Is X-Men: The Last Stand Really That Bad?

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X-Men: The Last Stand was shorter, faster and way more popcorn-laden. It was mauled by fans and critics alike, and even as a kid I distinctly remember being sorely disappointed with it following up X2. It was probably one of the first time I’d gone to see something at the cinema and really honestly knew in my heart that this movie I was tremendously excited for sucked ass.

But is it really that bad? Well… yes and no.

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I busted out laughing in the theater when they cut from Xavier's funeral to Colossus walking through the school with a giant TV under his arm like he just raided the Professor's room.


The real issue was that it was trying to combine two different stories that don't mesh well together: the Cure and the Dark Phoenix. The Cure story fits perfectly with where the series was headed, though it needed the tone of the previous two to be fully perfect. Dark Phoenix really shoulda been what happened after - like X-Men 4, Rise of the Phoenix. Plus, splitting the two stories would've allowed for more time to develop the newer X-Men, namely Colossus and Angel.


I love the tattoo scene on this movie, because it really puts Magneto into perspective. The younger mutants think they're so hardcore but Magneto is like "i survived the Nazis. I'm the definition of hardcore"


I’m sorry but Wolverine calmly lighting a cigar off a flaming car while fiery debris flies through the background will never EVER fail to make me laugh😂


I always wondered if Pyro died at the end. He was knocked out, then Jean pretty much destroyed everything around her and we never saw him in the aftermath.


The main issue with last stand is that it actually has a lot of cool scenes, but it has no real structure. Imagine having a plate full of your favorite foods, but it just looks like a big mess.


I have imagined a parallel universe where Singer never abandoned X-Men 3 for Superman. In that universe of wishful thinking, he's not a perverse scoundrel and X-Men 3 was the first $1 billion superhero movie and Brad Bird was the director of Superman: Birthright starring a young Henry Cavill. Ah, how beautiful it could have been... Your video brings back memories. Thank you.


The treatment of Cyclops in these movies… what a shame. I mean, the treatment of most characters in these movies is poor, but Cyclops is the one I hope to see done well the most in the MCU.


What about Famke? Famke's performance in this film is truly remarkable -- she successfully carries Jean's rage we've seen building from X1 and X2. When Famke raised her arms into the Phoenix pose in the Grey Household, that moment was electrifying and disturbing, because we knew Exactly what that meant. Patrick Stewart seems horrified to sit before Famke. He cannot face her smothered fury. Famke grounds Phoenix in a way that has set a standard in our minds. She walked so Elizabeth Olsen could run.


*Compared to Dark Phoenix it’s basically a masterpiece.*


This video was quite the surprise. Would love to see you do a retrospective on all the X-Men movies now that the property is moving on to a new era as it gets integrated into the MCU


I have to say the soundtrack really had some gems. "The Death of X" and "The Phoenix Rises" are some of the best tracks in the series.


What they did to Cyclops and Profesional X was inexcusable. It becomes the Wolverine show, and he should not be powerful enough to take Dark Phoenix out on his own. I could go on and on


I love how you address the score in the film, most reviews don't do that they only look at the writing, action, acting etc etc


There was no main theme song in the X-men trilogy, each episode had their own theme song, it wasn't until later that they basically made the theme of X2 the official theme of the franchise


Wolverine’s transition to “leader” of the team didn’t flow well into shit. Charles very CLEARLY asks Storm to be his successor and the movie literally ignores that and pushes what should be the most powerful mutant in the movie to the side. And of course she’s a Black Woman.


I feel like if you know nothing about X-men beyond the first 2 films The Last Stand is a satisfying enough conclusion. But if you're even slightly a fan it's impossible to not be irritated by the decisions the film makes. Turning the most iconic storyline in arguably all of marvel comics into the b-plot, throwing away Jean and Scott's relationship to give Logan more screen time, killing off the leader of the x-men 20 minutes into the film, turning a regal powerful character like Storm into someone's was just too much lol. Totally agree with the commenter saying the cure should have been the only plot of this film and then Jean comes back in a phoenix focused story for X4. But the early 2000's loved their trilogies!


I remember being upset with how they treated Rogue in this movie. She was so important in the first two movies and in the last one she was just pushed aside. She wanted the Cure and I think she got it but if I recall it all happened off camera.


I can confirm that the "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" line got a huge laugh from the audience; we couldn't believe a YouTube meme made it into the actual movie!
Also, the soundtrack is pretty damn good, the climactic scene with Wolverine and Phoenix is one of my favorite epic scores ever!


I think how much you enjoy Last Stand is often inversely proportional to how invested you were in the earlier films. As someone who think X1&2 were ok at best and doesn’t really mind the ways Last Stand deviated from what those established…I think it’s a neat bit of dumb fun, with some interesting ideas and arcs.
