Gallbladder Removal Story

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I tell the story of when I had my gallbladder and appendix out when I was in the 8th grade (14 years old). It is also my appendix surgery story. This story was the start of my chronic illness journey, and I also talk about some of my biggest fears and overarching health problems. Thank you for watching!

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Do you share my fear of not being believed?


This is one of the only videos I could find about low functioning gallbladder. Mine is at 24% and I definitely had my share of doctors who told me it was from anxiety, period, or in my head. I’m meeting with a surgeon in a few days and I feel so hopeful from this video that I will get better! I’ve been sick for almost a year!


I am scheduled for surgery in 3 weeks. All my tests showed nothing but the symptoms are spot on for gall bladder problems. After listening to your story, I will ask the doctor to have a look at my appendix as well because my pain runs the entire length of my rib cage and almost to my hip on occasion. Can't wait to have it over with.


I thank your mother for always being so supportive!


Alyssa, Thank you so much for sharing your story. I went down a very similar path to yours but I am in my 50's and have just been diagnosed after 11 years of pain and intestinal havoc! I started having terrible nausea and abdominal pain and saw a gastroenterologist who put me on Omezaprole, which didn't help much at all. I ended up getting my gall bladder removed and previous to this I had uterine cancer and a partial hysterectomy. Shortly after the surgery I began to have terrible pain and suspected it to be fibromyalgia as I had had years of pain and terrible fatigue, insomnia, depression and intestinal problems. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia 20 years after I first really began to be affected by it and then was given steroids which made me sick and caused me to gain weight. I was employed as a school secretary and my body began to bread down and I couldn't get out of bed some days bc of pain and insomnia keeping me up at night. Many people did not believe me and I caught them smirking at me and asking me leading questions I felt useless and ashamed and out of control of my life. . Most of all I was mad at myself for not being able to do what I once could. i finally had to learn to forgive myself and do the best I could and have had to give up my job and after a five year fight I finally got disability for which I am very grateful. I feel like my life has been stolen and many people around me still do not understand and I get it bc the pain is not one you can describe but it is extremely debilitating. So just today I found out that MALS is another malady I have and it has gotten increasingly worse through the 11 years when it first started to bother me. I have been diagnosed with IBS, GERD, an ulcer, and have had a total of about 5 cat scan. I visited the ER for this 3 times and luckily one man spotted it and thought he did not mention it in the papers, he told me but unfortunately I was out of work a year and had not insurance and we were struggling on one income and my husband was not happy about this and blamed me. I have so often dreamt of asking someone who doubts me to step into my body and then they would want out fast bc I live in terrible, chronic pain. Thanks to a good Doctor though I won't be hearing I have "Colitis" or "Gastritis" or that they just don't know what it is? It is a relief to finally have found it on the Angiogram, after allt eh lab work came back clean, as did a CT scan of my stomach area. I will hopefully be to see a surgeon on Monday and be able to get some relief. Another option too, if you really don't want surgery is to eat small meals all day long so as not to overload your gut and the need for heavier blood flow. As for the people who didn't believe you, I apologize for them and I am so sorry bc it is so very hurtful. Not only are you dealing with health problems but now you have to deal with judgement as well and it just seems preposterous. I even have a younger friend who is 37 and has become fully affected by Fibromyalgia and I do my best to help her, as a veteran of the disease but her husband does not even believe it exists! So sad! All we can do is comfort ourselves in that other people have no idea just how strong we are and take comfort in other sufferers in the form of friend's and support groups and those who stand by us and showed they really knew us heart and soul! Your website is wonderful and so helpful and appreciated! Thank you!


I was just diagnosed with a bad gallbladder yesterday. I’m 27. My compliment to you is that you’re really well spoken 😀


I feel you about the whole not being believed thing, it sucks when healthcare professionals either just won't listen or they tell you you're fine when you're trying to explain. I had a HIDA scan last November, a month + few days after my pain started, and it came back functioning at 90 percent (considered to be a hyperactive gallbladder) but they didn't discuss my results with us so we went all this time thinking my gallbladder was good to go, but yesterday I went to my pre-op consultation appointment and I told my surgeon that my doctor said my gallbladder is hyperactive and he told me it's confusing because my pain is in the lower right abdomen instead of the upper right, but he also said that while he's in there with the scopes he'll make another incision to look for endometrial tissue and endometriosis scar tissue as well just to be clear on that too, and I genuinely trust him with safely operating on me whilst I'm under anesthesia, so I hope that my surgery goes well. I get my surgery in two weeks and we are hoping that my problems will be solved!


I'm so glad I'm not the only whose had doctors not believe them. I've been diagnosed with Tachycardia, nausea, and havent been able to eat well in weeks. I am glad you found answers hun.


Wonderful and, at the same time, heartbreaking story. I just had my gallbladder removed yesterday. After a month and a half of daily cramps/pain, constipation, not being able to sleep more than a couple of hours, having to choose between eating and making it worse or just not eating, a radiology tech and a surgeon both suggested a HIDA test. Mind you, I’d seen 2 Primary Care Physicians and a GI Specialist. I had an X-Ray, CT scan, Blood work, Endoscopy, and Gastric Emptying Study done. The X-Ray showed my abdomen full of gas that I couldn’t pass. The CT scan showed a paraumbilical hernia and, after speaking to the surgeon who actually looked at the scan, stool backed up on the right side of my intestines. My blood work was fine. The Endoscopy showed nothing abnormal, according to a PCP and the GI Specialist. The Gastric Emptying Study was slightly off, but indicated nothing to the GI specialist. Ironically, as I’m being walked out of this test, the tech asks have I had a HIDA scan done. I said “no” and didn’t think to inquire as to what it was or why she asked. I’m all over the place with this because like your story, I felt like the doctors weren’t taking my situation as seriously as they should’ve been, and I’m still a bit upset.

I was previously put on Colace(stool softener), Gas-x, Miralax(laxative), and a prescription for abdominal cramps, for 3 MONTHS. So, without having a clue of what’s causing my issues that have by this point been going on for over a month, a specialist just put me on a bunch of OTC medication I’d already taken for weeks before I went to see the 1st doctor. The GI specialist initially scheduled the Endoscopy for a month after my initial visit, which says to me there was no sense of urgency coming from her. Oh, and I’d lost 25lbs in a month from not being able to eat normally. I basically forced the 2nd PCP to give me info for a surgeon to give me information about the hernia, thinking that may be the cause. When I met with the surgeon, she looked over my CT scan, and suggested and scheduled the HIDA scan. My gallbladder was working at a 11% rate. That was last Friday. 5 days later my gallbladder is gone. But had it not been for that surgeon, I would be sitting here in pain, still not knowing, taking laxative, stool softener, gas-x, and cramping meds.

I said all of that to say, I feel your pain and I’m glad you were able to get to the bottom of your issue. We need more doctors to really listen, look for causes, and stop looking for easy, quick fixes for symptoms


When I started feeling sick and didn’t know it was gallbladder issues I visited urgent care and the Dr their was so rude and mean, he made me feel really inferior. He wasn’t helpful at all and I cried in my car after I was discharged because I wasn’t listened to and taken serious. I don’t know if he was having a bad day but he was not listening to me and tried to get me out as soon as possible. I even apologized and told him that I was sorry I wasted his time while trying to hold back tears. He also questioned how sick I felt. I hope nobody goes through this neglect, and if they do that they have the courage to speak up.


I am 48. I have had this drama for a few years. Kidney stones? rare but yes. A virus that made my liver 😫 sick? yes. Irritable Bowel syndrome? yes. Diverticulitis, yes. Acid Reflux? Yes.
Hernia? Yes.
The ER gave me the run around with the Gallbladder though. For years. Never finding stones. I got my first coloniscopy when I visited the Gastric Doctor because recently, it is done at 45 and this was the way the intestinal problems were diagnosed. Hidascan was suggested and I had never had that done. I had that done today. I haven't gotten the results yet. Even if minor, it seems appearant that the Gallbladder is not in a hurry to empty. Specialists are the way to go. The only time ERs are good in most occasions is the Children's Hospital. They suggested a gastro doctor for my daughter and "FINALLY " got a diagnosis of Chrones. Something that needs constant treatment, monitoring etc... In my case, getting the run around just because there were no stones was frustrating!!! That did NOT mean that wasn't a problem!!!! Abdominal pain and nausea, vomiting etc, you need to visit the ER. And for what??? A huge bill and no answers. I also love the fact that since there is no fever with a thermometer, "there is no problem ".... Wrong!!!! I am glad for your video. It is surprising that you had the Gallbladder problem so early. I am glad you had it taken care of at an early age.


I appreciate your story. I relate to people not believing you about symptoms.


I totally feel you! Doctors thought I was constipated and sent me home with medicine that actually was inflaming my liver! I had pain medicine injected through my IV and when doctors examined me they said I was faking being in pain! Soon when the doctors saw that I had gallstones they couldn’t operate until my liver inflammation went down. Soon I got my gallbladder removed and I’m okay to this day.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I am waiting for the HIDA scan to be scheduled. I had a difficult time the last couple of years. I hope it won't be long to get there. I am really happy for your recovery. Be safe.


My granddaughter in her twenties is about to have her gallbladder removed. I'm worried about it and wish it didn't have to happen. Videos like this help me be optimistic and sensible.


Doctors should always look at gallbladder issues for upper right abdomen pain. And an ultrasound is the first step.


I had mine out when I was 11 I started having pains when I was 10 and nobody believed me for months. I wasn't eating and I completely stopped getting out of bed I wasn't going to school and I was starting to fail my classes. I also had an ultrasound, Xrays, and scope but they never found anything. a week later I had a HIDA scan after I had that scan they got the results and they rushed me to get a surgery date I had surgery the next WEEK. before I was never able to run I was always in pain I now am a cross country runner and love to run I guess all those years I wasn't able to run made me who I am now.


I had to deal with the nausea in school too. Literally started my first day of senior year. I understand not being believed. The nurses couldn’t do anything except send me home but my mom couldn’t drive me home and just told me to deal with it. I was so over it I just tried to sleep in any of my classes just to not feel nauseated. It has been truly such a lonely 8 months. But it’s going better now. I have my gallbladder surgery June 2nd and I’ve already graduated online so I didn’t have to deal with the pain at school. But no graduation ceremony </3


Even my family didn’t believe me, along with the Drs being very condescending. My acupuncturist and message therapist were the ones who helped me. I’m working on trying to save my gallbladder.


I had been dealing with issues surrounding my stomach since I was 6. In 2002, my appendix ruptured and I almost died. Fastforward to 2021, my gallbladder was down to working at 6% and had emergency surgery. The only issue I have now is diarrhea and back pain. I have been able to enjoy pizza again.. in moderation ;).Best of luck to you in your journey post Gallbladder removal..
