Extract LAS Tool | Data Management Tools | LAS Dataset | 3D Analyst ArcToolbox

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Filters, clips, and reprojects the collection of lidar data referenced by a LAS dataset.
You can have the LAS dataset layer limit the LAS points that are displayed and processed by selecting any combination of classification codes, classification flags, and return values in the layer's filter settings. The filters can be defined through the Layer Properties dialog box or the Make LAS Dataset Layer tool.

To reproject LAS files into a different coordinate system, specify the spatial reference in the Output Coordinate System environment setting. The LAS files must have a spatial reference defined for the files to be reprojected. If the spatial reference contains a vertical coordinate system, the LAS files can also be reprojected to another height reference system if the vertical datum transformation grids are installed and a transformation is available from the source reference and the target coordinate system. A LAS file's spatial reference can be defined in either its header or through an auxiliary PRJ file that defines the spatial reference using the well-known text (WKT) convention. The PRJ file must reside in the same location as the LAS file and have the same name as the LAS file. When present, the PRJ file will override the spatial reference information in the LAS file's header. You can create PRJ files for LAS files with missing or incorrectly defined spatial reference using the Define Projection tool for an individual LAS or ZLAS file or the Create LAS Dataset tool with the PRJ option enabled.

It is not uncommon for LAS point records to be stored in the LAS file in a binary sequence that does not correspond with the spatial clustering of the points. When data of such distribution is queried, it can result in less efficient access to the binary records that represent the LAS points. Rearranging the points in the resulting LAS file will optimize the data for visualization and other spatial operations. Statistics will automatically be calculated when the rearrange option is enabled. If you choose not to rearrange the LAS points, then you can elect to enable or disable the calculation of statistics. Calculating statistics will optimize spatial queries and provide a summary of the class codes and return values that are present in the LAS file. However, it will also add time to the processing of this tool. If the resulting LAS files will not be used in ArcGIS, you may elect to disable the calculation of statistics so that the tool can execute faster.

When clipping LAS files, if an extraction extent is defined along with an extraction boundary, the intersection of both will define the coverage of the extracted LAS files.

The output LAS files will match the LAS version and point record format of the input.
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