group Name: Máthēma
Group Members:
Aira Laiza DC. Bautista
Adrian R. Bernardino
Clerine S. Libao
Mary Vettanny A. Pastor
Cherry SD. Surio
John Lord D. Tee

Mathematicians and philosophers of mathematics long ago wanted to build a new foundational system that encapsulates all mathematical statements manipulated according to well-defined rules and can be proved in formalism with consistency. These had been continuing until a crisis in a proper sense was developed as Kurt Gödel revealed that there are existing propositions that cannot be proved or disproved within the axioms of the system.

Despite receiving criticisms and disagreements, he established a masterpiece and remarkably served a landmark of being one of the best mathematicians and philosophers that is forever relevant until to this day.

Watch this documentary video presentation to know the contributions and life of Kurt Gödel, as well as to encounter a holistic view of the historical context of his famous discovery and how he concluded the foundational crisis in the system of mathematics, the Incompleteness Theorems (1931).
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