Schizophrenia AND Bipolar?! | What is Schizoaffective Disorder?

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Really though, WTF is schizoaffective disorder?! Well, it's my diagnosis, so... talk nerdy with me!

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Disclaimer: I am not a qualified mental health professional. This channel exists for educational purposes, and I do my best to provide accurate and up-to-date information. In order to create content, I combine scientific resources (peer reviewed studies and easy-to-understand articles) and my own personal experiences/advice. I seek to make complicated topics easy to understand, but I am no substitute for a doctor, therapist, or other qualified mental health professional.
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This was a super informative breakdown! I was familiar with bipolar & schizophrenia but didn't know schizoaffective disorder was a thing until you made this channel (which I feel like is the case with a lot of people). So thanks so much for putting this information out there and laying out the differences so clearly!


First I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and later with schizoaffective disorder (Bipolar type).

I need to say I its a hell of a ride. I have massive kognitive problems.

When I was like 15-17 I needed to take an IQ test and the outcome was very good. But now I think I degenerated alot.

In manic episodes I behave like the King of the world... Which results in me loosing friends because of my inflated Ego etc. I also gamble or do other destructive things. I cant sleep and I am very aggressive.

In my depressed state I hate myself for what I did and didnt do.
Dont leave my room. Nearly sleep all day.

In the psychosic state I believe everybody is watching/judging me and knows something about me.
I see and hear things nobody else can.

It is everything but a blessing to have this disease


It's wild to me I've been diagnosed with this for idk how long because I only found out today during my disability hearing that I was diagnosed with this whej my lawyer was listing my diagnoses. Thank you for the information.


I got diagnosed today with schizoeffective bipolar type today. You explained our symptoms very well!


Thanks for all the wonderful research!


Thank you for this! It's helped me understand my new dignosis better


I am In a endlessly ongoing BP1 MIXED state and I love your programming. It's a welcome distraction. Happy New Year!


You did a wonderful job at explaining schitzoeffecto. Thank you for having the courage and knowledge to share with us.


Okay I made an addition to a short of yours where you didnt clarify the affect is a mood disorder that can be depressive or bipolar. Im glad you explained this previously, but I encourage you not to leave it out in future videos since alot of people might not see your older ones.


Thank you for your transparency this was very informative, Your bravery is appreciated🙏🏽


Hi, i was diagnosed as having bipolar 1 about 11 years ago. Today after seeing my social worker I have a new diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder.


I have manic depressive schizophrenia and i really wonder what the difference is 🤔 everytime i tell people my diagnosis i get something along the lines of "youre not like other schizophrenics i know" but most of them dont know that paranoid schizophrenic is the most common type and manic depressive is quite rare and i even get catatonic states which is a completely different type!!


Where have you been all my life? This was very informative. Nothing that I didn't know before but it was nice to have it presented by a cute face. 😜


I've just been told that I may have schizaffective disorder, your videos are really helping me!


My mom first was diagnosed with Bipolar than several years later diagnosed with manic depression than a few more years was manic depression with episodes of schizophrenia but the licensed counselor asked my mom 4 questions and said in front of me she now does not have schizophrenia ! Michael McDonald and I’ve been warning him for now going on a month about her & the sickness taken control of her !


Basically it feels like Hell. Hopefully on Friday i get better meds. Thanks for the video..having a horrible time


Kit: (Gets tongue tied) "Words!!!!"
I like this girl.


I had an experience in the ward for 2 weeks, I’m a spiritual being so I already don’t like hospital or man made medication. I had to take the medicine they gave sadly just to get out of there. I never received my diagnosis but I did shadow work and after my time spent there it only helped me become a better person. It all starts with you; you have to want to be better to be better. I taught myself everything I know about my diagnosis, I do need to get diagnosed tho. All this to say the only medicine that can help is the medicine from Mother Earth. Ashwaghanda for stress, Moringa for skin and immune system, Lions Mane for focus and adaptivity,


"psychosis" can only be a thought thing?

Like no seeing or hearing things, but your life gets effected, you become careless and just caught up in your head, and lack the drive to e.g. study (what's the point?! [with darker thoughts]), but that would just be in my head, I wouldn't say that to anyone.


Thank you. My son has schizoaffective disorder with a bipolar feature. He's in the hospital now and he's going to be on the monthly shots with an antidepressant. I hope they have figured out the right combination for him.
