I tried FACE and NECK EXERCISES for 30 days * Reduce Double Chin

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I wanted to reduce double chin, so I tested face workouts. I settled on a certain neck workout routine for 30 days and documented my journey and results. So...can you actually sculpt face?

#30DayChallenge #DoubleChin #FaceAndNeck

I didn't like trying the face workouts because I had to tug at my face. I I measured my neck 2 different ways and took pictures, so I could provide the best double chin before and after results. I'm happy that my neck workout was easy and doable.

If you wanna be my bestie… *cue the dance*

Insta & Twitter: LesleyyX1

Lesley Rowland
PO Box 810786
Dallas, TX 75381-0786

Рекомендации по теме

You don’t see my double chin when I am facing you but when I turn my head you can see it. And girl I get insecure about the same thing


I have a small double chin but it makes my face round


wow.. this is the first time I've seen someone with EXACTLY the same insecurities as me. You have no idea how comforting that is in a way lol. My last resort is honestly facial exercise cause weight loss is kinda no option (i'm already skinny, don't want to be underweight) and my wallet would murder me for even thinking about surgery so yeah


16:30 the before looks better than the after


You literally have explained my situation so well! Thank you for sharing since I have the exact problem. Thank you so much for this video


wait i thought you could see everyone swallow


I have the same type of insecurities but, I, for the life of me, can not understand how you would EVER feel ugly. You are actually very pretty.


U re so beautiful so don’t underestimate yourself.


Wait can’t u see everyone swallow ?? Like that looks totally normal .


Hey I randomly came across this video. I just want to say the first thing I said when I saw you was “damn shes so pretty I wish I had those lips and hair and eyes” honestly, not once did I think of or see your double chin. I’m just saying this because we hone in on our insecurities and sometimes it’s all we see. With acne, noses, wrinkles, etc. 9/10 times it’s not something people even notice. You truly are stunning. That’s all :)


When you get to my age... 35, you will look back on these videos and think what was I worried about. Don't miss your youth by focusing on non existent problems


I have a bad double chin and I know its passed from my moms side. That being said I'm taking a before pic and I will do these exercises for the next 3 months and do an after pic and review. Thank you for the encouragement!


Goodness girl your beautiful and I’m on the same boat, full face and I don’t like it either...hence why I’m here!


I love it. Yes fix the issues early before they become a problem, normally start around 25 but before 30+. I was told this by a lady Mary K salesperson in my 20's, I wish I'd listened. I just need trim my cheeks and neck, I'll be happy


Anyone who’s just here for the before and after 16:25 thank me later 🙃🙃


Oh god you described so perfectly something I myself have been unable to name appropriately, “frog like”.
My face looks exactly the same- it’s not even a double chin it’s literally just the throat.

I read a study ages ago comparing twins where one had a noticeably weaker jawline than the other and it turns out it had something to do with one (I want to say due to typical dental-related things like root canals/wisdom teeth removals or something) positioning his tongue differently against the roof of his mouth.
So he did this exercise to basically retrain where he held his tongue and over the course of a couple of months (like 3-4ish) his jawline had noticeably improved.

It’s worth looking up- especially if you or anyone else with this problem happen to have TMJ like myself, as I believe it all kind of ties into how the throat ends up looking like that.


if you are financially stabled and have extra money laying around get kybella i am so proud of getting it done such a confidence boost


Do a jaw workout everyday for 5 mins for a year, that’s how I got a jaw line.


if saying works, does it still work if I copy paste it a bunch of times?


That's so cute you filmed all of these.
It's so hard to get rid of double chin especially after you gained some weight, I'm also struggling with my double chin,
I really wish I could donate it oneday to somebody else who needs it!!!
