How Sarah Michelle Gellar spoiled The Sixth Sense for Freddie Prinze Jr. | The Graham Norton Show

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As M. Night Shyamalan talks about his dislike for talking about spoilers, Sarah Michelle Gellar opens up doing that herself.

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Sarah Michelle Gellar not only looks absolutely stunning, but she's also so funny and smart! Gotta love her!


I love seeing Sarah back on the scene! Adore her!!!!


"WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?!" I love Graham Norton 😂


I watched this interview before watching the Sixth Sense. And, I'm so grateful that they didn't spoil it. I just watched the movie, and I would've been pissed if it were spoiled.


If you're lucky enough to have SMG love you, spoilers are a very small price to pay.


I don't think I could spend any time with Freddie Prinze Jr. and not constantly make Iron Bull references.


I first watched The Sixth Sense with my parents when it was released on DVD. None of us had ever seen it, so we didn't know about the twist. I figured it out approximately 2/3 of the through the movie and just blurted it out without even thinking about it, which, of course, spoiled it for my parents. That was about 24 years ago, when I was 15 or so, but I still feel guilty about it. lol


I had Sixth Sense spoiled for me by freaking 50 First Dates. 😑 they spoil the ending of Sixth Sense in that movie. Back then, I was too afraid of scary movies to watch them, but later in life when I enjoyed them, I finally watches Sixth Sense. I figured well sure, I know the plot twist, but it'll still be interesting. But uh... nope. Not really. It's not a very interesting movie at all if you already know how it ends. That really is like the entire point of the movie.


Rob Beckett was interjecting a LOT yesterday, hes lucky hes not Josh Widdecome because he would havecbeen shot down 🤣


Yeah there's no expiration date on spoiler alerts. There are more books, movies, TV shows in the history of mankind than you'll ever have time to catch up on in a lifetime, and more people are being born all the time. There's no reason to think that at any point, most people will have already seen/read something.

Have you read all of Dickens yet? You've had 150 years to get around to it! Or did you see every Hitchcock film? Come on, there are only like 40 of them! And these are just the most common, universal reference points. Even the most popular movie or most-read book in the world will be familiar to a minority of the world's population. Under 50% have read the Bible, ffs.


she looks like she is suppressing joy when not talking.


I'm not a fan of Freddie Prinze Jr. He once made fun of a co-star for his height during an interview. Seems to me that Junior hasn't grown up yet.
