Quantum algorithm for deciding st-connectivity - Ben Reichardt

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IQC Faculty member Ben Reichardt lectures on quantum algorithms for deciding st-connectivity during the "Recent Progress in Quantum Algorithms" conference.

The event was hosted by The Institute for Quantum Computing, and The Perimeter Institute and was held in Waterloo, Ontario, April 11-13th, 2012.

Abstract: We give an O(log n) space, query-optimal quantum algorithm for deciding whether two vertices in a graph are connected, given query access to the adjacency matrix. This is an exponential improvement in the space complexity over previous results, and the time and query complexity are also improved under promises that arise in several applications. Although designed using span programs, the algorithm can also naturally be expressed in terms of a reflection about the set of balanced st-flows in the complete graph, an efficiently implementable operation.

Based on joint work with Aleksandrs Belovs.

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