BLEEDING IN PREGNANCY? What Is A Subchorionic Hematoma?

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Bleeding in pregnancy?
What is a subchorionic hematoma?
Are you having a miscarriage if you are bleeding?

Fertility doctor Natalie Crawford, MD reviews bleeding in pregnancy and subchorionic hematoma (also known as an SCH). Subchorionic bleeding occurs with implantation and can present with bleeding in the first trimester.

Answered in this video:
What is a subchorionic hematoma or subchorionic hemorrhage (SCH)?
What causes bleeding in pregnancy?
What should you do if you have bleeding in the first trimester?
What does it means to have bleeding behind the placenta?
Does a subchorionic hematoma cause miscarriage?
Does bleeding in the first trimester mean you are losing the pregnancy?
What should you do if you have a subchorionic hematoma?

**THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. This is medical education. Please talk to your doctor about your medical situation.

**ART behind my from the amazing Brittany Atkinson

Art next to me: from the kiddos :)


West BT, Kavoussi PK, Odenwald KC, London K, Hunn CL, Chen SH, Wininger JD, Gilkey MS, Kavoussi KM, Kavoussi SK. Factors associated with subchorionic hematoma formation in pregnancies achieved via assisted reproductive technologies. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2020 Feb;37(2):305-309. doi: 10.1007/s10815-019-01684-7. Epub 2020 Jan 6. PMID: 31903516; PMCID: PMC7056706.

Naert MN, Muniz Rodriguez A, Khadraoui H, Naqvi M, Fox NS. Association Between First-Trimester Subchorionic Hematomas and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes After 20 Weeks of Gestation in Singleton Pregnancies. Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Oct;134(4):863-868. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000003487. PMID: 31503169.

Zhou J, Wu M, Wang B, Hou X, Wang J, Chen H, Zhang N, Hu Y, Sun H. The effect of first trimester subchorionic hematoma on pregnancy outcomes in patients underwent IVF/ICSI treatment. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2017 Feb;30(4):406-410. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2016.1174682. Epub 2016 Apr 28. PMID: 27045331.

Naert, Mackenzie N. BA; Khadraoui, Hanaa BA; Muniz Rodriguez, Alberto BA; Naqvi, Mariam MD; Fox, Nathan S. MD Association Between First-Trimester Subchorionic Hematomas and Pregnancy Loss in Singleton Pregnancies, Obstetrics & Gynecology: August 2019 - Volume 134 - Issue 2 - p 276-281 doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000003360

Fertility doctor, Natalie Crawford, MD is a double board certified OBGYN and REI, and co-founder of Fora Fertility, a boutique fertility practice in Austin, Texas.


715 W 34th Street, Austin, TX 78705

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All y’all ladies worried about this it’s ok! I had this and it resolved! I had a hug gush of blood at 10 weeks a spottedred and brown til 15 weeks! I had severe cramps and I was scared very single day! I cried almost every single gel day the first 3 wks until I made up my mind that I as only driving myself crazy. I would google and see neg stories. It had resolved at 16 weeks! Take heart lil mamas! Your baby or babies will be fine❤❤❤❤


I had one of these in my pregnancy with my son. My doctor told me I was having a miscarriage and I needed to get a D&C. Luckily I advocated for myself and got a follow up ultrasound just to be sure, and it was a chorionic hemorrhage, nothing more!

ETA my child is perfectly healthy and I switched doctors right after this happened. She knew I had a history of infertility and pregnancy loss, and the stress she caused me by prematurely telling me I was losing another pregnancy without being absolutely sure was the final straw.


Yes, I had sch 3 weeks after my ivf frozen embryo transfer. A LOT of bleeding, thought I was miscarrying, After loosing a natural pregnancy at about 4 weeks before. Very scary. Whished I knew this before. 32 weeks pregnant with my miracle twin boys


Soo soo helpful! I am currently 8 weeks pregnant and experiencing bleeding. Just had my ultrasound today and was told I have SCH so now I'm home doing my own research. Baby is fine and I feel very confident for a healthy pregnancy. Thank you for this video!❣️


I just had this! Im currently 7 weeks pregnant. This started last week. Told my doctor about painful cramps and bleeding. They told me strict bed rest. 1 week later I'm almost full healed! I'm still on strict bed rest until my next check up next week but they are hopeful that everything should be fine by then. Baby is still growing nicely too!


On October 5 I went for my first ultrasound, I was 8 weeks 5 days. After multiple re-schedules, yesterday, a Physician's Assistant finally went over my results (I am now 10 weeks on the dot). I've had no vaginal bleeding or spotting the entire pregnancy, but she said the ultrasound found a hematoma and the potential for a chorionic bump. She didn't explain either finding to me as well as I would like and simply scheduled me for a follow-up ultrasound on November 11, where I'll be exactly 14 weeks, and made an appointment with a high-risk OB right after my ultrasound. Google is not my friend for either hematoma or chorionic bump and I had multiple panic attacks since yesterday. I wasn't advised to avoid sex or heavy activity, but just to wait until November 11. I'm glad I found your video because you explained it much better than she did and I have a better understanding of what's happening to me. Thank you.


05/06/23 I’m having this right now and I’m only 6 weeks pregnant this pain is no joke I do not wish this on NOBODY I’m praying for a safe pregnancy and delivery. I was in the hospital because of this and got diagnosed with subchorionic hemorrhage and my HCG level was at 5, 148 & tomorrow 05/08/23 I’m getting my HCG checked again to make sure my levels keep going up . I am praying for the best outcome staying positive


Thursday night I had a VERY scary episode of bleeding that made me sure that I was miscarrying. With my daughter, I never had any issues. I was in the ER crying and in shock and nervous. I went to the back to get an ultrasound expecting the worst and instead, baby was there, wiggling away with a very strong heartbeat! Everything else on the ultrasound looked great. I went home and got a call the next day from radiology and they said they found a hematoma and that basically it “burst”, which caused the bleeding. They also found a UTI. Im now spotting brown/rust red and it’s so scary but I’m getting through it.


8 weeks and saw a small SCH on scan. This makes me feel so much better. I will continue to pray


I had one around 6 weeks with my first pregnancy! I didn't bleed but had the sharp stabbing pains. The hematoma grew until around 8 weeks and then it slowed down so by 12 weeks it was gone. My daughter is now 10 months old :)


Thank you for sharing these study findings! I am currently on pelvic rest due to SCH after a fresh IVF transfer (no icsi). These reported clinical outcomes of no higher risk of pregnancy loss makes me feel much better after two significant SCH bleeds.
And certainly makes the idea of future transfers with my frozen embryos more appealing than a fresh cycle! Thank you as always for your digestible communication of clinical studies. 👏


This was such an informative video.. thank you so much for explaining all these details.. and especially for explaining how the placenta fully attaches in 9-10 weeks so we gotta be careful until that happens.

I was told on my 8w6d ultrasound that there was a tiny SCH due to the placenta detaching form the uterine wall and was super concerned that what if it gets bigger or worse. But hopefully the placenta is still in the process of fully attaching to the uterine war and maybe everything will be okay 🤞


I am having it for the third time and two times I had a miscarriage, I am so scared in my 7w1d, did everything thing to protect but still… really wish to have my baby in next June 🤞🏻


Thank you for all this great information. It has made me feel a lot better about my SCH. ❤️


I'm thankful for this information. It's good for the majority of pregnant women. Unfortunately I had an SCH and lost my baby at 14 weeks. I was on bed rest but it didn't matter. I had 7 more miscarriages after that.


Thank you for explaining it better than the doctors 😢


Great video! I have been searching all over for more information about SCH and you explained it so well. Thank you for sharing this :) much appreciated!


i had this duing my pregnancy i bleed upto 4 months of 16weeks. and gave birth to a baby boy


Im reading all of these qnd crying. Im hopefully having my rainbow baby but i got diagnosed again 😔😔 sending love


Thank you for this! I have sch, it showed up at my 8 week ultrasound. My Dr didn’t even mention it, I had to read it myself on my report and had a google search meltdown.
