Sarah Michelle Gellar Speaks Out Following Charisma Carpenter's Allegations Against Joss Whedon

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Sarah Michelle Gellar is speaking out following ‘Buffy’ co-star Charisma Carpenter’s misconduct claims against Joss Whedon on Wednesday. Carpenter posted a statement to Instagram where she alleged Whedon ‘created hostile and toxic work environments’ on the sets of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ and ‘Angel.’ Gellar later posted a brief statement to Instagram, writing, ‘I don't want to be forever associated with the name Joss Whedon.’ These new allegations follow ‘Justice League’ actor Ray Fisher’s misconduct claims against Whedon, which spawned an investigation by WarnerMedia last year. ET has reached out to Whedon's reps for comment.

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I am glad that Charisma spoke out about this. She was bullied for her religious beliefs, weight, motherhood, etc. It sounds like Joss created a very hostile work environment


Cordelia isn't a slayer but Charisma is.


#IStandWithCharisma She has mentioned that her pregnancy was the reason she wasn't asked back to season 5 for years... but I had no idea about all the malicious abuse she had to endure during her last season. Whedon is an absolute monster.


It’s come to my understanding that when dealing with deep seeded traumatic issues, mentally and emotionally you have to prepare yourself before facing the monster. We have both male and female stars who have worked under joss whedon and are speaking out about what they dealt with on set. Now many of you don’t know what set hours are, but they are grueling, long and tiresome. So imagine being belittled non-stop at work and too ashamed or scared to speak up because you might just be black balled and lose your career. A career you hoped, prayed and worked your butt off for that 1 chance that this particular project may be your catalyst to success and longevity. So please take that into consideration before you open your mouth and call bs👌🏾 Now I don’t believe in cancel culture, but I do believe in calling out negative behavior so it is corrected as we all deserve to be respected and feel safe, especially while at work.


Now I'm starting think it's a reason why Eliza AKA faith didn't show up to the reunion hmmm


Being a huge SMG fan for most of my life, I was acutely aware, over the years, of her dissatisfaction with BTS things on the show, from subtle things she did and said back then. I stand with these women, times were different back then where employers could get away with so much. This is a post metoo era, and Joss does certainly owe Charisma (and whoever else) a sincere apology.


she's 50!?!??!

She looks 35, at most!


Oh wow I had no idea Charisma was fired from Angel, I thought she left on her own.


Good for Charisma. I remember her giving interviews back then and saying she thought getting killed off was punishment for her pregnancy. I've had a question mark in my head since then about Joss. Not anymore. What he did was horrible and no one is to blame for his choices but himself. He Chose to treat his employees this way. Zoe Saldana did an interview after GotG where she said she was really pursued for a project, said yes to it while telling them she had twin baby boys and would need some accomodations. She was immediately told she was being difficult. She never named the project but I've often wondered.
The only people responsible for Joss Whedon's actions are Joss Whedon and studio executives who knew he was a predator and a bully and hired him anyway.
His wife has spoken up about him as well.
I stand with everyone this predator hurt.


Its weird to me that it did become a public information sooner. What Charisma said was actually well known among the fans. I don't know if the fandom knew about this when the showed aired since i watched it about 10 years later. But I do remember visiting the fandom groups or forums in early 2010s and the topic of her being fired because Joss was not that happy with her pregnancy was defiantly brought up in the discussions of the horrible arc Cordelia received. I remember people calling Cordelia's relationship with Connor the ultimate revenge on the actress.


The things these celebrities had to go through that we didn’t know. It is sad that back then everything was swept the under the rug until now when enough is enough.


I don’t think Buffy said much at all...


Be interesting to hear what David Boreanaz has to say on the subject.


Angel wasn’t as good without Charisma! It was the beginning of the end.


I am a big fan of Charisma Carpenter, and I am totally shocked by each allegation of the actors, as well as, give the upmost a Major Respect for having the COURAGE, too come forth and place this BULLY: Joss Whedon, on blast!!! During, the time the show (Angel), was in its final season, I always wondered why, Ms. Carpenter was not present as much!!! Especially, how the show ended in on a strange note, with her character in limbo!!! Now we know the actual truth too the story!!! It's a SHAME, for an individual too have been blessed with a talent for writing and creating new and different genres, but uses his gifts to justify his BULLYING!!!


I was wondering what happened to Charisma to basically fall out of radar as she was my favourite on both shows. Talented and beautiful lady. This explains a lot


This is very sad to hear I loved Joss Whedon. While he obviously & unfortunately did this to himself, its tragic to see this man's career who was so beloved go down like this. What a shame.


wait so joss whedon is accused of harassment but not necessarily sexual harassment?

the 1st thing that came to mind was his supposedly being a feminist, so it was shocking when i 1st heard of the harassment. reading more carefully, it seemed like his harassment of people was not necessarily related to their sex or gender.

please clarify if you have any further information.


Not suprised at all by this, look at Weinstein, he’s serving time now. Makes you ask who else abuses their power😒


When they killed cordelia off. They killed angel too. The show and the character. It was never the same after she left. Season 4 is the worst season cuz of how they did cordy. Wtf. This is why I always love the early seasons of angel s1-3 and the you're welcome episode. The others I could care less.
