Millennials Are Completely BROKE, First Generation Poorer Than Previous

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Guest: Julia Song
@RealJuliaSong (Twitter)

Tim @Timcast (everywhere)
Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere)
Seamus @FreedomToons (YouTube)

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The American dream wasn't based on imperialism and war. It was based on living in a country that produced what it consumed and allowed wealth to accumulate, instead of a country that imports what it consumes which slowly moves all the wealth to the tiny elite controlling that trade. Producing everything with exploitative labor conditions overseas is a lot more like imperialism than producing things at home and paying people enough money to afford what they make for it.


I just can’t imagine a world where a man can work a normal job and support a family and own a home. My great grandpa was a bank teller and provided for his wife and 3 kids while owning a home. That’s fiction to me.


I'm a Millennial--- I've just never wanted kids? Highschool prepared me for nothing, college seems to be a scam, managers don't respect their employees, I'm 32 and just learned what a Pension is-- and I'm still not sure I grasp the concept- Every time I manage to save 1000$ at a $15/hr full-time job, some emergency pops up, and it all goes down the drain-


The real problem is that we don’t make anything in this Country anymore. When I grew up in Michigan. We had industry, foundries that smelted metals and forged parts. Those parts were shipped across town to be assembled into car parts. Then shipped across town again and cars were assembled. Now we have the tech industry with no real product.


To fix the "everyone needs to go to college" thing, business needs to begin removing the requirements for "minimum qualifications" necessary to apply for jobs. Skills and work ethic and on the job training is vastly more important.


I was raised by a single mother, had 3 siblings and no father. I served in the Marine Corps, and two tours of duty in Iraq. I have been working my ass off week to week for the past 14 years, I'm 35 now. Me and my siblings have been trying to dig ourselves out of this hole ever since. Were not lazy Tim, we are spinning our wheels trying to get out of this poverty, but as soon as we have any money it goes straight to taxes and just simple living expenses.


Elder Millennials (c 1981-87) feel this deep in our souls. We're pushing middle age but still feel 20 because we're broke and didn't reach milestones as much


Tim was so dismissive of millennials and it made it seem like he's out of touch. By and large no one ever gave a damn what millennials wanted. We've just been along for the ride, and the ride (thus far) has really sucked ass.


*“Women’s groups follow a double standard: When women lag behind men, that is an injustice that must be aggressively targeted. But when men are lagging behind women, that is a triumph of equity to be celebrated.”*
― Helen Smith


I'm a millennial (92) and I'm economically stable, I built a home this year, own land, two cars, a career I don't hate. Im not married because I'm terrified of the current social environment where if my wife decides "actually nah I'm bored need a new man" I just get fucking destroyed and lose all the ground I've been grinding for. I've done casual dating but marriage is just completely off the table. I've yet to meet a girl knock me off my feet so hard I'm willing to risk it. I don't think I will.


The world has changed. Back in the old days, moms stayed home. Everyone survived on one salary. Today prices have skyrocketed. Birth rate is at an all time low, we have massive student debt. People are living in tents and cars.


millennials are just tired, we've been running as hard as we can for years and we haven't really gotten any closer to our goals, you can make more and more money but inflation goes up even higher. it's one step forward and two steps back


Tim I'm definitely not lazy and not a child. I've been working since I was 12 mowing lawns, to summer hire, to bagging groceries, to working straight out of high school. I've tried the college thing and it didn't work as I couldn't afford it. I refused to take out loans and put myself into further debt. I'm still paying off some form of debt via car, credit cards, and medical stuff. I can no longer afford a house little alone an apartment at this stage and I make 45k a year. Apartment prices have sky rocketed due to Democrat refugees moving here. A 620 square foot single bedroom apartment that used to cost 700-900 dollars now costs me 1200-1400 dollars. Houses have almost tripled in price. I don't remember a day after 2015 where I haven't worked 50+ hours and just making it by. I don't have time to date or find a wife and have kids. So don't call me childish. I'm just trying to survive.


The options they had were: 1.) Economic stability and prosperity, global security and peace in their lifetimes, or 2.) No mean tweets. *They choose poorly.*


The American dream is really the American bankers dream. Constant debt. Homes almost never get paid off. Constant flow of money to banks.


Either colleges NEED to guarantee Jobs or each industry and each business has to have it's own college or training program/apprenticeship program. We NEED an educational system that works and provides direction for the students! These college degrees are like a stairway to nowhere!


They missed a huge point. From the time women entered the work force till now tax rates have increased exponentially. At this point, in a dual income household, one parent works almost exclusively to cover the tax burden. So the children must be turned over to the state to raise.


Your guest hit the nail on the head at the beginning of this clip. The economy, even before this current crisis, has not been conducive to millennials buying homes, having families, and thriving like previous generations have.


Hard to justify having kids when I’m working 3 jobs, highly skilled in my field, and still can’t afford to live in the US. Beyond that my Boomer mom is on the verge of being homeless and needs a lot of financial support. She’s become my child.


As a millennial, I am just completely disenchanted by everything going on today. I've been working in a steady 9-5 style IT support job for the last nearly 10 years and I can't afford to live on my own. My generation was certainly not taught how to be self-sufficient in society and how to manage our finances. Most of my coworkers in my generation can barely support themselves in this day and age. Rent went from about $750 per month for a 1 bedroom apartment to about $1600 for a studio. Housing in my area has basically doubled in the last two years. This is why millennials are checking out and living in pods or living 4 people in an apartment or even living in vans or buses. Millennials are just trying to find ways to survive in a market where $50k per year doesn't allow you to live anymore.
