The Doors in Celestia - Genshin Impact Theory

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I should really find a better way to get to sleep at night - but I suppose if I did, I'd never have these fun ideas to share with all of you!

Essentially, the main idea behind this one boils down to the fact that the door we enter to play is apparently the same as the door we use to enter other people's worlds. With everyone connected through Celestia, we gain a new perspective about what the real Celestia could possibly be: and more of an idea as to how the game world might work.

If this is right, it would be really interesting to see how it all plays out in the story.

Now! Onto planning the next video which, as a heads up for reading this, won't be a Genhin Theory but either a look at Among Us or the next part of the Tears of Themis playthrough I'm doing.

Ending Song:
"Artificial.Music - Herbal Tea" Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
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But upon closer observation of Celestia from in-game we can see that Celestia looks very different from the loading screen's place. Some theorist assume that it's a place that allows people to travel from and to different dimensions. It is after all the place we see the twins trying to leave Teyvat from and the place we enter the game through, when we enter the game and through that door, there is obviously nothing behind it, which means we traveled through dimension ( same thing when entering domains). and personally I agree I also thought it was Celestia for a long time but it doesn't look like it at all.


That's a... scary thing to think of, for sure
But if you thought about all that by only seeing a door, gosh I'm curious about your take on Baal's character xD


Good theory!
I've heard you can see the broken pillar from the first battle with the Goddess in the loading screen, like if that were the exact same corridor the twins travelled


You forgot to say: That's just a theory, a game theory!!!


Plus its been confirmed that honkai and genshin are in the same universe so does that mean that the twins are from the honkai world then went to khanreah because they travelled world to world?


celestia and the loading screen proobably aren't the same place. i know this is an old video, but the loading screen goes on infinitely and celestia seems to be a lot smaller. loading screen also has all those structures in the background, while celestia only has that one giant thing in the middle, which we also can't find in the loading screen. i think the loading screen is the "heaven realm" created by the primordial one. it would make sense to find similar structures in both celestia and heaven realm because they are both "divine", and are supposed to be inhabited by the gods.


Nice 👍 theory lol.
Personally I believe celestia is a lie and that Scaramouche is right about “the stars being a lie” he might be referencing celestia as well as other stuff. Lol 😂
I still think your theory is interesting 👏
