The Death of Late Night TV

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I remember when Conan paid out of his own pocket for his crew for like months. Mad respect for Conan the last G of late night


The idea that Corden couldn’t name 2 of his camera people is insane.


I attended a taping of James Cordon’s show in 2018. I was visiting friends in LA and it was free. I’d never been to a show taping before, but I found it odd that between takes and off camera, he didn’t speak to a single person. He was glued to his phone the entire time and didn’t make eye contact with a single staffer, even the ones walking up to him to touch up his hair or give him something. The whole energy was “I don’t wanna be here” and then boom the charm came back on as soon as they started recording again


Conan seriously needs to see all the love and support for him in this comment section. I know he hates reading reviews and stuff but this is so sweet


I like to pretend eddy is standing in my room staring at me silently at night before i sleep, thats kind of like my own late night tv if you think about it. Thanks eddy :)


One of the biggest moments of Colbert for me personally is when he asked Keanu what happens when we die, perhaps setting up for a more or less simple answer of how Reeves feels about the afterlife, but instead it allowed Reeves to draw on his experiences and respond "I know that the people who love us will miss us", and while that may not seem particularly deep to some people to those who have experienced such close familial loss (including both Reeves and Colbert), it was a deeply poignant moment of wisdom that isn't often heard in a late night interview. I had recently lost my brother at the time that clip surfaced and it hit me in the same way it hit Colbert in that moment. Sure I may not laugh at all his segments, but I really appreciate that moment happening.


Eddy's bit about the crosswalk is a sad reminder that morbius and rainforest cafe have completely ruined the pleasure response mechanism in his brain 😢. Get well soon Eddy ❤️


Seth Meyers does a YT only thing called Corrections, which requires watching his show on TY and commenting on what he got wrong, then he goes over all the mistakes with just his crew as the audience. It is brilliant.


The fact Corden exploited Alice Coopers actual phobia for entertainment is actually horrific. Thats like a torture method.


Conan saw it coming years ago, so he tried to adjust to the YouTube format until the quarantine happened and he saw the perfect opportunity to start fresh. A comedic genius and a once-in-a-lifetime entertainment master, but makes you wonder what that brain could have done if he was in another industry altogether.


Love that Eddy went the distance and forced the studios to cause the strike just to shut down late night TV. Just don't see those levels of dedication from any other channel.


You can take the "Late Night" out of that headline. Viewership of Broadcast TV is in the toilet compared to 20 years ago.


It is honestly shocking to me that Leno had any fans left AT ALL after what he did to Conan. I'm so glad that Conan gained such a following and had such a successful show, he's genuinely the only late night host that I find enjoyable.


I was on vacation once in Norway and randomly ran into Seth Meyers at a bike rental shop (he was doing a show there). Me and my bf were huge fans and said hi to him (we kept it brief, I’m not one to bother a celebrity doing a leisure activity) but he was SO nice, so warm and friendly. We talked shortly and he took a selfie with us 10/10 celeb sighting. I’m glad you spoke so highly of him here, he seems like the coolest dude


Okay, but MAJOR respect to Pauly Perrette trying to take those balloons from James when he was being an ass to Alice Cooper


My Son lives in Woodland Hills (northern LA) we went down from Oregon to help work on his house. There’s a privately owned hardware store near his home, the lady that helped us is one of those writers. She said they absorbed the first several months, but then had to take supplemental jobs to prevent loosing everything. That strike hurt LOTS of people, the elites really stuck it to them. We later learned that her, and all 12 employees made it through, but not without suffering some severe losses.


Really early on in the pandemic, mathematician Matt Parker put out an incredible video specifically targeting the now-at-home late night show hosts, teaching them how to use cameras and get good angles and such; Seth Meyers specifically called out Parker and gave thanks, and eventually had him in the audience for a taping of Corrections. Cheers to the unsung hero Matt Parker.


Conan will always be #1 in my book. I even have a cat named Conan. It was a placeholder name as a kitten(we didnt plan on keeping her) due to the huge orange spot she has(and still does) on her head.


The thumbnail for this video was left on the TV for a little bit and my mom said "I can't remember his name, but I like that guy in the middle the best." And when I pointed out that that was the creator of the video and someone she had likely never seen before, she said "I like his hair and he has kind eyes." You've got untapped potential in the 60+ female market, Eddy!


I'm a proud jackal—what Seth Meyers has done to embrace his YouTube audience really sets him apart. It's to the point where his Corrections segment is starting to bleed into other parts of his show.

Getting to see the genuine Seth—without his writers, with complete freedom to do whatever he wants—is... It's so refreshing.

He also challenges the nature of parasociality by extending genuine love and appreciation to us.

I dunno, it just feels really good. He doesn't feel like a late night host, he feels like a friend who just happens to do late night TV.
