Why Do Empaths STRUGGLE To Attract Love?

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In this video, I'm gonna show you why Empaths struggle to attract love and I'm gonna show you how Empaths can completely transform that energy to have that attractive energy, magnetic energy from the inside out, so they stop sabotaging it for themselves.

Now, first off, let me say that I have been through a total transformation over the last year, year and a half, when it comes to being somebody considered an Empath.

Meaning, I could feel other people's emotions, what people are thinking many times, and I would tune myself to others a lot, in order to really even just get by in life, and that was something that many Empaths do.

Empaths are very sensitive. They can feel other people's emotions and other people's energies. And in this video, I'm gonna show you the thing that transformed everything, allowed it to be so much easier for me to be in that attractive magnetic energy and exactly how you can do it too.

Now, first off, let's realize why are, is somebody an Empath? And what is it about being an Empath that actually repels love, that repels that attractive energy?

Now, an Empath is somebody that is sensitive, that can feel other people's emotions or energies, and they're normally very much in tune with the external, with what their environment, where they could feel what's going on.

Now, the thing with this is understanding that one of the things that happens as an Empath is if you tune yourself to other people too often, you then lose your own center of gravity, and you're tuning to everybody else, which means that a certain level you are abandoning yourself to get your own needs met.

Abandoning yourself to get other people's validation, abandoning yourself to get other people's approval, abandoning yourself to get other people not to feel tension.

And the challenge with this is that you're abandoning yourself in order, it's all this energy that goes towards fixing the environment and getting everyone to feel safe, and it's a really, it's a form of manipulation.

That's what I had to realize. I'm like, wow. So many times I'm trying to manipulate my life in different ways, in order to get my needs met. But what that's resulting in is me, tuning and losing my own center of gravity and feeling kind of like a leaf in the wind, like I'm getting pulled in all these different directions.

So one of the things that really blocks Empaths from being attractive and having magnetic energy is a certain level of neediness, in order to manipulate the outer environment. Now, neediness is anytime we need something from somebody else, they can feel that.

Neediness says, I'm not whole and complete already. I need you to meet my own needs, and what ends up happening with this many times is because we need someone else to meet our own needs, we end up repelling the very thing that we want.

Whatever we crave, we must learn to give to ourself. If we crave validation or approval, we must learn that validation approval is not outside of us.

It's within us. And that's something that I had to learn to do. I had to, first, I had to stop abandoning myself. I had to start becoming aware that the Empath, like the Empath, what do we call it?

It's like a super power in a way for some people, because they can tune to other people and they can do these things. People are like, "How do you know this?" I'm very in tune. Anytime I meet somebody that has any type of similar energy to my ex stepmom, I can feel it like that, because it's like a red flag.

I know how to spot it. By my ex stepmom, someone that's like a narcissist. The funny thing too, is that Empaths tend to attract narcissists.

One of the reasons Empath attract narcissists is because narcissists have a very strong frame, even though that frame is built upon insecurity, they still feel that.

And there's something about that that attracts them to it, and I think a lot of times as well, Empaths tend to have very strong figures growing up that maybe they felt like they had to please, which could many times be the type of narcissistic personality pattern.

But in general, the reason Empaths attract narcissists is because in a way they put up with it, and they're trying to get the validation, the approval, and they're willing to completely abandon themselves in order to make the narcissists happy.

So one of the things that changes this whole entire energy dynamic around, is when you realize that this whole Empath thing was a survival mechanism as a kid, in order to get your needs met.

But at the same time, it's a form of manipulative energy, where you're trying to manipulate everyone else and the feeling a certain way about you, trying to manipulate other people into, manipulate yourself.
Рекомендации по теме

Empath here ✋🏻 I always attract narcissistic friendships or relationships. But, you know, I am learning to put myself on the pedestal not others: I don’t care what they think about me and, if they do something wrong, I cut them off. I don’t need them energy. Also, I am learning to give less, to listen more and don’t give all my energy to what they want or to make them feel at home, because I need to feel comfortable


“What you seek is seeking you.”
― Rumi

Keep working on that vibe my friends! ❤


This video’s timing is perfect. I’ve had a lot of insecurities come up this week. The “I’m not enough or I’m too much” wound really came through. Now I know why I’m single, I’m too hard on myself and I need to have stronger boundaries. (I also need to socialize more because my whole life is remote right now. 🙃)


"I'm an empath" is simply narcissistic trauma response. Sam Vaknin highlights how narcissism and borderline personality traits are two sides of the same coin. We just find one term to be more comfortable to use, "empath", when at it's root it is neurological sensitivity to energy because of trauma hypervigilance. People liking us reduces threats to the ego and nervous system. Our only way to heal is to learn meditation to reduce emotional distress, transcend the ego/ false self, to live authentically. I love your transmission fellow Starseed. 🖖🏾💕


In the last 2 weeks I have admitted to more than 7-8 girls that I had liked over the last 10 years and never admitted them. They all reacted so well and I feel so free now.
Being that honest without minding of the end result is SO Powerful.

I wouldn't have made it without you Aaron. Bless you


☀️Yes! I am this way. I am still working on this. Don’t become their energy. It’s okay to observe their energy and read it, but stay in your own energy and you will be powerful! We have to be whole and complete within ourselves. Damn I never thought about it that way. Narcissists have strong frames! At their core is insecurity. I have witnessed this so many times! It’s sad but the difference between them and us is we can build a strong frame around a core of peace, joy and love! ☀️


Ppl pray for a straight path and wonder why they can't find because ppl don't have good intentions anymore, be happy being alone, or stay depressed because ppl play with your emotions


Man... You talk about the same thing in every video, but always in a different way that can lighten up new perspectives. Love that


Thanks for supporting our human subspecies.
Empaths are awesome!


You are spot on! I recently realized that I am an
Empath! I can feel other peoples energy ! But, I also know, that the love that I seek, is inside of me! I can feel it!
You’re one of my fave people who’s videos I can absolutely relate to! I DO need help with a man I am attracted to, we met on a dating site, and, my inner being, says he’s the one …, but, sadly. I have doubts…


I have noticed that since speaking my truth being vulnerable and being myself, whether they choose to like me or not, I attract more men .
Like you said, it’s whether those men are right for me and we resonate
I have met one man that I resonate with and he understands my spiritual beliefs even though he’s not awake .
I’m now watching your videos so I don’t repel and I fully understand that focusing on not repelling can actually repel because I’m focusing on an outcome
I’m finding it slightly hard not to think about how I’d like the outcome to be with this man because it’s extremely rare that I come across that kind of man
12 years of being single and 2 past abusive relationships has left me with a few walls built up
We often believe or feel we have fully healed and until the relationship sets of with this man I won’t know if i will be fully healed
It can be confusing
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with me I am well aware of that


Bringing my energy back sounds powerful and it’s something I definitely need to work on. Thanks man.


☀️We have to set intentions of who we want to be and stop focusing on how others are and stop feeling into what they want from us!!!!


It’s because we BS ourselves a lot… i hated hearing that before because I refused to believe it, but now I’ve changed it I can see I was just lying to myself… Also for me it was a lack of information, and now I’ve learnt it, I have totally attracted more women and I can not get emotional or sensitive anymore!


I have to watch this video 10 times! I am 55 years old and realizing how i did spend my life ...Thank you ❤


As an empath- what I typically pick up on is people are incredibly annoyed, uncomfortable, and violated when they realize they can't 'hide' from my perceptions. I'm the type of empath that usually calls out the truth of the matter- and then that person quietly dips very quickly and goes probably somewhere else where they can put on a mask. Meh- oh well i'm over it overall. I know i'll be alone.


Sending so much gratitude for your wonderful insights Aaron. I release all generational patterns that no longer serve me. I am enough!


Practice self love, we're enough. Embrace people. Allow people to wear their mask. Tearing off people's mask with truth serves no one.


Hello Aaron
Your meditation felt very powerful for me. I started crying during the meditation and afterwards it felt like a burden had gone of my chest. I will definetly try this again if i feel like i need to!


i wish i lived close to this guy so we could be best friends
