5 Philosophical Questions Without Satisfying Answers

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These 5 questions are keeping humanity busy for a long, long time.

Script, voice, cuts, footage by Einzelgänger. I've used a bunch of Creative Commons (links below) and public domain footage from Pixabay (links available upon request).

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Merchandise design by Punksthetic Art:

Music used: Puddle of Infinity - Coud
Wheels, Castle Builder

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#philosophy #stoicism #religion
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"Whatever floats your boat." There! All of these questions answered in one tidy little aphorism.


While watching this. The things the I am immensely thankful for are the things that I didn’t work to achieve. These are my family, mountains, blue sky, sky with lots of stars, the sun, people who taught me something in life, beaches, white sand, my mistakes. Funny how most of us are so caught up in achieving something to be of worth. Oh life. Oh me


It's good to show point of views of different religions. That is hard work and research, Thanks !


I discovered this channel a few days ago and I love it so much! Keep it up dude!


We need to stop claiming that atheism is necessarily the belief that there is no god. It is simply a lack of belief in god. Some atheists go further in claiming that there is no god, but this is not necessarily implied by the term atheist.


Dalia Lama said, Life needs no purpose. It is it's own purpose.


Oh dear...
Yes, the title is 100% on spot - because these questions still exist pretty much only because people want satisfaction instead of truth.


My life is plagued with these questions in limbo in my mind. Causes a lot of existential depression in my daily life.


*Science beautifully explains us "how" something is designed and "how" something works, but, spirituality explains us "why".*
Example, we may see a car moving in a particular direction and then taking a turn and moving ahead. Science can explain how the car works, how the wheel rotates, how much force is applied, how the engine is running, etc, but science cannot tell us why the car is moving, why it is taking a turn. For that, we have to approach the person controlling the car.

Similarly, science explains the working of the universe with the help of forces and energy, but it leaves us mysterious about why the universe exists, why does it work in this way, for which we must approach the creator of the universe.


You forgot perhaps the biggest question: is human life objectively a good thing? Is it a good thing that we exist on this planet? People don’t like to think about this one but it is definitely not proven. The implications of it being disproven are frightening, so I understand why it isn’t at the forefront of discussion


1:08 Okay no that's not what belief means. belief is to believe in the existence of something without any evidence. such as believing in a god. To not believe in something without evidence is lack of belief. Your argument is like saying I believe that goblins don't exist or some imaginary character anybody could come up with. So I have belief. Belief is an acceptance that something ''exists or is true'', especially one without proof.
"his belief in extraterrestrial life"
Atheists don't believe in gods existence because there is no proof. So they have a lack of belief. To believe in something is to believe in that things existence without any evidence. You can't believe that something doesn't exist because of a lack of evidence.
Also if there is some type of incomprehensible cosmic god, then believing in him should not matter. He exists regardless of if I believe in him or not it makes no difference. Unless you believe that it is a vengeful spiteful god like the bible, which would not be beyond are comprehension. It would be giving a cosmic god of infinite power and splendor human emotions. sort of silly.


I'd just like to point out that we atheists don't "believe there is no god", we simply don't see any evidence for any. So, we are not attesting that there isn't one or even multiples for that matter. Should evidence arise we would be open to it. Agnosticism is more like a guy that's been going to church and he's on the fence about it.


Such a neat work of content. I very much enjoyed it.


I have come to a conclusion.
It doesnt matter at all, not at all, Just live your life the way you want because whether this life is an ilusion or not. This is the life we LIVE NOW, so there is no bigger point of trying to find an answer to our life.
Simple, yet it took almost a decade for me.


Question 2. Some studies similar to the one mentioned point to the impetous for the thoughts and decisions coming from somewhere the machines can't see. That is to say, the machines can see the functioning of the meat computer inside our skulls, but the spark for the decision impulses comes from an unseen place.

Could this be the soul or input from the simulation.


Science may not be able to answer the many questions that religions have answered, but science time and time again finds evidence that refutse the answers that religions give.


I have a good question. If there are 8 billion people, does that mean there are 8 billion birthdays or 365 birthdays?


1- You don't know if he exists, nobody does.
2- Yes, we have free will, because people can decide if we have free will therefore they would need free will themselves to do so.
3- Why not? If we were in different place we would ask the same thing.
4- Good and evil is subjective. They are controlled by emotional part of thinking.
5- You don't know if there is afterlife, nobody does.
There you go
Btw.: the video is cool, you're very intelligent dude.


Can you do a video on the process or the science of deductive reasoning, and how fallable it might be?


That moment when I realized I was laying almost like Buddha in the video.
