Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell [Full Audiobook]

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This is a study of how intellectuals as a class affect modern societies by shaping the climate of opinion in which official policies develop, on issues ranging from economics to law to war and peace.

The thesis of Intellectuals and Society is that the influence of intellectuals is not only greater than in previous eras but also takes a very different form from that envisioned by those like Machiavelli and others who have wanted to directly influence rulers. It has not been by shaping the opinions or directing the actions of the holders of power that modern intellectuals have most influenced the course of events, but by shaping public opinion in ways that affect the actions of power holders in democratic societies, whether or not those power holders accept the general vision or the particular policies favored by intellectuals. Even government leaders with disdain or contempt for intellectuals have had to bend to the climate of opinion shaped by those intellectuals.

Intellectuals and Society not only examines the track record of intellectuals in the things they have advocated but also analyzes the incentives and constraints under which their views and visions have emerged. One of the most surprising aspects of this study is how often intellectuals have been proved not only wrong, but grossly and disastrously wrong in their prescriptions for the ills of society-- and how little their views have changed in response to empirical evidence of the disasters entailed by those views.
Рекомендации по теме

00:00:01 Prologue
00:05:06 Chapter 1- Intellect & Intellectuals
00:06:48 Intelligence vs Intellect
00:08:26 Defining Intellectuals
00:15:01 Ideas & Accountability
00:23:33 Chapter 2- Knowledge & Notions
00:29:05 Competing Concepts of Knowledge (special knowledge vs mundane knowledge)
00:33:48 Concentration & Dispersion of Knowledge
00:49:57 Experts
00:58:45 The Role of Reason (reason and justification)
01:08:33 “One Day at a Time” Rationalism
01:14:00 Chapter 3- Intellectuals & Economics
01:17:21 Income Distribution
01:30:10 Moral Considerations
01:38:28 The Poor as Consumers
01:43:33 Economic Systems
02:03:19 Government Intervention
02:22:00 Business Power or Control
02:42:15 Chapter 4- Intellectuals & Social Visions
02:44:13 A Conflict of Visions ⭐️
(vision of the anointed [unconstrained] vs the tragic vision [constrained])
02:53:38 Arguments Without Arguments
03:00:22 Unworthy Opponents
03:10:29 The Rhetoric of Rights
03:15:44 The Left/ Right Dichotomy
03:37:04 “Change” vs the Status Quo
03:42:38 Rhetoric vs Revealed Preferences
03:51:52 Youth & Age
03:57:29 Notions vs Principles
04:02:36 Abstract People in an Abstract World⭐️ (abstract equality)
04:16:50 Chapter 5- Optional Reality in Academia and Media
04:17:22 Filtering Reality
04:22:20 Suppressing Facts (ex Gun control, burned churches, starving kids)
04:41:00 Fictitious People (ex Hoover, Truman, Clarence Thomas; nations- India)
05:03:11 Verbal Cleansing ⭐️
05:09:13 Objectivity vs Impartiality
05:13:13 Subjective “Truth”
05:18:58 The Invidious and the Dramatic
05:25:42 The Dramatic (changing gas prices, intellectuals and common sense)
05:38:52 Chapter 6- Intellectuals & The Law
05:42:20 Changing the Law
05:46:23 The Constitution and the Courts (courts vs private property, courts and social justice)
05:59:55 Judicial Activism (Dredd Scott/ Wickard v Filburn/ United Steel workers v Weber)(Social Justice- Pound and Brandeis)(redefining judicial restraint w/ activism)
06:18:33 Judicial Restraint & Original Intent
06:30:48 Results of Results Doctrines
06:33:26 Burdens of Proof
06:45:10 Property Rights
06:55:15 Crime ⭐️ (“root cause” theory, imprisonment, Britain, alternatives to incarceration)
07:20:31 Chapter 7- Intellectuals & War
07:24:30 The First World War (Progressives and WWI)
07:30:32 America at War
07:45:51 The Second World War (Pacifism & intellectuals, disarmament-moral/military, the fall of France)
08:27:06 Responses to International Crisis
08:37:35 The Outbreak of War
08:41:53 Chapter 8- Intellectuals & War, Repeating History
08:49:35 Replaying the 1930s
08:51:59 The Vietnam War
09:08:01 The Cold War
09:23:08 The Cold War Intelligentsia
09:36:00 The Iraq Wars
09:54:12 Patriotism & National Honor
10:06:19 Chapter 9- Intellectuals & Society
10:11:53 Incentives & Constraints
10:12:18 The Supply of Public Intellectuals
10:17:11 The Demand for Public Intellectuals
10:21:23 The Influence of Intellectuals (reason or force, vision of the anointed in academia and media, protest/“community” organization, schools)
10:39:55 Constraints
10:42:36 Government
10:53:11 Social Cohesion ⭐️
11:00:01 Localization of Evil (“agents of change”, slavery)
11:09:15 The Propagation of the Vision (summary of prominent effects the intelligentsia has had 11:10:50)
11:16:08 Summary & Implications
11:23:10 Conclusion


I don't understand how this is free, thank you whoever is responsible for this great work


Excellent book. Should be required reading before pursuing a PhD or joining the ranks of the intellectual class. Made me reflect on my own tendencies and flaws.


This book greatly details how intellectuals are ego driven assholes who are never held accountable for their idiotic conclusions and miss directions in trying to “improve society”. It also shows you how when the common man is left to take care of himself he tends to excel greatly and helps to improve his community.


The ratio of positive comments on this man’s audiobooks is extraordinarily rare and shows what value the content holds. I have no doubt that while Sowell is largely hidden from the world today, he will posthumously become known to the world just as his antithesis, Karl Marx. If there can be Marxists in this world, let me be known as a Sowellian.


Dr Thomas Sowell's books should be part of any school program. This book is ridiculously amazing. Again, Dr Sowell describes things as they are, without rhetorical embellishments.


My favorite quote in the book

“Some ideas are so foolish that only an intellectual is capable of believing them, for no ordinary man could be such a fool”

George Orwell


"Every dollar of the US budget should be spend keeping this man alive."


I've found that I have to set the playback speed to .75 so I can take in what he is saying. That way I only have to re- listen to half the sections rather than all of them. This man is beyond genius.


I just stumbled upon this author, and I mean, wow!

It's a breath of fresh air to know that this man would not only give myself the other the tools
to think more critically about how the parts and pieces fit together but also see our
society grow into what it is today. Mr. Sowell's work in this book seems to me to be very
rooted in his experience. This man has now become one of my favorite thinkers.
I'm still buying the book out of respect for his time and thought.


Why is it that among the black community of western nations, Beyonce or Kanye West are universally recognized yet this giant of modern thought is relatively unknown?


I love what he says about experts. It just provides cover for actions already made. So relevant now in regards to COVID-19.


This man and some others have "opened my eyes" the past few months.


Are you kidding me, what 21 people have double vision and accidentally hit the dislike? Great insight no matter what your politics.


Thomas Sowell's books should be broadcast continuously over PA systems nationwide. They are the perfect antidote to the mess we currently find ourselves in.


IT is so sad that most of us had never heard of this GIANT of a brain/man, until now. All of his books are now on my wishlist with the other priority books. WE should've known he was in EIGHTIES, at least!!! Taught to us by our teachers who/what Thomas Sowell was/meant to us. The fact that Thomas was silenced, so to speak, speaks sad volumes. Thank you, Mr. Sowell!!!


Thank you for these audiobooks. I cant afford to purchase all his wonderful books.


Scene- Group of people huddled around a pile of smoldering debris after some disaster.
One guys says- "we need to get under cover, it's cold and looks like it may rain-"
Another guy says- I'm a carpenter- we can use these timbers for a roof beam and those panels as sheeting-
Third guy says- I'm an electrician, I can rig up some lights by hooking that car alternator to a bicycle wheel.
4th guy says "I'm a body man, I can hammer out some sheet metal and make us a stove to cook and boil water"
Last guy says " I'm a Harvard professor with a PhD in gender studies"
Others in unison-"grab a shovel and dig a latrine"


I am new to learning about economics, society, and all that is involved in the subjects.. I've watched a few videos of Thomas Sowell and I am so interested and a fan of his views and how he explains with such detail that a dummy like me with an 8th grade education can understand . I'm going to listen to this audiobook and let my brain soak it up..


We need to continue and advance the works and ideas of Professor Sowell into the future.
