Rise of the Primarch codex - Review (WH40K)

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**Primarchs have returned**
My review of the Rise of the Primarch codex by Games Workshop.
Price £30
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Just to aide in your comparison with the Contemptor-Achillus:

The Achillus's 'Impaling' rule actually states: "On the turn in which this model charges, any To Hit rolls of 6 in assault mean it's attacks with this weapon are resolved as Strength D"

RAW, this means that ALL hits are resolved at Str:D if a 6 is rolled (with mastercrafted!!) This is probably a typo, as it's a ridiculous rule (and is currently a hot topic in 30k!), but there we are... :D

The Achillus is also getting 7 attacks on the charge with Mastercrafted (4 base, + 2 for 3ccw's as it's a walker, +1 for the charge), so it is likely that you will get 4-5 hits all resolved at Str:D with it...

Granted, Guilliman would swing first (and probably wreck it there and then), but worth noting all the same! :D

Really enjoyed this run through of GS:III, off to check out your Talons review now! :)


I was overpowered in this book but, wish I had slightly more character development.


Is Pappa Smurf overpowered ? The answer to that of course, is yes. Of course, as a Primarch he would naturally be overpowered. Which I suspect is why GW kept them out of the picture for so long, knowing that Primarchs would unbalence the game horribly. Unless you have a comparable character in your army when someone plays him, your'e screwed. And not screwed in just the normal sense ( nor in the pleasant sense either ), but in the " Getting raped by the bastard offspring of Nurgle and a Hive Fleet ( which had eaten some Dark Eldar and now enjoys there idea of " fun " ). Then the creature got possed by Slaanesh " type screwed....


I wish that Guilliman had some character development, but he didn't so there. He's just another bland character.
