United Methodists are Breaking Up...It's Not Pretty

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What's been going on in the United Methodist Church? Why are they splitting and what does the situation look like today?

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One of our pastors was denied pension since our church left the UMC in the fall and it was a few months shy of his time required to collect pension (or something similar, im not 100% on how it works). Thankfully, a nearby UMC church heard what happened and offered to “hire” him so he could meet all requirements for his pension. It went from him losing his entire retirement to him being able to retire a couple months early while still receiving pay.
That was a moment of beauty in an otherwise difficult split.


I'm in Iowa, this week 83 churches voted to leave the denomination, including Marion Methodist near Cedar Rapids, which is a pretty large church by Iowa standards. It will be interesting to see what happens from here. 83 is 11% of UMC churches in the state.


closing down a small church for not paying its kickback is certainly what Christ would do im sure.


I was raised as a Methodist, as an adult, I've been a Baptist for 32 years, and I do believe congregational ownership is the proper way to go, not a corporate ownership.


I grew up in an EUB church which became United Methodist. We had to pay hundreds of thousands of $$ to keep the property & buildings that we built and paid for. I feel bad for the smaller churches that cannot afford the exit fees.


as a non methodist this whole thing is super confusing but your videos are always clear about what's happening! thanks for the update.


As a 15 year old United Methodist back in 1979, I knew the church had doctrinal problems.


I did not leave the United Methodist Church. It left me !!


I will NEVER again belong to a church where the synod or conference owns the church property rather than the local congregation. I walked away from a Reformed church that had that very view and it was just part of the bullying that the classis and synod used against the local congregations.


I was a Methodist pastor for over 25 years. The division has been long coming. I'm not sure if it could have been avoided.
However it has turned into a far more ugly mess than it should have and it's due in no small part to many bishops and other leaders are being rather unchristian in their behavior.
- Each conference is a geographic territory headed by a bishop. Some Bishops are being very decent about this so please don't label all Methodists for this.
Other Bishops are:
- Closing down churches without real reasons, discussions, vote or consent.
- Setting exorbitant "exit fees" or other costs.
- Finding ways to unjustly remove pastors who aren't cooperative.
- ignoring the wishes of the laity.
- Other unjust punitive actions are happening.
- God may be forgiving but some of our Bishops seem to forget a lot of people aren't. When the world sees clergy behaving like this it really damages churches. The hypocrisy can do more damage than the divisive issues.
It's hard enough to grow a church today. Who wants to join when the leaders are acting like a bunch of backstabbing, money grubbing, sore losers?
- I did not leave the UMC because of this but there are many things I don't miss. I am in a new church myself, and a lot happier, but I wonder if this garbage isn't going to hurt everyone, including non Methodist churches like mine.
- So regardless where you may stand on this issue, or any issue, please know we aren't all a bunch of monsters and there are plenty of decent people who will welcome you to their church. In fact we need you.


I am a Catholic, but it’s always terrible to see a schism. It always echos 1 Corinthians 1:10 “Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment.” God save his church…


I hope that those congregations that were unexpectedly forced to close, strongly appealed that decision and even sued the conference. Forcing a church to close, while not informing the congregation, is wrong in anyone's books. It's certainly not what Jesus would do!


On a side note happy pentacost Sunday guys may the holy spirt be with you all . Hosanna in exelcis, Pax tibi .


Honestly, there would be a lot more churches leaving if they could afford to. Many of these smaller churches have less than 100 active members, mostly older and in a blue collar area that has been in decline.


As a non-religious person who is interested in culture, politics, society and religion, I very much appreciate your straightforward, informational videos. The world could use much more of this kind of approach.


“The [formerly known as ‘United’] Methodist Church”

Edit: while I joke, I do take this seriously as I know many people who are wrestling deeply with what is going on. It’s not an easy time at all, and I pray for true Christian Unity


Divorce is hard and painful and messy almost always. I heart bleeds for those hurt by what’s going on. I am hopeful that both communities, liberal and conservative, will come out stronger and more healthy in the end. I also hope both old and new denominations will work together in common areas such as community service.


Methodists: "oh no a schism!"

Catholics: "first time?"


As a member of a congregation that has voted to disaffiliate, but is still going through the process, I would like to mention that for a great many, the issue of human sexuality has very little to do with the decision. It was certainly a factor in causing some to take a look at the root issues, but for us the deciding factor was to take the opportunity to chase the moneychangers from the temple, as it were - the central authorities appeared to be running a business, not living a vocation. It is very likely we will remain independent instead of donning a different leash.


Yesterday, I saw a "For Sale" sign had gone up outside the little United Methodist church in my neighborhood. I used to try to time my runs so I would be close by to hear the hourly church bell ring. It always makes me sad to see one of God's houses close. I pray all the congregants find a new home where they can continue to grow in their faith! 🙏
