Adding 500 Goats to Our Ranch - Regenerating the Ranch Ep 5

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We have a huge brush encroachment problem. Utilizing several different methods to correct it, we decided to add goats to our Oswalt Ranch. On our native range ranches, good portions are not grazeable by our cattle, so by adding these goats we are looking to generate another enterprise on the same amount of acres by also slowly increasing the amount of grazeable forage for our cattle.

"We want to manage for diversity in pastures. There needs to be more than just grasses. There need to be forbs, trees, etc. Cattle prefer grasses. Sheep prefer forbs, and goats are browsers. See what resources you have on your land and see how they can graze it.”
- Joe Pokay

00:00 Introduction
01:12 Benefits of adding goats
02:46 Our problem with brush
03:38 Water for 500 goats
04:37 Guardian dogs
06:14 Fence and paddocks
07:19 Adding a portable charger
08:41 Moving 500 goats
09:55 What we have learned about our goats
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We added goats to our small ranch to keep the pastures clean of brush. They did a good job and what started out as nine does and a buck wound up as 200 breeding does and 6 bucks. We rotated the breeding so we would have several kid crops a year. We found a market through a local butcher shop that liked our clean animals (free of desease), and they bought all we could supply. A good supplement to our cattle production.


Our city of Rocklin Ca uses goats and sheep every year to clear hills, wetland preserves, and every place that has brown grasses or weeds. So far, fire non-existent in our city. Plus, they are wonderful to watch when they attack those hills, etc. it’s been our eco-friendly way of not using herbicides to kills the weeds. Now, lots of neighboring cities are finally using them also.


The primary goal in a Goats life is to let you know where you have fence issues.


*I really enjoy watching the goats roam freely in the pasture, they are happy goats*


Whoever produced this series is wicked talented.


We need a large scale version of this to reduce western forest fire danger.


Here in San Antonio they put about 500 goats in one of the parks down the street to do the exact same thing. It seemed to work. The park looked great afterwards.


An excellent and natural way to clear brush and weeds. More ranchers should use this method.


Dog choice: A fantastic animal protection dog is a Kangal. We use one that is like a cruise missile at predators but kind and gentle to everything else. BIG. Hardy. Fearless. Dedicated. Gets along with chickens goats hogs and cows. Even the barn cats like her. And when strangers come to farm (delivery) no issues with her around new people.


Consider installing a Screech Owl nest box. Owls will eat rodents which host ticks and attract pit vipers.


Goats will eat near anything. Years ago a family we knew had some goats and one day after coming home they found two goats which had climbed up a tree next to their house and were laterally eating their roof - cedar I believe.🤣🤣


Goats are an excellent tool for land management as well as a financial benefit as far as a livestock enterprise. We started with just a few and now run well over 250 head on primarily leased land and primarily utilizing electric fence. In areas as little as 2 acres all the way up to areas as big as 40 acres at one time. Moving them on to the next area as they clear it down. Keeping our land owners happy while the goats clear their brush that is other wise not utilized by their cattle. All the while keeping us happy while the goats pack on the pounds!


Glad to see this. California is starting to catch up, finally using goats to help clear underbrush that makes forest fires so hot.


We are located in North Texas just across the border. We worked with Dr. Rohla on our Pecan Orchard. You guys are a wealth of knowledge. Thanks for sharing.


I recently say a an old saying... (I think author was unknown) It read: "Make your fences horse high, bull strong, pig root proof, and goat wire size... " meaning tall, strong, push proof and made to keep dogs out and small livestock in.


Goats are as mischievous as they are cute. You have to protect everything around while dealing with them. I wish you patience.


They work well, used to graze 1000 to 1500 on brush here in northern Alberta when we had the goat and lamb feedlot. Much easier to keep in with electric fences than sheep. Sure helped the grass production for the cow herd.


My mom didn't want me to take out one of our goats when I was little, but my dad overrode her . The goat took me out as I recall and I didn't have to be dragged very far before I let go of the rope. Ahh


This is so amazing to see such great ideas flowing thru the cattle industry.. Locally I have seen goats below a canopy of trees.. The goats eat all the underbrush and other vegetation to completely reduce fire issues in central California foothills.. The grazing acts like and under burn and cleans up the flash fuels in way many thought was not possible.. When I see goats turning the vegetation back to grass and making great grazing for cattle is off the charts.. Many great things are happening with out herbicides too.. a win win situation.. great video guys.. keep them coming..👍😁


Good on you.
What you're touching on is what Alan Savory pionered and proved to reverse Desertification
