Warframe - Short History Of The Most Loved / Hated Mod In Warframe

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#Warframe #MaimingStrike #Atterax
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I always remember those days when you joined a survival on a map where a popular resource dropped you would find 3 Nekros' drifting around with whips like a 4th dimentional blender generating so much loot you got a days worth of items in 30 minutes.


You forgot to mention that back then, melee range mods were percentage based and not flat based and because whips had insane range on slide attacks, it'd become even more ridiculous


Honorable mention:
Telos Boltace, where you had a red critting, slash-proc forcing, 20m or so explosion that also went through walls.


You forgot to mention Primed Reach and how it was a +165% that applied to the huuuge base slide attack range on the atterax instead of P. Reach's current +3 flat range, letting you literally hit an entire room at once.


this feel more like "the short history of tactic: spin to win".


You forgot one of the biggest things with OG Maiming Strike which was the *+90% base crit chance* being multiplied by Blood Rush which used to be a 165% multiplier per Combo Counter tick.


As someone with almost a million kills on Scoliac I was very sad when the nerf hit. This mod combined with a dmg/as/range riven meant killing everything in a 20m radius while moving at mach 3 and it was so fun, kind of the first thing that really made me take a step back from the game after putting in 4000 hours over the span of 2 years


Maiming on the Guandao was also extremely good with sleep equinox for focus farming.


And it wasn't only due to that, maiming strike scaled by blood rush, that was the real kicker. Using a scoliac/lecta with a riven was pretty fun too -- due to the high dispo you could get 20+m of range on the slide, which, as was said in the video, went through walls


I'm digging this Short History of Warframe, probably gonna touch the old Damage 1.0 Hek? Or Coptering?


While i remember these days and can understand why it was nerfed I really have to say that the nerf went way too far with this mod. Even worse was that at the same time the primed reach mod was nerfed aswell, switching from a % bonus to a flat bonus, which was putting many nice weapons in a worse spot.
But... hey... we have a 10m range Dagger now.... makes sense, right?


I miss memeing strike.
*sigh* I remember farming 20 of the mods and being able to sell them at-will whenever I wanted a new skin, made me feel comfortable and secure. My bbies.


I remember passively farming credits with this and the syndicate whip in my newbie days, i don't play wf anymore but the pain it's still there (wrist ded) you feel it too don't you?


Oh man. Naramon Shadow Step almost deserves its own video.


DE kinda nerfed all the things I love throughout the years : parkour years ago, status shotguns (mara detron and strun W were my go-to) Maiming strike, the operator speed trick (while midair, leave and enter back to your WF to have more speed and go further, now the WF falls down stupidly fast)

I played solo anyway so I couldn't bother anyone with my playstyle I suppose


This was a classic case of DE doing game balancing: They left this mod alone for a long time when it was the meta. Then, when major melee changes were already on their way that would have made it non-meta, they finally nerfed it into the ground instead of leaving it as a potential option. I'll never understand that strategy. Other things that were too good once upon a time, got nerfed, but now after power creep/ changed game design, they wouldn't be as good as current meta/ they wouldn't make much of an effect on current meta: Acrid, Zenistar, Telos Boltace, flashbang Mirage, Brakk, Synoid Simulor, Catchmoon, Plasmor, greedy pull Mag, etc.


By the way slash is still the same, the only change is that it deals damage to shields instead of directly to health when they're up


Hot take time: Maiming Strike is the number one reason I hope the average Warframe player never becomes a game designer, because the sheer number of people who were absolutely furious that this terrible self-parody of a mod was finally nerfed sincerely worried me. There is a degree to which I understand mourning the loss of an entire playstyle, because Slide Attacks have been utterly dead ever since, but also that playstyle was like... the textbook antithesis of good game design. You pressed one input over and over again and were rewarded by killing everything in the game more efficiently than if you were actually strategizing around multiple pieces of your potential toolkit, wiping out the entire map *even through walls* at the height of its power, giving yourself carpal tunnel unless you put the input on a macro, at which point you're playing the game even less than usual. All of that and people were openly coming out with death threats or whatever when it was finally rightfully removed from the game, because 'DE all you do is nerf things and take my toys away waaaahhh'. Genuinely no sense of self-awareness in takes like that and it makes me take immense psychological damage seeing so many people get so loud about it.


It was soo funny but painful on console after 30 mins survival in nightwave i was almost crying lol. I was gutted when the nerf came. good short vid


I've stepped back from the game and the youtubers as well, but I had to watch this one. I like the style of this video, it felt more relaxed than build videos.
