NASA | SDO: Year 5

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February 11, 2015 marks five years in space for NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which provides incredibly detailed images of the whole sun 24 hours a day. Capturing an image more than once per second, SDO has provided an unprecedentedly clear picture of how massive explosions on the sun grow and erupt ever since its launch on Feb. 11, 2010. The imagery is also captivating, allowing one to watch the constant ballet of solar material through the sun's atmosphere, the corona.

In honor of SDO's fifth anniversary, NASA has released a video showcasing highlights from the last five years of sun watching. Watch the movie to see giant clouds of solar material hurled out into space, the dance of giant loops hovering in the corona, and huge sunspots growing and shrinking on the sun's surface.

The imagery is an example of the kind of data that SDO provides to scientists. By watching the sun in different wavelengths – and therefore different temperatures – scientists can watch how material courses through the corona, which holds clues to what causes eruptions on the sun, what heats the sun's atmosphere up to 1,000 times hotter than its surface, and why the sun's magnetic fields are constantly on the move.

Five years into its mission, SDO continues to send back tantalizing imagery to incite scientists' curiosity. For example, in late 2014, SDO captured imagery of the largest sun spots seen since 1995 as well as a torrent of intense solar flares. Solar flares are bursts of light, energy and X-rays. They can occur by themselves or can be accompanied by what's called a coronal mass ejection, or CME, in which a giant cloud of solar material erupts off the sun, achieves escape velocity and heads off into space. In this case, the sun produced only flares and no CMEs, which, while not unheard of, is somewhat unusual for flares of that size. Scientists are looking at that data now to see if they can determine what circumstances might have led to flares eruptions alone.

Goddard built, operates and manages the SDO spacecraft for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington, D.C. SDO is the first mission of NASA's Living with a Star Program. The program's goal is to develop the scientific understanding necessary to address those aspects of the sun-Earth system that directly affect our lives and society.

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Рекомендации по теме

Man, I'm speechless. What a time to be alive and be able to witness the sheer beauty of the universe.


this music makes me hope the sun wins the battle and saves the world


incredible. Proof that there is, indeed, a hot ball of plasma near the barycentre of our solar system.


It amazing the amount of people on Earth that take the sun for granted, saying things like oh it gives us light and sunny days when it fact it gives Life. In a boarder way of thinking the sun is our creator.


All I can say is : thank you, thank you for studying so hard and learning so much and for putting so many hours of discipline and love and endeavor on this project and sharing all this with us so we can share it with others.Thank you. Make goals not war.♥ Than you Manuel♥♥


One of the most amazing videos I've ever had the pleasure of viewing. Thanks for sharing.


You can actually see the gravity pulling the flames back in. This never gets old


I wish this video didn't end. It's such a beautiful showcase of heliophysics...I just love it!


One of the greatest things I've ever seen. Who could not be in awe of the scale and power of our universe.


Congrats on 10 years of SDO ! Such beautiful images and data. thank you and bravo.


As usual, the cosmos have shown us something that no special effects team could have.   Truly awesome!


who gives a thumbs down to the sun? seriously!


This video is absolutely amazing! The music was wonderful and the visuals were stunning. It just goes to show how incredible the universe is


What an astonishing amd detailed view of the sun Nasa gave us. We would never know how the sun works without science and research. You can clearly see the fluidic properties of hot plasma. I love watching these prominences arising and finally decaying... again and again... its just like life, isnt it?




Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso

Thanks NASA! You're some pretty amazing painters.


this is what (literally) keeps me warm


Very beautiful video! Thanks for making it! I can't even imagine how much time and effort you guys have put on this! 


How can people seriously think that this is fake, I have never seen anything like this before, It makes me feel so small and obsolete.The Majesty, It is life, it is everything....


This is so beautiful, to me proof enough for the existence of Science !!
