How I fixed FPS and Lag issues in raid | TWW Nerub'ar Palace

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These are the steps I took to fix my FPS:
1. Deleted ElvUI, got these addons to replace functionality:
2. Deleted Vuhdo, replaced with Cell:
3: Used BagSack to diagnose other addons
4: Diagnosed WA's by typing before combat: /wa pstart After Combat: /wa pstop See results: /wa pprint
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this channel is so great. no frills or bs just straight to the point informative short form content. great work!


with elvui i had 40 fps on pull with bloodlust on silken court, without elvui i had 70+ fps in the same scenario. as someone who has used elvui since original mop and never played without it, its CLEARLY elvui and everyone saying its not is either delusional or just actually braindead.


I've stopped using it as well... :) Good advice!!


Shared with my guild. Lots of people in my team have been complaining lately.


i use elvui and having so many issues even at the lowest setting in a raid...down to under 10fps. Going to try this and check and also good tip on WA profiling. Good thing blizz is adding some help in 11.1. Ty..


Mythic Ulgarax completely demolishes my PC 😭😭


after i disabled better blizz plates and better blizz frames and went back to basic name plates/ unit gameplay was ways better


I get good enough frames w/ elv ui, but I might try base to see how much better it is. Nice video!


As cool as this video is, the base issue is likely the query rate/amount of data queried from these addons.

Addons like elvui and plater used to come with the rate cranked real high out-of-the-box so if you have an old installation, the addon would query the game 20 times per second or something ridiculous. In the newer versions, I think they've put the defaults to something more reasonable like 5 times per second. Even that is pointlessly high and a query interval of 300-400 ms is sufficient. It's the same thing with details where people happily have the addon update 5 times per second just to see numbers in real-time and then wonder why deleting details gives them more cpu time for actual gameplay. The problem is exacerbated in the raid with horrendous group aura settings where you have massive amounts of auras being constantly updated.

Before deleting anything, I'd change the settings in these addons to something more reasonable.


I did the same thing moved from 59-60 fps to 79 fps in Dorongal while idel.


Well it didn’t “Fix” all my issues, but it sure as sh*t got better when i got rid of elvui.


ElvUI itself isn't the problem, it's the configuration you use. Masque is also not the best for performance, especially not if you also have it enabled for WeakAuras.


hey...very good video from you.
just for your terms of character ui.
i use weak aura for that. its called "Chonky Character Sheet"
which makes my character widow look very nice and you also seeethe enchants and gems


As someone else said - usually culprit is the settings, not addon itself - there was update rate already mentioned but theres another culprit.
Using raid frames/party frames from any addons can cause huge issues depending on settings - especially when using stuff like heal prediction.
Im generally fan of ELV with default raid frames/party frames tuned with other addon for buffs/debuffs/resizing etc.


I just use the default raid frames for healing with mouse over and click for me and doesn't break with wow patches


It is just insane, playing with rtx4070 and r7 5800x3d 32gb ddr4 3200mhz and i play around 9-32 fps on a boss fight with literally full low graphic settings, no WA models, nothing strange on Bugsack, reinstalled wow, repaired, changed every fonts to blizzard default. I actually think gonna leave playing this shit since i dont find any fix for it. Also did everything on this video which it was my hope but seems like still not.


I seen on multiple vids removing Wa's that have "models" significantly improves fps


Honestly there are many points that can be picked here - in general ElvUI is indeed a bit on the heavy side of addons (though there are many others that take much more resources). But at the end of the day it all gets to the PC setup that you have - World of Warcraft (especially including addons) is CPU and RAM centric game mainly - the more addons a person has - the more powerful CPU and RAM is needed to handle them. Some addons like ElvUI that change the entire UI - definitely would require extra punch to run.
There also always will be a tradeoff choice - better customization options to set everything in the way you want it exactly to the last details or go for pure natural WoW look for speed and less performance impact.


For myself I have no frame rate issues and I play at 4k targeted 120fps. I pretty much use the blizzard interface now that they have edit mode. They have an option for all in one bag. I do use narcissist, DBM, details, plater, handy notes and a few minor add ons. For weak auras I only use the raid and dungeon helpers for the most part and make custom class icons for the things i need to keep track of. I know add ons and weak auras can also be heavy users of RAM so I suggest for those that can to upgrade. I use 32gm of Ram in my system. Also to be fair too, I'm also running a 4080 graphics card but even when i was running my 2070 I never had these issues as I believe i had the ram for it.

Just suggestions to look at. Good informative video. I didn't know you could record what WA can do until now so thank you for that.


i was dealing with the same a month ago, couldnt understand why i have 35 fps in dungeon and 25fps on pull in raid, i got rid of elvui and some weakauras that used "models" and i am back at 120fps in dungeon and 80 fps in raid
