What REALLY Happens When You Join Legends League in Clash of Clans

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Should You Sign Up for Legend League in Clash of Clans?! Kenny Jo explains the Legend League Tournament system for new players as well as those who are returning to CoC after time away. Included in this video: How to Sign Up for Legend League, Attack and Defense features, Loot and Trophy Functions and the Pros and Cons for all viewers to consider.

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Hey friends of Clash of Clans! In the video I mentioned that if you "OPT OUT" of Legend League Sign Up you have to wait until you drop to 4900 trophies to attack, this is inaccurate. It is possible for you to hangout in the 4900-5000 range and still attack in the "normal system" BUT this is far more work than signing up into the system. There are players out there that will claim that by NOT signing up and attacking to stay in this range that they are in "Legends League" but in reality they are NOT. Their attack/defense/loot/trophies all function as if they were still in Titan League.


When I first hit Legends, my first attack was against a town hall ten. If you are that player I need to say I have mad respect for you. I always regret not just crashing my attack. I have 5 accounts and somehow managed to get my town hall 11 there but geez a town hall ten! I know there are clans out there that have a theme of pushing low bases but I have heard on reddit of a town hall eight getting there and... just mad respect to you guys and your barch superbarch.


I've always wondered how it's like for Legend players. thank you for this Jo! 👍😁


I have been in legend league for almost two months now with my TH11 ( bear in mind that this is the first time in my life being up there).
I went up there after I almost maxed out my base and I was kinda bored ( I am f2p by the way). But it's really hard to keep pushing so I am just chilling between 4900 and 5000 trophy range while maintaining the legend league patch in my profile to attract players to my clan.


I reached legend league few days ago at Th10 and sign up in legend league, now I'm in TITAN again 🙂🙂..


Just made it to legend as a th11 after playing the game for about 10 years. I had no idea the system was this different


A topic that never gets discussed is the clan tournament. I think it would make for an awesome video visiting a top 3 clan. These clans receive up to 50, 000 gems divided EACH SEASON. Its sort of crazy to think this is a thing.


I reached 5000 trophies as th11. It was no fun up there. 😆 🤣


Just hit TH14 with the new year, and have been holding in legends league for about three weeks now. Thanks for all your videos, guiding and motivating me to play! It’s been quite enjoyable always!!


Mannn thank you. I’ve been clashing for at 7 years. But I never pushed for trophies or rushed to move up so I had no idea. Recently moved to th14 and had no idea what was going on. I read the wiki and the clash notes but still didn’t get it. You explained it all perfectly!!


Just got in to Legends League for the first time ever. I just got my TH to 12 and it’s like hell attacking there 😂


Just joined legends as a TH13, though still upgrading some defenses. Thanks for the video Jo, Got a crash course on what to expect.


As an TH 11 upgrading to TH12 and about to reach Legends League. That was a helpful video, thanks!


I like legends league for a lot of the same rsasons you mentioned. Ive also never been one to trophy push, but my clanmates and I have gotten competitive about who's number 1 in the clan.


I’m th 13 in legends league and only get to attack th 15 and 16’s 💀💀


I am maxxed TH 12 and i am pushing my trophies to get to Legends league. I am currently in Titan 1. So this video was helpful. thanks Jo., 🔥


I’ve been in legend league for probably close to two years, and I really like it. You make good loot every attack, and the fact that you don’t lose any on defense is so helpful. 8 attacks is the perfect amount per day.


Hi jo love your videos. I just pushed to legends league as a th13 for the first time. Let’s see how it goes. Thanks for all the guidance you keep me interested in clash.


Just went from 1800 trophies to Titan League in like three days (and almost completed my walls) with a brand new th12 and some level 7 dragons and balloons. Completely free to play. You helped me do it dude!


Thanks for vid, man. Im planning to reach Legends League when my base are fully maxed out.
