Is A GPS Vehicle Tracker Hidden On Your Car?! 9 Spots Where A GPS Tracker Can Be Found

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Simple Steps How To Find A GPS Tracking Device Hidden On Your Car! Is Your Vehicle Bugged With a GPS Locator?

Did you know that in many cases it can be legal for your employer or your spouse to secretly track your vehicle? If you are concerned that a real time GPS might be hidden on your automobile this video will break down the most popular spots people hide GPS tracking devices on cars, and help guide you on how to inspect the exterior and interior of your vehicle. That way you can quickly and easily locate any wireless GPS car tracker. Let’s start with an inspection of the exterior of the vehicle.

The first thing you will want to do is grab your flashlight and vehicle owner's manual before making any exterior inspection. After that, you will want to start by checking the undercarriage.


Although most people don’t think a live GPS tracker will work under a car, the reality is vehicle tracking devices can catch GPS signals that reflect off the ground. Therefore, you will want to get on your back and shine your flashlight onto the underside of the car. Focus on the perimeter of the underside, looking for suspicious boxes, taped-on objects, and antennas.
If you see something odd, give it a light tug. Most tracking devices are magnetic and will detach easily.
Check the gas tank first. Its large metal surface makes it an easy spot to attach a magnetic device.

2. Inspect the wheel well

Check under the plastic guard of each wheel well, especially if it feels loose or bent. Any tracker should be obvious here — your car did not come with any weird boxes in this location.
If someone had extended access to your vehicle, you could remove the tires and check behind them, but it's not too likely a location. If you do look there, be aware that some brakes have a wired sensor behind them that is supposed to be there

3. Check inside the bumpers. 

The front and rear bumpers are another common location where a person might hide a GPS tracking system. Check behind both bumpers and anywhere someone could slip in a mini GPS device.
Also, keep in mind that a tracking device under the front bumper may be wired to the car's electrical system. Always compare the wiring to the manual before you remove anything.

4. Inspect the roof. 

Although the roof is not the typical location someone would hide a real time tracking device it is a spot worth investigating. SUVs or other tall vehicles can make the top of the roof less visible to a driver, creating opportunity for someone trying to secretly track your car. The good news is it is easy to make a visible inspection in this area. Second, a sunroof can hide a small device inside the retraction slot so if your vehicle has a sunroof it would be wise to search that area for a wireless GPS tracker.

5. Under the hood

The front of a car is a hot, solid metal box regularly inspected by the driver. This makes it a terrible spot to hide a real time GPS tracker. It's not impossible, but the average jealous partner or paranoid neighbor is unlikely to try equipping a vehicle tracker here. However, it is important to check so pop the hood and give it a quick glance to see if you notice anything suspicious before and moving on to the interior.

Searching the Interior

1. The Upholstery

When searching the interior of a vehicle for a GPS locator the first place you will want to look is inside upholstery. Unzip seat cushions and headrests and see if you notice any personal GPS trackers hiding in your car. GPS tracking devices can be less than 2 inches in size so keep that in mind when searching for hidden GPS car tracker inside a seat cushion

2. Beneath The Seats

One of the most common spots people hide spy gear is under the front or passenger seats. This means you will need to check beneath seats and carpet. Shine the flashlight up onto the underside of the seats and look for any potential GPS car tracker that might be hidden there.

3. The Dashboard & Glove Box Area

On most vehicle models, you can unscrew the glovebox compartment, plus the panel underneath the steering wheel. Look for a loose wire that isn't taped or tied to other wires, and try to trace it back to its source. Run your fingers on the underside of the dash to feel for an antenna that's been glued or taped on and see if you feel or can make a visual inspection of a tracker in your car.

4. Look In The Back

Remember that active GPS trackers and data loggers cannot receive signals through metal. This means the trunk is likely not a spot a person might hide a car GPS tracker. However, you will want to focus on the areas directly underneath the rear window before checking the trunk. Also, remember to remove the spare tire and check the well thoroughly for any potential tracking products.

Рекомендации по теме

"I thought my spouse hid a GPS tracking device on my vehicle and was able to find it thanks to videos like this"


Solid information for anyone who wants to find a hidden GPS tracker that might be on their vehicle. I would also encourage people to check the center console for a real time GPS


You forgot to mention the ODB 2 port under the dash.. they sell ones that plug into there also


2 Questions please.
I am sure i am being tracked because i actually spot them following but can't find device. I dont hook phone to car for gps either. How does the device work exactly?

How would such a device stay charged? Will it just die? Ive been moved 3 months and still followed. This is abuse on case people dont know. Also the people putting the trackers on are the players and dishonest ones.


People never think to look under their car for a GPS vehicle tracker.


Now who can I get to help reassemble my car?


You missed many important areas. You MUST also remove all interior panels e.g. door cards, pillar trim, headliner and check. Also remove the dash as there is plenty of space in there. There is an ad where the person puts the GPS IN the petrol tank so drain that and use a camera to check. Note that this should be done on a weekly basis as it takes only a few seconds or minutes to hide a GPS. STAY SAFE!!! Also wear dark glasses.


Everybody that has been tracking me through my vehicle my phone you all will go to jail !!! Don’t think I don’t know


Are the more sophisticated trackers life span good for tracking many months (perhaps 10 months)? Thank you 😊


I have a crazy ex who’s tracking my car. Shame on these companies for making these trackers so cheap and easily accessible to any psychotic person. Everytime I go somewhere I need to ask a friend for a ride. If I take my car he just shows up wherever I am. It’s literally a nightmare


I'm sure a fair amount of the views are from people looking to hide a tracker 😂.


Gas tanks are PLASTIC.
Many new cars do not come with a spare tire )you get a can of fix-a-flat instead).
A criminal could drop a tracker into the filler neck of your gas tank too.

One might want to hire a private investigator to do a 'sweep' of your vehicle to see if there is anything that shouldn't be there.


Where do the rental car agencies put their trackers?


If you are using an employer’s vehicle, then they are permitted.


Popular spots? I want to know what are the unpopular spots to find a tracker.


So if you say a GPS tracking system can be illegal 🤔
Then Google maps is the same thing as its tracking, every single place you travel even if not in use 😮


Once I found that but I thought it came with the car that was like 5 years ago i and i have been being tracked for years now


Yes interesting not a lot to use a magnet onto timber tray even cab floor is wood add even my phone will not work well in my old truck between the magneto and the 6v positive earth electrical system very unlikely to work all so gps map system will not work on my tablet while motor is running pull up a lights and you can hear the radios in cars play up that is the magneto


If you know who steal you equipment do thank that it will help me out


My husband has one on my car I. Going out to find it now
