Paul McCartney: Peter Jackson’s “The Beatles: Get Back” Film Saved My Life | Fly on the Wall

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Paul McCartney tells David and Dana about working on “She Came In Through The Bathroom Window” with John Lennon and how watching Peter Jackson’s “The Beatles: Get Back” film helped him forgive himself for certain things that happened with The Beatles.

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Wouldn't it be nice if we all had recordings of our lives we can go back and watch to see how it really was and not how our minds have distorted it over time.


"I forgave myself when I saw that". What an amazing thing it is to hear Paul say this, this movie really is time's greatest gift, not only for us but also for Paul and Ringo, to make peace with their past and in their old days remember their friends in fond memories


Excellent. Now please release the remaining 50 hours of film. Yes, the fans want to see it all regardless of how trivial the footage is.


Paul actually kept the Beatles together with his playful but strong work ethic.


Doesn't matter who you are or how famous you are or what age you are. If something has been bothering you for your whole life, a trauma of some sort, where you think you were "bossy", and you carry this perception that your brothers were against you for being the difficult one....its nice to finally be able to let it go, for all the right reasons.


God this is so nice to hear. for years and years the narrative was always "Paul was bossy. Paul was overbearing. Paul's ego", but this film doesn't show that AT ALL. it sucks that Paul's been gaslit by all the media coverage over the years to believe it was like that, and to hear him be relieved and overjoyed that that's really not how it went down is so nice


The other thing that comes out is how young they were. They had essentially reinvented pop music, became cultural icons and no one was 30 yet.


Wow this is so fulfilling really. Paul deserved to get some peace and I'm glad he had the chance to experience this beautiful documentary


John Lennon watched the original Let It Be film with Jann Wenner and Yoko and after the film they all started crying. I would have loved to see how John would respond to Peter Jackson’s Get Back.


Paul did whatever it took to keep the Beatles together. He’s a musical genius with notes in his veins.


Watching these interviews with Paul makes me love him even more. A lovely human being. He was a perfectionist and that’s why he had that work ethic when the others were getting a bit lazy or whatever.


A while back, my current girlfriend said to me " you're the only person I know that has a box of old cassette tapes you won't get rid of." And I told her, those are all recordings of my childhood band practices. They're like a audio snapshot of that part of my life. They mean more to me than a few photos because you can hear how those times were like. My friends and I playing and joking around as kids. You can never get that back once it's gone.


That movie gave me such a renewed love of Paul. I truly felt for him as he tried to get the others to do *something.* I loved seeing how his mind worked while writing.


This makes all of the great music he has made since the Beatles even better. I don’t know how he made any music feeling that he had been the guy who broke up the Beatles. The man is a hero. Thank you for this great interview and thank you, Paul, for being who you are. Just a humble human being. And, thanks for all of the great music.


I’ve always been amazed how the universe aligned and brought these 4 guys together. I mean imagine if say Paul had formed a band with say Gerry marsden and not Lennon. Maybe a few hits and that would be it. The chances that these 4 Beatles would end up doing something so meaningful in such a short timeframe is incredible.


Peter Jackson is a treasure; the LOTR trilogy, Get Back, and They Shall Not Grow Old. Beautiful films. Evergreen.


John is on record as saying, "As much as we complained about Paul, if not for him the Beatles would have broken up sooner than they did".
Ironic that Paul was blamed for the breakup, while he's the one who kept them together as long as they did.


Everyone seems to have forgotten Hard Day's Night . I know it's a totally different type of film but it captures the early Beatles essence perfectly, I love it .


I couldn't believe how good Paul McCartney looked in the films. The image quality was so damn good it was like it was shot very recently, but damn Paul looked very very umm well, sexy I guess. The Sexiest he has ever been, that beard the hairstyle and the confidence he had made me grasp my pearls.


"Just two guys goofing our way through the world." That brought a tear to my eye... You could really feel that watching Jackson's "Get Back."
