Anakin loans the Twilight to Obi-Wan (Clone Wars Deleted Scene)

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This deleted scene was supposed to be in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5 episode 16, but ended up getting cut.
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Would you have kept this scene in?
I like that they brought the Twilight back, since it hadn't appeared for so long. It last appeared in the start of season 2.


Bro gave him the worst ship so he would be stuck there and have to spend more time with his gf


And on that day, Obi-Wan learned 2 things

1) Maul survived the encounter on Florrum
2) never borrow a ship from Anakin


who knew the twilight started like a car


I've lost count on how many times I've seen Anakin crash a ship


I personally wish they included this scene. For one, I really do love the conversation between Anakin and Obi-Wan in this scene. Also, it would've been nice to give the Twilight a little more screen time before it gets destroyed in the same episode. Lastly, this would've been a nice setup for Obi-Wan's line when he lands at Mandalore, "Anakin, that's the last time I borrow a ship from you." But I do understand why this was cut. Most of these scenes are cut for time, and this is no exception. Still though, it would've been nice if they kept this scene in the episode.


They should've kept this scene in, especially since it's the last time Anakin and Ahsoka see or use the Twilight.


That actually explains why Obi Wan and Satine weren't able to leave quickly enough when they got into the Twilight.


They packed a LOT into this episode-- one of the most intense half hrs of the entire series-- so it's not surprising this was cut for time.


0:44 Even with unfinished animation, that silent stare communicates just how done Obi-Wan is lmao


1:02 The ship is so old and damaged that it must be turned on like vehicles from planets thousands of years ago.


That crappy ship pretty much got Satine killed


A simalar but different scene like this apears in the book "The Clone Wars: stories of Light and Dark." The following sample is in pages 302-305:
"Going somewhere, Master?"
Obi-wan stopped in his tracks. Reluctantly, he turned around.
Anakin wore that smug smile Obi-wan knew he would. But the smirk was balanced by the concern in his friends eyes.
"What’s in the bag?"
"Oh, you know, traveling clothes, " Obi-wan said breezily, "One likes tk be appropriately dressed for any occasion."
Anakin lowered his voice. "Including an unauthorized mission to Mandalore?"
Obi-wan waited for a mechanic to pass out of earshot.
"I presume Padme told you about Dutchess Satine's message to me?"
"Yes, and how the jedi council refused your request to help her."
Obi-wan frowned. Just hearing the words brought up a disturbing flash of anger. He took a calming breath.
"It’s not like you to disobey an order, Master."
"This is... different Anakin."
"I understand if it were Padme in trouble..."
"That’s not what I mean."
Again, Anakin's barley suppressed smile said something different from the grave look in his eyea. "Well, in any case, im commimg with you."
Obi-wan had forseen this. Anakin was as close asa brother, and of course he wouldn't let Obi-wan face the mission alone. So Obi-wan gave Anakin an answer crafted to convince him to stay behind.
"The presence of one Jedi on Mandalore will be hard enough to conceal. Two Jedi will be impossible. You'd put the mission at risk. And Satine"
Obi-wan watched the struggle on Anakin’s face: the thing hevwantrd ti do versus the thing he needed to do. In the end, reason won out. This was much to Obi-wan's relief. He wasn't sure what he would have done if Anakin decided the other way.
"At least take my ship, master."
"The Twilight? That bucket of bolts? I thought you liked me."
"Corellian freighters come and go from Mandalore by the dozens. She’s your besr chance at landing unchallenged. Besides, the transponder's malfunctioning, so you can leave Coruscant’s orbit without anybody noticing."
It was Obi-wan’s turn to smirk Malfunctioning or deactivated on purpose?"
Anakin shrugged with innocence. "Hey, you know the Twilight. She's seen some heavy battles in the ladt few weeks. It takes a toll."
"Thank you, Anakin." He clasped his Padawan’s shoulder in farewell. Obi-wan's jaw tighted. He felt... somethjng. A shadow. Prehaps tge grip of fear for Satine he'd been trying to control. Or a flash of anger at the Council's unwillingness tk help her.
Obi-wan swallowed. "I'll be back as soon as I can."
Anakin nodded. "You do what you need to do. I'll be waiting."


I wish this ship was never destroyed and that anakin gave it to ahsoka after she left the order, it would've made an awesome "main character ship" in the ahsoka TV series


Anakin helping Obi Wan with his relationship again.


anakin: we should change the name from twilight to flawless
obi-wan: 👁👄👁


Bro ship had a cold start I’m in tears ☠️☠️😊


Must say this should have stayed in to make it fair to anakin because it is the last time he sees this ship


This is a gem why didn't they put it in


Obi Wan: I've got a bad feeling about this
