Kreg Accu-Cut Review and Setup Tips

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I'm very impressed with the accuracy of Kreg's new KMA2700 circular saw to track saw conversion kit.
Note: Kreg recommends using a circular saw with a metal upper blade guard, since it will lead to less deflection in the blade and a better overall cut. They also recommend using at least a 40T blade, which will help produce a cleaner cut.
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Your bevel adjustment lever is adjustable. It is spring loaded in that you can move it out away from the front of the saw and rotate it to a different stop location. Hope that makes sense and I didn't miss someone else pointing this out. Nice work on the video, thanks.


I bought one of these about a year ago. The assembly directions were terrible. I decided to try it again and I'm watching your wonderful video. So, that's how they go together


This is a must see video for anyone who purchases the Accu Cut track as the setup instructions in the manual were very confusing, at least for me. Kreg should send you some free tools for providing the excellent insight into setup. Thanks for taking the time to share!


Bought this over a year ago. After watching this video I can finally use it! Thank you so much. Invaluable instruction.


Well, I just bought one of these and even 4 years after you published this video; it's still the best instruction I found. Thanks a lot mate; great work.


Thanks for the video I’ve been fighting with cutting plywood for ever, tried to build a track but with no luck and didn’t want to spend hundreds on a track saw so I broke down and purchased this today and man what a difference, makes working so much easier, thanks again


I bought this several months ago to break down some plywood, and I could never figureout how to get this lined up for the zero clearance cut. The way I had it setup my blade guard couldn't function properly. After watching your video and inspecting my setup... I had the stop block on the wrong side of the saw guide. Moved the stop block, reseated the saw and now I can cut the zero clearance with a fully functioning blade guard.... :D Thanks for the video.


I just bought this system. I wasn't sure how to set it up. Thank you for explaining the set up. I got it.


This might just be the very best video of shop tools that I have ever seen. I have 7 cfq related journey men's tickets, I'm a certified steeple jack this video taught me a ton. Very well done mate


Instructions in packaging were so confusing, but your video made a ton of sense! Thank you


I just want to thank you for this excellent tool review. IMHO, this video would make a good template for all tool reviews. No rambling or other excessive and/or unnecessary exposition. Just a simple and direct discussion of the tool covering the features of the tool, assembly and setup with learned tips, demonstration of tool in action, and comparison to alternatives. All that in a very reasonable 16 minutes. Well done!


I work for Lowes in the tool department and for tools that I haven't used, it helps me to see how they are used and what can be done with them. Thank you!!!


Nice well done review. What I missed was if you covered the most critical part of a joining or edge cut. That being to make very sure that the blade on your saw is set to 90 degrees to the flat surface. Especially when using only one circular saw for so many tasks, it's very easy for this setting to become off a tad bit. That gets amplified as you join pieces also. As important as you showed to get the two pieces of track aligned, it's also as important if not more so, to re-check that the saw blade is set a square 90 degrees to it's plate. The small things came create much bigger issues. Always re-check.


I purchased one of these to do some 4x8 sheets. I will admit it works very well. ONCE YOU GET USED TO IT. I have already worn out (or cut out) one of the blue strips. Time to turn it around and use the other side. Then purchase some new strips. I really do like it. Just takes some trial and error as does most new tools and concepts. Last works!
I appreciate the video very much. It was very helpful. Thank you sir!


This is so thorough and helpful. Thank you for not running through it quickly. I hope Kreg is paying you.


Loved the video. Here are a couple tips that work for me. Whenever I am jointing an edge (jointer or saw), I reverse one of the boards just in case I haven't lined it up perfectly. The angles will then compliment each other and fit perfectly. I have had very long pieces, hard to handle on my jointer. With those, I will get a close edge, glue them together loosely, then use my straight edge to split the jointed line. That has also been a work around I have used with success.


I got this Kreg system and also use a Ridgid saw although an older model 6 1/2" model. I didn't like how the back of the saw lifts off the base plate so I just permanently attached the saw to the base by drilling four holes through the Kreg base and the Saw base plate and used some small bolts and nuts. So, this saw will always stay on here. I have another 7 1/4" Ridgid saw that's in my trailer for work.


I just bought one today. I'm waiting it to arrive. Thanks for the tips on how to set it up propperly.

Kudos from Argentina.


Thank you so much for this demonstration. We find it helpful. We see that expansion pack you are asking for is now available! Anyway, we appreciate your excellent explanation of how to get set up.


had an axident with a table saw and was looking for alternatives and found this circlular saw attachment. wasn't sure how it would work but, now i know and plan a purchase thank you. vid was well done
