Is Programming Easy?

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Why does it feel like programming comes so easily to some while others struggle? In this video I'll share some of my experiences in software development as to why this is the case.

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Do you ever question if you're cut out of programming? Did this video help you see the bigger picture?


PLEASE, and I beg you, everyone who is learning how to code, and/or is already working in this field;
Please be nice, kind and supportive to other people who are coming up in the field. I know how easy it is to get discouraged when people talk down on you. I see it all the time where senior developers talk shit to junior developers for not being able to understand something right away, when they have also been in a similar situation when they were beginners.
I can't stress this enough. Just be kind, supporting others' work and progress doesn't take anything away from your own


Its hard to start out but if you Commit to coding everyday, it will really help develop that muscle memory. Deliberately practice and you will see growth.


Programming is not that hard (somewhat difficult). It only needs a couple of things:
1. Passion.
2. Time
3. Problem solving
4. Patience
5. Learning a lot of things because it is not just learning one language and then you're a pro, no, when learning a language you'll need to learn its "derivatives", libraries, frameworks, etc and that takes time which means more exposure to it. That's all. Put in the time. Put in the hours and be patient and never compare yourself to others who have been doing it for years. Compare yourself to your old self when you started and see how much progress you've achieved. You'd be surprised. Good luck everyone.


Hey Andy Thanks for this. This video has been helpful. Key take away for me is don't compare yourself to others and put in the hours and eventually it gets easier


Everything you talk about really hits home. You always pick very hot topics and help us out with building confidence to progress! ☺️


Thank you, thank you. I'm not in it for software development. Web development is my goal, but I love your channel. This is one of the places I come when I feel demotivated....thank you, thank you


Thank you so much for this video. I really needed it. I just started out in development it can be difficult when the peers around me who have more experience, tell me that I may not be cut out for this. Regardless of what they say, this is the path that I want.


Your words are incredibly inspiring. I lost sight of my vision a few weeks ago and have been getting more and more distracted ever since. I do NOT want to miss this opportunity for my life. It's one thing to be logically capable of this (and I think the vast majority of us are) but not everyone understands the importance of being emotionally ready to take on something new like this.

These past couple months have taught me to NOT GO TOO FAST. I burned out from relentlessly studying and not taking time for myself to engage in another activity and be mindful of the world around me. We aren't meant to operate like that. Stay consistent, but don't sprint if you're just learning to crawl.


what i expected:

me: so is programming easy?
andy: it depends


It took a long time for me to grasp the type of mind set that I needed in order to properly think through the logical processes involved with the code that I write. I was one of the people who struggled, but I was also quite patient. Eventually you learned to put the logic into a simpler explanation, which becomes easier to explain to others and yourself as well. It's bad practice to write lots of documentation in your code typically, but when you're someone who is learning for the first time it's actually helpful because you can go back to your code and understand what things are doing in case you forget provided you don't turn this into a habit. If a framework or engine has coding documentation always go to it for reference when you're learning as well.


Great video, Andy! I needed this in order to keep going forward and continue learnig! Thanks!


Thx Andy. Helped me a lot. I keep comparing myself with others. And keep beating myself up because I'm not as good as them.


I've come to the cinclusion that my problem is not spending enough time programming.. im doing well in college but im lazy, that 10000 hour analogy really opened my eyes, thanks!


Hey im 15. I find programming interesting and exciting ( not easy or hard)!


I so glad I found you on here, I'm a super noob and I just started in I.T. my end goal is software development, you're videos help me out a lot, definitely keep me motivated, thank you!


Thank you for the good encouraging words, Andy...


Sir Could you please make a video explaining the resources you use to learn or enhance your programming skills


I have a computer science degree and have been programming professionally for over 30 years (that's something well north of 60, 000 hours if my arithmetic is correct). I even taught a JC course in Pascal for awhile. Just about anyone can be taught to write a short, one page program in pretty much any language in an hour or two. Professional programming, say on a million line code base, is another thing entirely. At that level, it is more about managing and minimizing complexity than anything else and it is as much art as science. Just as in any other art, inherent talent is as important as training. By talent, I am not referring to intelligence. That's something else entirely.

This reminds me of something that happened to me back in the mid-eighties. A coworker was showing me something he had coded and I commented that it looked really complex. His response was "Well, that's what we get paid for. Isn't it?" Had it been my in power, I would have fired him on the spot. In my mind, we get paid for expressing solutions (sometimes to very complex problems) in the simplest possible way.


Talk about motivation! This is your best video yet. Here I go into the industry.
