Candace Cameron Bure 'Submitted' To Her Husband

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Candace Cameron Bure talks to HuffPost Live about choosing to be "submissive" to her husband.

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I love Candace Cameron's bold stance on biblical principals and the gospel!  17 years happily married speaks for itself. Cheers to submission!:-)


I knew what she meant before she even explained. There is a HUGE difference between being submissive the way the world thinks of it and being submissive where your husband is not only hearing you but looks to God as their lead in decisions anyway. Which doesn't mean Val isn't gonna messup, just that he's not going to be all pig headed and controlling like what many will take this as.


Very well said, Candace. I respect and admire your example of strength and wisdom.


I'm a submissive wife too... and the feminists can't seem to understand that this does not mean I live in chains, with my spirit crushed. It does not mean I'm spineless or weak - it means we have different roles. It just means I respect my husband as the boss. It does not mean my husband is a totalitarian dictator who never cares about my thoughts and feelings. A leader can also be a wise king who listens to counsel from others. But ultimately he has the final say. To me, being obedient, loving and respectful to my husband is better than all the nagging and bitching and arguing I see wives doing with their husbands in other relationships. It makes for a more harmonious household when we know our roles.


I appreciate her eloquence and her conviction. I completely agree with her words. The problem people have with this, is that they read submission and translate it to beneath, less than, and/or walked upon. The Biblical meaning of this was not, he says JUMP and you say how high. I believe this very simply, I submit my hopes and dreams to my husband. He then being the "head" of our household shoulders the weight or burden of how we accomplish the things that we do. It is not because I do not have a brain, nor is it because I am timid and shy (trust me I am not), it is simply that he was wired and is even motivated by competition, he is rational and far less emotional than I. My husband is strong when I cannot be, he is decisive when I cannot be. My husband is a tender and loving man, but I know that I trust that he has my best interest at heart, therefore, I trust him completely. It is so much easier to tell him my wants, needs, and desires of my heart and see him carry the load on how to accomplish it. I wish people would realize that the ADDED stress in their lives is either because they do not trust the One true King, Jesus Christ, or because they are trying to wear shoes that are not their shoes to fill.


Great to hear a Godly woman describe what being submissive really means and how it honors the word of God above the opinions of others.  You go, girl!


I mean whatever works for her works for her


Yeah Candace Yeah! This is the BEST video Huff Post have done in a time! I am PROUD to say I am SUBMISSIVE to my husband of almost 11 years he is a GREAT head of our family and I am a STRONG wife that supports him. I tried that I am every woman crap society is messing the women up with that is why they are alone or divorced or in a marriage not happy. Women learn your role and respect his role and it all flows the way it suppose to. YEAH CANDACE YEAH!


THe key to being ABLE to be a 'submissive' wife is to have a GODLY husband.  Women not marrying men dedicated to following the Lord have GOOD REASON to worry, not trust and intervene. What most non-Chrisitians don't understand is that in  a Christian marriage a husband is supposed to be a servant-leader.  His leadership is most demonstrated in his service to God, his wife and family. 


Way to go Candace. You are so right! Keep up the good job! Even though you have taken the choice to have your husband be the leader, you are still winning and the power is still in your hand, because the husband submits if he sees that his wife has given him the right to lead. You're on the right path, trust me!


candace is so awesome. I love how she is an actress and still manages to have God's way for her life :) she is a good role model. "meak isnt weak" great saying


Preach Candace! I'm only seventeen but i totally agree with this view, not only because I'm a christian but because it make the most sense in order to make a marriage a more successful one.


Ugh, this is so troubling. Why does there need to be one leader in a partnership of two equals?? She used the word "submissive" and now she's trying to backpedal. She says her husband values her opinion as if that is some great favour 🙄 This is really disgraceful in 2016 but then again it's 'Murica...


Most women would be thrilled to have a strong, competent leader as a husband. Who seems happier to you, CCB or the angry, stressed out feminist who is interviewing her?


Love her perspective.  It's difficult to understand "submissive" but I see where she is coming from and although I'm a women's libber from the 60s/70s, I try to build my man up.  Works sometimes, other times it doesn't.  But we're doing fine.   


Too bad there aren't more women like Candace.  I'd marry her in a heartbeat, if she was still single.  Not so much because she's submissive, but because she loves God enough to make that sacrifice to please Him.  Also, she's totally gorgeous, which doesn't hurt any.  :)   I've never been married, because I am still holding out for a woman like her, at 50 years of age.  You ladies can definitely learn a lesson from Candace.  So many couples get divorced because of "irreconcilable differences".  This is because the wife wants to be the leader and won't let the husband wear the pants, like God intended.  


Even at the detriment of her children? And she says yes? Wow


If it works for her, fine. But honestly? Haven't these people heard of something called compromise in relationships? Nobody ever said relationships would be easy, but no person needs to be the "leader". Having grown up in the church & now left, I'm so sick of this rhetoric.


I read the comments. What a fool I was.


I think the word submission has a very negative connotation. As a Christian, I do understand what she is saying and yes it is in the Bible. 
However, that is not the exact type of marriage I would like. I would never be submissive in a decision I disagreed on. I think submissive, as it is used in the Bible, should really be applied to 2014. Women should respect their husbands as do the men the women, and compromising and team leadership while valuing others opinions would work.
I highly disagree that their has to be one head of the family, both the husband and wife can lead equally and focus on different sections of a marriage. 
