World Health Summit 2019 - Universal Health Coverage

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PD 10 - Universal Health Coverage
Expanding Rights and Access
Oct. 28, 2019, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Saal 6 - Europe

SDG 3.8 on UHC envisions that by 2030 all people can use the health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective, and without facing financial hardship. Despite strong international support for UHC, country level financing and implementation remains challenging. Multi-sectoral approaches involving the whole of government and society are key to generate political will for investment in UHC and drive appropriate reforms.

Ensuring equitable access to universal health coverage has many dimensions. New models are emerging around the world which ensure inclusiveness by strengthening social participation. These include new mechanisms like people’s health assemblies and other forms of participation that ensure citizens and patients voices in the setting of priorities. The recognition of social participation is also reflected in the strong engagement of civil society in the UHC 2030 multistakeholder platform. Strengthening accountability and advocacy are central to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage.

The role for the private sector in achieving universal health coverage (UHC) remains subject to much debate. One reason stems from the multiple and complex processes implicated in achieving UHC. While the overarching aim of UHC is to ensure that everyone has access to affordable and quality health products and services regardless of background, in practice this requires strengthening health financing for and service provision of, an agreed package of basic health services across a broad population. Yet there remains no blueprint for how this might be accomplished.

Global Solutions Initiative
M8 Alliance
The Graduate Institute Geneva - Global Health Center

Prof. Dr. Ilona Kickbusch
The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies | Global Health Center | Chair of the International Advisory Board | Switzerland

UHC 2030 | Co-Chair
Dr. Margaret Chan
Boao Forum For Asia | President | Hong Kong
World Health Organization | Emeritus Director-General

Carissa F. Etienne
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) | Director | United States of America

Dr. Githinji Gitahi
AMREF Health Africa Group | Global CEO & Director General | Kenya
UHC 2030 | Co-Chair

Dr. Frederik Kristensen
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) | Deputy CEO | Norway

Dr. Harald Nusser
Novartis | Head of Novartis Social Business | Germany

Prof. Dr. Dennis J. Snower
Global Solutions Initiative | President | Germany
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