World Health Summit 2019 - The Role of AI in Healthcare Innovation

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PD 04 - The Role of AI in Healthcare Innovation
Ethical Challenges of AI Innovation
Oct. 27, 2019, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Saal 6 - Europe

Numerous innovations that build on Artificial Intelligence and other technologies such as the Internet of Things and Nanotechnologies are developing and already getting adopted in the health and care sectors. At the same time policy-makers internationally are under pressure to address ethical challenges raised by these technologies. Currently there is much focus on Artificial Intelligence. The European Commission’s High-Level Group on Ethics and AI recently published their guidance. The incoming European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen intends to put forward AI legislation in the first 100 days of her mandate.
EIT Health has volunteered to put the EU’s AI and Ethics guidelines to the test. Utilising AI-related health innovation projects as test cases and interrogating the potential practical utilisation of these guidelines aims to identify how they can be implemented and where shortcomings exist. This is a first in examining the concrete application of these guidelines in a highly relevant sector. The world is closely following Europe’s path into ethics and AI, in terms of guidance and law. Many are wondering whether this guidance will become as relevant internationally as Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation for privacy.
Immediately after the panel session, EIT Health will host a media session with the participation of Jan-Philipp, Paul Timmers and Roberto Viola. We are expecting between 20 to 30 journalist to attend the session.

EIT Health (European Institute for Innovation and Technology)

Prof. Dr. Paul Timmers
University of Oxford | Chief Advisor EIT Health | United Kingdom
European Policy Centre | Senior Advisor | United Kingdom

Umar Naeem Ahmad
Abtrace | CEO | United Kingdom

Hila Azadzoy
Ada Health GmbH | Managing Director, Global Health Initiatives | Germany

Jan-Philipp Beck
EIT Health | Chief Executive Officer | Germany

Prof. Dr. Peter Dabrock
German Ethics Council | Chair German Ethics Council | Germany

Susanne Dehmel
BITKOM | Managing Director Law and Security | Germany

Dr. Hans Hofstraat
Philips Research | Vice President Research | The Netherlands

Marco Marsella
European Commission | Head of the eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing Unit | Belgium

Prof. Dr. Paul F. M. J. Verschure
Catalan Institute for Bioengineering of Catalunya (IBEC)) | Specs-Lab Director | Spain
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