Learn Arabic: Fusha / MSA or Dialect?

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You're learning Arabic. Which dialect should you start with? Should you start with a dialect or learn classical Arabic? What is modern standard Arabic (MSA)? Which dialect should you learn? Should you study formal Arabic at all?

I'm Mike in this beginner Arabic lesson I give you some advice on making the important decision of which path to take in the early stages of learning Arabic. Should you study a dialect? Or should you study fusha Arabic?

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if u wanna learn Arabic don't feel pressured by the many dialects we have because even us Arabs can't fully understand other Arabic dialects.
Fus_ha (MSA) is the best beginning to learn the language because Arabs everywhere will understand u. At first they might think it's wired someone is actually speaking Fusha but once they know you are a foreigner they will start answering back in Fusha as well.
However, if u still feel like u wanna learn a dialect instead, i suggest the Egyptian dialect because almost all Arabs understand it. Plus u can find hundreds of Egyptian movies and TV series to help u. (I'm not Egyptian btw 🤣).
Fusha can be heared in the news, political shows, some old songs, all kids cartoons, even some talk or game shows. It's also used in books in general no matter what the subject of the book is.
I hope this was helpful 😊


انا سعيده جدا لأنك تتحدث باللغة العربيه واستمر تحياتي لك من السعوديه 🇸🇦🇸🇦


I'm saudi and I can confirm that we can very easily understand fusha :) I find myself a lot of the time talking almost in fusha when discussing something


أنا من تركيا و اعرف الفصحى
و معظم الأتراك يتعلمون الفصحى
برأيي الفصحى أهم من اللهجة
و العرب يجب أن يعرفوا الفصحى
هذا مهم جدا


I’m from Kuwait 🇰🇼, all countries in middle east can understand fusha
وانا سعيد جداً من أن هُناك أشخاص مُهتمون باللغة العربية🖤


We are learning English from your video which is about learning Arabic😂😂


اللهجات العربية معظم كلماتها غير مفهومة من بلد لاخرى أنا عربية ولا أفهم المغربية ولا الجزائرية
لذلك الفصحى هى الأساس


I'm so happy that people all around the word in some countries​ are willing or interested to learn our language!


I’m saudi and yes i know how to speak in fosha, and sometimes arab from a different country are spiking fosha to understand each other, sorry if my english too bad but i’ll do my best💞


I consider your accent to be excellent because Arabic is really difficult

أنا أعتبر لهجتك ممتازة لأن اللغة العربية صعبة حقاً


If you understand Arabic Fosha, the whole Arabian countries will get you easily


Yes fusha is understood in Saudi. I'm studying Arabic in Saudi. Nice thing is we get Saudi student volunteers to talk to us in Fusha and teach us some colloquial words as well :) . Learn MSA first before a dialect if you're serious about the language 😊


اذا كنت تستطيع التكلم بالفصحى فسيفهمك كل من تكلم بالعربية ... سواءً كان من السعودية او الشام او المغرب او اي مكان من الدول العربية


There is a huge difference between standard Arabic and Arabs' dialects
All Arab can understand and talk standard Arabic and each country has it's own dialect and sometimes we can't understand some words spoken another dialect like people from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia so we will speak in standard Arabic to understand each other
I remember my teacher he is Jordanian and he said to us "tag'aatطقعات" it means like wonderful amazing he was encouraging us ! But in Saudi dialect it's totally different!!! It means fart 😂😂😂 we were laughing so hard what is going on
he is saying to his students " you are farts " 😂😂😂!!! We knew he didn't mean fart but at the beginning we didn't know what he ment until some one find it on Google.
( but of course we understand each other from the context even the words still different)
I highly recommend you guys to start with standard Arabic and then move on to your favourite dialect


الافضل تعلم الفصحى لماذا؟
لأنك تستطيع بها أن تقرأ الصحف الكتب الاخبار وكتب الدين الاسلامي (اكبر مؤثر على الثقافة) والمنتجات الفكرية المهمة .
ايضا ان تعلمتها فستستطيع التحدث مع كل العرب لأنهم يفهمون اللغة الاصل وان كنت لا تفهم بعض الكلمات من اللهجات العربية فببساطة يمكنك ان تسأل من قال الكلمه عن المعنى فالسؤال عن المعنى ليس غريبا عند العرب انفسهم نظراً لاختلاف مفردات اللهجات الشاسع ومن الطبيعي أن يسأل عربيٌ اخرَ عن معنى كلمةٍ قالها


All children in arab countries learn fusha in school, and so almost all arabs understand it and can talk fusha, not everyone can speak it flueantly tho. But i agree with the recommendation of studying it first.


as a native arabic speaker, I can say that arabicspeaking people are integrating more Fusha in their dialects and daily use. the reason being is because people have now more access to media. that is why it's more fimiliar to use Fusha lexicalities . so learning MSA for a starter is totally fine and worthwhile..


نعم أنت محق، نحن العرب وللأسف، فقط نستخدم اللغة العربية في برامج الأخبار والجرائد، ولكن كل مجتمع او شخص يتحدث بلهجته. شكراً لك على الفيديو الرائع 🙏🏼❤️، استمر.


Welcome to our Arab League😍
We are glad that one day you will speak the meaning of Arabic as we speak with you in English
From the mother of the world, Egypt, greetings to all of you, our friends


As an Arabic native speaker i advice you guys, who wants to to learn Arabic, lean Fusha! It's more important than the accents because you can be understood in any Arabian country. Don't be afraid to speak we love people who learn Arabic they impress us!
