Who survives a 100% smash from #deku? #anime #manga #onepiece #boruto #aot #fairytail #vs #shorts

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Saw Luffy and went "Man got beaten up by OP mochi for 13 hours, one 100% smash is nothing"


Mob is a definite yes. Bro got punched through a ball made out of a city and then had that city fall on top of him.


Yuji the kind of mf to have a full conversation with his heart ripped out❤❤❤

Edit: to those who think it was because of Sukuna:
Itadori tanked 3 building being thrown at him and sukuna was the one who threw them AND he tanked Sukunas cursed cutting


People love to underestemate nen a little bit too much, as proof of how op nen is, Killuas front door weighs 14 tons and he opens it without a problem, yet he couldnt do shit against an 8 year old who only knew the basics of nen, slight use of ren with zero physical force easily destroys concrete yet sometimes both Killua and Gon tank hits from true nen masters in base form with ten.
They get downplayed because of how strong the royal guards and Meruem truly are, making them look weak.


"Boruto dont have the feats to justify it"
Boruto: invents flying thunder god from scratch, is as strong as the 10 tail sasuke who has 2 rinnegan and 2 hands 💀💀


Natsu at most would get a single atom sized scratch


Asta in base form is 100% tanking that hit; considering he withstood the flames of salamander, who's flames are so hot and so strong, one swipe of its claws would dry out an ocean. He also took multiple hits from 60% devil powered Dante, Lucifero, an explosion from devil Loropechika, and the final villain who absorbed 100% of Lucifero's power.


“If Goku does Goku things, he loses.”


Itadori might be able to tank 100% but its gonna fucking hurt him. The only reason 100% didn’t destroy the entire neighborhood when he fought Chisaki was because Midoriya was actively trying to minimize the damage. This was stated by Nejire post battle. The fight with Gentle and La brava we saw Midoriya actively holding back at 20% in order to minimize damage to the surrounding areas. He was afraid of destroying the entire construction area they were fighting in.

Unless I’m missing something we have little to no durability feats when it comes to Gon. I couldn’t even tell you if he would survive being thrown into a building. I think the closest we have to a durability feat is the dodge ball game.

Eren is dying on the spot get out with the bullshit. Trying running the crystallization argument I guess but a normal artillery shell can destroy that shit.

Luffy np tanks
Asta should tank idk don’t watch BC
Natsu easily tanks

If it’s just tanking MOB has to be 100% or else he’s basically Eren 2.0

Boruto idk are we assuming everyone of the casual punches of a Boruto character are above city level? Has Boruto by himself tanked any significant attacks. I don’t read or watch Boruto it’s not for me. I’m talking non filler material so Manga only really.

I don’t remember the rest of the characters listed.


Honestly, Deku gonna hit Luffy with it and, he's gonna get hit with it back when Luffys head comes flying back like an elastic


I think Itadori can take a full 100 smash cuz he got rocked by sukuna/megumi, got sent through 3 buildings and he just got back up with a vendetta and squared up with him


As long as deku doesnt trip near itadori while trying to attack *where you go i go*


Even boruto from before the timeskip is definitely tanking a 100% smash with him scaling to otsotsukinand Naruto with the Naruto verse going well beyond planetary in scaling more commonly being found in solar system range but being able to make arguments for large solar system and even beyond especially after the timeskip


Luffy would literally react like cartoon character getting punched.


Yuji took a gut punch from Sukuna that sent him flying through buildings and still kept fighting. (Culling game arc)


Yuji has Nokia durability He can handle this
He took punch from true sukuna and now he had RCT plus him endurance as half curse also helps In short he can


Bro, Gon in his adult form is comparable to Meruem. Although strength doesn’t necessarily translate to durability, Meruem survived a literal NUKE. Yes, he was on the brink of death and was literally pretty much dead, but he did survive. Gon being compared to Meruem for me at least, puts his durability higher than a 100% all for one punch. PLUS, if anyone knows HxH, you know in this format, where you know you’re getting punched in the face, Gon can concentrate all his nen to his head.


Just about everyone surviving even Eren bro can regenerate 😭


Aye but remember nasty oneshot a war God that was taller than a castle


A more funnier question would be what each and everyone one of them would do/say to make Deku angry enough that he wants to use 100% on them?
