HTTP Error Handling - Angular (Tutorial #19)
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HTTP Error handling is one of those things no one really wants to deal with , well in angular its quite easy
Hello everyone my name is nisha singla and I am back with my next tutorial on Error handling
in angular
In our previous video we have learnt how to make a http call to get the resources from RESTFUl
API and over there we had consumed a FAKE online REST API to get users information
As of now everything is working fine because we did everything right but in real life projects
things are not as simple as we have right now. Things can go wrong as well. Suppose
the API which we are calling is not working the way we are expecting.
May be the server is down ,internet connection is not avaibale or the URL is not correct or the user permission is denied .
So there could be many reason that can lead to the failure of this HTTP CALL and in that case we dont want that my user will see something which is not clear to them.
So let's see how to deal with the errors during HTTP CALL and to show how error handling
will work we are intentionally making a call to a wrong URL so that we can get error
In angular whenever we work with OBservable there are so many operators that is used
to implement some specific functionality so here we have such one operator that catch
the error raised by HTTP CALL and that is catch operator
you need to import catch operator , Observable and throw from rxjs
import "rxjs/add/operators/catch";
import "rxjs/add/observable/throw";
import Observable from 'rxjs/Observable";
In subscribe () method the first argument is the success callback and second is for handling error.
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If you face any problem in HTTP Error Handling then leave a comment below and let me know. I'll be happy to assist you.
Hello everyone my name is nisha singla and I am back with my next tutorial on Error handling
in angular
In our previous video we have learnt how to make a http call to get the resources from RESTFUl
API and over there we had consumed a FAKE online REST API to get users information
As of now everything is working fine because we did everything right but in real life projects
things are not as simple as we have right now. Things can go wrong as well. Suppose
the API which we are calling is not working the way we are expecting.
May be the server is down ,internet connection is not avaibale or the URL is not correct or the user permission is denied .
So there could be many reason that can lead to the failure of this HTTP CALL and in that case we dont want that my user will see something which is not clear to them.
So let's see how to deal with the errors during HTTP CALL and to show how error handling
will work we are intentionally making a call to a wrong URL so that we can get error
In angular whenever we work with OBservable there are so many operators that is used
to implement some specific functionality so here we have such one operator that catch
the error raised by HTTP CALL and that is catch operator
you need to import catch operator , Observable and throw from rxjs
import "rxjs/add/operators/catch";
import "rxjs/add/observable/throw";
import Observable from 'rxjs/Observable";
In subscribe () method the first argument is the success callback and second is for handling error.
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If you face any problem in HTTP Error Handling then leave a comment below and let me know. I'll be happy to assist you.