QIP2021 | Q-algorithms for graph problems... // Q-algorithms for learning graphs (Lee&Shao)

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Quantum algorithms for graph problems with cut queries // Quantum algorithms for learning graphs
Authors: Troy Lee, Miklos Santha and Shengyu Zhang // Ashley Montanaro and Changpeng Shao
Affiliations: PhaseCraft Ltd and University of Bristol | School of Mathematics, University of Bristol // University of Technology, Sydney | CNRS, IRIF, Université de Paris and CQT Singapore | Tencent Quantum Laboratory
Let $G$ be an $n$-vertex graph with $m$ edges. When asked a subset $S$ of vertices, a cut query on $G$ returns the number of edges of $G$ that have exactly one endpoint in $S$. We show that there is a bounded-error quantum algorithm that determines all connected components of $G$ after making $O(\log(n)^6)$ many cut queries. In contrast, it follows from results in communication complexity that any randomized algorithm even just to decide whether the graph is connected or not must make at least $\Omega(n/\log(n))$ many cut queries. We further show that with $O(\log(n)^8)$ many cut queries a quantum algorithm can with high probability output a spanning forest for $G$. En route to proving these results, we design quantum algorithms for learning a graph using cut queries. We show that a quantum algorithm can learn a graph with maximum degree $d$ after $O(d \log(n)^2)$ many cut queries, and can learn a general graph with $O(\sqrt{m} \log(n)^{3/2})$ many cut queries. These two upper bounds are tight up to the poly-logarithmic factors, and compare to $\Omega(dn)$ and $\Omega(m/\log(n))$ lower bounds on the number of cut queries needed by a randomized algorithm for the same problems, respectively. The key ingredients in our results are the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm, approximate counting with ``OR queries'', and learning sparse vectors from inner products as in compressed sensing. // We study the problem of learning an unknown graph provided via an oracle using a quantum algorithm. We consider three query models. In the first model (``OR queries''), the oracle returns whether a given subset of the vertices contains any edges. In the second (``parity queries''), the oracle returns the parity of the number of edges in a subset. In the third model, we are given copies of the graph state corresponding to the graph. We give quantum algorithms that achieve speedups over the best possible classical algorithms in the OR and parity query models, for some families of graphs, and give quantum algorithms in the graph state model whose complexity is similar to the parity query model. For some parameter regimes, the speedups can be exponential in the parity query model. On the other hand, without any promise on the graph, no speedup is possible in the OR query model. A main technique we use is the quantum algorithm for solving the combinatorial group testing problem, for which a query-efficient quantum algorithm was given by Belovs. Here we additionally give a time-efficient quantum algorithm for this problem, based on the algorithm of Ambainis et al.\ for a ``gapped" version of the group testing problem. We also give simple time-efficient quantum algorithms based on Fourier sampling and amplitude amplification for learning the exact-half and majority functions, which almost match the optimal complexity of Belovs' algorithms.
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Authors: Troy Lee, Miklos Santha and Shengyu Zhang // Ashley Montanaro and Changpeng Shao
Affiliations: PhaseCraft Ltd and University of Bristol | School of Mathematics, University of Bristol // University of Technology, Sydney | CNRS, IRIF, Université de Paris and CQT Singapore | Tencent Quantum Laboratory
Let $G$ be an $n$-vertex graph with $m$ edges. When asked a subset $S$ of vertices, a cut query on $G$ returns the number of edges of $G$ that have exactly one endpoint in $S$. We show that there is a bounded-error quantum algorithm that determines all connected components of $G$ after making $O(\log(n)^6)$ many cut queries. In contrast, it follows from results in communication complexity that any randomized algorithm even just to decide whether the graph is connected or not must make at least $\Omega(n/\log(n))$ many cut queries. We further show that with $O(\log(n)^8)$ many cut queries a quantum algorithm can with high probability output a spanning forest for $G$. En route to proving these results, we design quantum algorithms for learning a graph using cut queries. We show that a quantum algorithm can learn a graph with maximum degree $d$ after $O(d \log(n)^2)$ many cut queries, and can learn a general graph with $O(\sqrt{m} \log(n)^{3/2})$ many cut queries. These two upper bounds are tight up to the poly-logarithmic factors, and compare to $\Omega(dn)$ and $\Omega(m/\log(n))$ lower bounds on the number of cut queries needed by a randomized algorithm for the same problems, respectively. The key ingredients in our results are the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm, approximate counting with ``OR queries'', and learning sparse vectors from inner products as in compressed sensing. // We study the problem of learning an unknown graph provided via an oracle using a quantum algorithm. We consider three query models. In the first model (``OR queries''), the oracle returns whether a given subset of the vertices contains any edges. In the second (``parity queries''), the oracle returns the parity of the number of edges in a subset. In the third model, we are given copies of the graph state corresponding to the graph. We give quantum algorithms that achieve speedups over the best possible classical algorithms in the OR and parity query models, for some families of graphs, and give quantum algorithms in the graph state model whose complexity is similar to the parity query model. For some parameter regimes, the speedups can be exponential in the parity query model. On the other hand, without any promise on the graph, no speedup is possible in the OR query model. A main technique we use is the quantum algorithm for solving the combinatorial group testing problem, for which a query-efficient quantum algorithm was given by Belovs. Here we additionally give a time-efficient quantum algorithm for this problem, based on the algorithm of Ambainis et al.\ for a ``gapped" version of the group testing problem. We also give simple time-efficient quantum algorithms based on Fourier sampling and amplitude amplification for learning the exact-half and majority functions, which almost match the optimal complexity of Belovs' algorithms.
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